Dirt demo on Live Marketplace this Thursday

I just tried out the pc version, and it lays waste to my pc. Barley hitting 30 fps. Even at 640*480 and everything on low I'm just touching 50fps. I can only hope its a vista issue or a nvidia g80 driver issue. Anyone else tried it?
Looks great on the X360, solid framerate, 4x AA, HDR, i like the color setup (altho a bit to brown, its better than the color palette forza 2 uses)
This game is a dissapointment for me!
I cant play this game with highest settings, 2xaa, 1024x768 on my 7900gt 512mb.
It barely reaches 25fps when i´m racing alone!
Codemasters must be red of shame:oops: because even Crysis runs better on a G80 than it does in Dirt.:LOL:
And yea we all know that the Crysis graphics is OMGSORZBBQ!!111oneone11!eleven!!! in comparasion with the graphic Dirt delievers.

But hey! Why cry? We have Crysis!;)

I guess you have linked wrong?
Anyways it seems like they have ruined it for PC with purpose.
Why? Because it seems like most of the game is limited to the CPU and the game doesnt ´support Dual-core or Quad-core.:p
Not buying the game and im not buying Operation Flashpoint 2 because im 99% sure that codemasters has got it up in the..........
My impressions from the 360 demo is that it should be pushing all my buttons, but somehow doesn't.
It looks pretty, but ignoring the bloom I'd still rather have RSC2 (which ran at 60FPS) than this. The road / sand texture from the buggy races looks awful, and much too static (unlike Motorstorm for example).
Probably not a bad game, but somehow the demo doesn't quite do it for me.

Oh, and the voice-over is just not on...
that was a good interview linked above... some quotes...

Do you think people make too much of a big deal of the 30/60 fps thing? Alex Grimbley: There are techniques you can do know that you couldn’t in the past that make the difference a lot less noticeable. The next generation consoles really let you mask over that. The motion blur for instance has been taken to such a level that it smoothes the whole screen. Like I say, we’re delighted with how Dirt looks.

Tell us about the dirt in Dirt. Just how dirty is it? Alex Grimbley: For a start we’ve got a fantastic particle system which is part of our new engine, Neon. We’ve got so many different types of kick-up depending on what type of surface you’re on, it all has it’s own physics, and it’s even affected by the wind in the environment. You’ll see dust clouds billowing in the wind for example. Everything you crash into emits some kind of dirt. It’ll get on your windshield and you’ll have to use your wipers to get it off. It’ll build up on your bodywork and you can even wash your car at the end of the stage if you want to. Basically we’ve got loads of systems just to muddy cars up!

Are there dynamic weather effects? Alex Grimbley: The weather will change from stage to stage, as will the time of day. That gives a really nice feeling of progression as the day goes by or you move from country to country. Rain will, of course, make the dirt wet, and we’ve got loads of different types of mud. Wet mud, dry mud, gravel mud...

So how many different types of dirt are there in Dirt? Loads – we have over 65 distinct surface variations throughout the game.

We understand Dirt’s Xbox Live mode is very different to other racing games. Tell us about why it’s unique and why it’s cool... Alex Grimbley: We looked at doing the standard race-against-each-other-on-track Xbox Live modes but since we’re doing so many different things with Dirt we wanted to try something new and see how people liked it. So what we’ve done is give you a 100 player race on hill climb and point-to-point tracks. Not all 100 are on the track with you, but there’s a leaderboard on the right of the screen that shows your time in relation to everyone else’s. It changes really quickly and it gets really tense because you know one little error will see you drop down the list, but if you really nail a bend then you’ll see yourself jump up a few places. It’s really instantly rewarding. And because there’s 100 players racing against you there’s a real sense of achievement if you do well and make a podium place. Another cool thing is that there’s no cheating. No one will bully you off into a wall or drive the wrong way around the track, and if you wreck your car you’ve only got yourself to blame.

How do you think people will react to such a different style of Xbox Live racing? Alex Grimbley: We know it’s very different, but we think people really need to get in and give it a go to really see for themselves how much fun it is. One of the important things for us was to make it instant and easily accessible, even for people who had never been online before. We’re not forcing them to compete directly against hardcore competitors, because you can have your own little battles with the drivers around you rather than falling half-a-lap behind another four or five cars.
[maven];1011629 said:
...The road / sand texture from the buggy races looks awful, and much too static ...

I'm thinking the full game with the 65 different surfaces including mud from dynamic weather will satisfy the demo's shortcoming in that regard. ;)
360 version - The game is slightly choppy, though its seems to be the cockpit view thats the most stressful. Behind view looking at the car is a lot smoother.

Same thing on the pc version, you loose a good chunk of fps when you jump into cockpit view.

@ dragon, at your settings i get around 28-35 fps cockpit view and 39-51 fps behind the car view. Ive got a 2.6ghz althon x2. so if you have similar performing cpu then its unlikely a cpu limitation.
The PC version seems very poorly optimised. Im running it on a GTS and can barely manage 30fps (with drops in to 20's) on high settings.

On the other hand I have tried the game on medium and it looks virtually identical apart from the reflection updates.

Currently im running at 1360x768 with 4xMSAA and 16xAF with all medium details apart from reflections which are on high and everything on.

Its pretty smooth but not as smooth as the 360 version. Does seem to look better though although im not sure if thats down to graphical detail or just a more muted colour pallet.
I managed to download it!
It is quite pretty, I think I noticed some slowdown in the dirt buggy stage and overall I didn't find that mode very interesting, but the asphalt stage and the hill climb were enjoyable.
A bit too arcadey to my taste. No sooner you get in the car you are Ari Vatanen. Wonderful.

Other than that, the game looks fine -the framerate makes my head spin, though- and it's still fun. Definitively not my cup of tea but worth buying once it drops in price (from half a year on).
I'm impressed actually... Very good looking game, and I was frankly rather unreasonably impressed when i first whacked into one of the metal barriers and it realistically deformed under the impact. The damage to both the cars and environment are very nicely done.

In car views are awesome and the y button to glance up at the rear view mirror is a nice little touch in that view setting.

The gameplay seems pretty good to me, I had a lot of fun for the 30 mins or so i was playing earlier (too much work to do :().

If they pack it with a decent xbox live multiplayer then I'm sold.
i haven't personally tried, but given that it has buttons for gear up and gear down, i'd say it was a safe bet :LOL:

that multiplayer sounds a bit dubious for me.... It's a shame there isn't side by side action, even if it would only be one on one. That's moved this game from a "must buy" to a "hmmmm..." :( As much as I like the game my main playtime comes from playing friends on live, and this doesn't sound like a very rewarding live experience in my book.
This game has very nice presentation. It's like how people used to think OSs and web browsing of the future would be like. And the cars deform! But I don't like racing games.
This game has very nice presentation. It's like how people used to think OSs and web browsing of the future would be like. And the cars deform! But I don't like racing games.

Agreed, the presentation is very slick, best I can remember for a long time in fact.

I would love to hear from the devs on how the settings of the PC version compare to the 360 though. The PC version just seems horribly slow and im wondering what they are doing differently to make it so? Is it just poor optimisation or are the medium/high settings on the PC doing something the 360 isn't?

God forbid the 360 version is equivilent to PC "ultra" settings or it would be running the game faster than an 8800 Ultra!