There were multiplatform games back on PS2/Xbox? I can't for the life of me remember; All I played were superb looking exclusive that IMO never found their match on the Xbox. Yes, PS2 games were extremely rough IQ wise, but boy did that thing have bandwidth, particles and geometry. I much preferred most "pixelated" PS2 games to the "blurry" looking games the Xbox had (that often seemed over saturated).
EDIT: As I said though; PS2 and Xbox both went in very different directions hardware wise though. PS2 was pure bruteforce. I actually quite liked the bland looking games on the PS2. Gave it a much more realistic color palette to boot and I still think ZOE or MGS3, or even Jak & Daxter was never quite done on the Xbox. The Xbox's best went in an entirely different direction tech wise - the most gorgeous games there with higher res textures and much more colorful, vibrant etc. Overall the Xbox was stronger yes, but both had verydifferent strengths.