Now that I think about it, 60fps was a product of the CRT era, and the system was outputting an interlaced signal to get that 60fps, at 480i, not 480p. Some games could do progressive at 60fps, but most couldn't. 60fps has always been the exception, not the rule. Frankly, I'm not sure where this sudden fascination with 60fps has come from, except PC gamers that are used to it. But, frankly, a solid 30fps is perfectly fine for most titles. The operative word being "solid". Most of the "30fps" games that people complain about actually have framerates that fluctuate wildly, dipping as low as the teens and rarely actually hitting the 30fps target. I suppose some people get that into their heads that that's what 30fps is, and so they hate it. But take something like Lego Marvel on PS4. The action is so smooth that I honestly had a hard time telling that it was "only" 30fps instead of 60. I had to look for specific markers to tell me what was going on, something that 99.99% of gamers don't even know exist, much less would actually think to look for. They probably think the game does run at 60fps because of how smooth it is.
lol what? Where are you getting this bullshit from?
People like 60+ frames per second because of input latency, especially in competitive games. Call of Duty is one of the best selling franchises of all time, you think people wont notice the difference going from 60 to 30 frames per second? Its 16.6ms vs 33.3ms per frame, players being near equal, guess who has the decision making advantage.