Outside of making drastic changes that would really negate everything that was promoted as making this the true nextgen AC game, then I kind of doubt there will be substantial improvements. Your talking about a 20% improvement in performance needed to go from 24fps to 30fps, and far more than that for those big dips down into the teens. I hope they can do it honestly, even though I wont be playing it, there are tons of people who paid good money for this game, and as it stands, its seems like Ubisoft really let down their fans. The shady part is the deception game they played. Not allowing reviewers to post reviews prior to launch was pretty tacky. Unity probably wont suffer much, but this could put a cloud over the series going forward. Its really unfortunate. When you really think about it, the crowds seem to big for reality. Everyone in the entire city seems to be congregating outside filling the streets. Who knows though, perhaps this games problems stem from a plethora of issues. We assume its just the crowds, but perhaps there is far more to it than that.