I'm sorry but this is silly. Their whole point is grabbing the best possible footage, which means Full RGB, 1080p, and 60fps. Their whole point is not having footage in the first place, but for being able to do a technical analysis, and this is what their requirements are and should be.
Everyone saying that the footage was screwy and that they should have checked is misguided - this is not about getting the best possible picture out there because you are a broadcasting company and it's all about the viewer's experience, this is about getting the best possible capture for technical analysis. As many said before, 30fps is completely unacceptable (and the rate that everyone else got) as the framerate analysis component far outweighs any coloring issues. Whether you think it is more important to compare limited range output just because the Xbox One had an issue at this point, or whether it would have been more important to take the original footage is up for debate. Everyone else has the limited range footage, so that wouldn't have brought much to the table, imho. Instead now we know that the Xbox One has an issue, and can look for Microsoft to clarify that the issue is fixed at some point before launch, or whenever.
For me it definitely matters - I get a clear picture improvement when I select Full RGB, and for those using PC displays for their console it would matter too, as their displays generally only work with 0-255 output in the first place.