If you are in discussion with one of the coordination types who receives feedback from devs (or someone who has talked with someone like that, or someone who has attended a meeting on the current state of the development tools and where work needs to be invested based on current developer hardware usage, or someone who has seen the minutes of the meeting and a slide saying only 1 developer out of all SCEW studios is investing in GPU compute), then yes, you can hear the opinions of all of Sony's developers, as it were.Right, and I believe you're talking to developers of which there will be thousands, probably tens of thousands, of individuals who know the details of the SDK and PS4's memory allocation, but what I don't believe is the experiences of PS4 developers - all PS4 developers - are known to other PS4 developers.
Regardless, this is all very boring and OT. Either believe (((interference))) or not. Every opinion is just an opinion until proven anyway, so it makes little difference whether (((interference))) knows anything or not when discussing what's happening. Believing devs are using compute without any evidence is just as misguided as believing they aren't using compute because some anonymous voice on the internet said they weren't.