The last Red faction chapter is worse than the previous, talking only of a gameplay perspective but tech wise, is really remarkable the amount of physics, interactivity, buffer, both mixed on the screen... maybe the 60 fps target aren't so steady, but the tecnology behind this game imho deserve more credits even if is it 'only' 960x540p. Talking of resistance 3, honestly, really ps3 can hit only that at 960x704P? I'm a bit surprise & counfonded. I see monochromatic colours, mediocre texture, fire effect really opinable (consider the plot fantascientic of the game); the mixed bug not appear surely the worse thing ever, probably the use of the overdraws is remarkable, but the cost for something so subtle it's too much,imho, which could be realized with more cheaper, artigianal 'alternatives' ways & to dedicate more sources in others areas more evident .
But Red Faction doesn't target 60fps, in fact it hardly ever goes above 30fps. IMO, outside of the physics, all of your complaints about R3 can also be directed to Red Faction.
Judging by your comment, your issue is that a ps3 exclusive is at this resolution with what you consider average effects, correct? It's not like the system has finite amount of resources, and I'm sure Insomniac didn't come to the resolution decision lightly.
IIRC colors don't make a difference in performance, and from what I saw, the texture quality hasn't suffered compared to R1 or R2 textures. Fire looks fine to me as well, at least compared to R2. Basically, if you're a fan of the Resistance series, R3 is very comparable to R2 in many of the aspects that you're complaining about. Also the effects that can create overdraw are hardly subtle IMO. It can mean the difference between a game looking sterile and a game looking like a battlefield. Smoke, fire, explosions, particles, etc. all create overdraw.
Besides, that's only one [logical] reason for the resolution drop. We also know they improved their lighting, so maybe that could have played a part in the resolution drop as well.
In the end we just don't know, but I think you're being just a bit too down on the game. :smile:
The quality of visuals always represent the set of tradeoffs you choose to make, coupled with artistic decisions.
I wouldn't judge the technical merits of a product based off its visuals at this point.
It's not like PS1/N64 where getting 50% more polygons allowed artists to make things look a lot better.
For example trading of polygon count for more complex shaders or better shadows or whatever, could result in better or worse looking product depending on how the art department utilizes them.
Good looking has as much or more to do with art direction than technology at this point.
I understand and agree with this, have made similar comments myself in the past.
I concur in part, but I think it's more a mixed of both than the prevalence of only one of this, at least judging the console department imho. Frankly don't like the choice on both in Resistance 3, but I just tries to motivate the reason more from the tech perspective to not go too much OT.
What I think he's trying to say is that many of these games share similar technologies today. So better art will usually contribute to a better looking game, more so than better tech. You can have the most advanced engine in the world, but your game still look poor with bad art. While there are great looking games that may not be so impressive on the tech side, but exhibit great art.
For example, while many people like to look at Uncharted 2 as a tech benchmark, I have always thought the great art is what makes that game a visual feast. Don't get me wrong, the tech is impressive as well, but again I think the art is what carried it to that top-tier status.