Flappy Pannus
Right now there are only 20k players. Dragons Dogma 2 has 10x more. So i think doing just the minimum for a port is not enough after one year.
Just 9 years ago Rise of the Tomb Raider was ported by Nixxes with VXAO. Six years ago Nixxes implemented RT shadows in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The pattern with Sony ports is obvious:
Has the PS5 version raytracing support? PC gets it, too.
Uses the PS5 version UE4? It maybe gets updated with raytracing.
Every other PS game port has not be updated with Raytracing (God of War, The Uncharted, The Last of Us). Cant be so hard to implement standards like AO, shadows and reflections which are available since 2018/2019...
I really don't think games like this aren't selling gangbusters on the PC because they don't have VXAO or RT. They don't sell in huge amounts at launch because they're 2-3 year old games that have been available at large discounts during that release and between the PC release which is being sold at full price. This is often a stunning looking game even with 'just' SSAO, the rendering tech is not the sales bottleneck here.