DF Direct Weekly #150: Xbox Business Update, Sony Financials Reaction - Is The Future Multi-Plat?
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:14 News 01: Microsoft explains multiplatform strategy
0:45:50 News 02: Sony: PS5 sales have peaked
1:05:22 News 03: Rich ‘downgrades’ from 8K to 4K
1:17:15 News 04: Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore released
1:23:01 Supporter Q1: Why don’t more games support Dolby Vision and HDR 10+?
1:32:41 Supporter Q2: Given the limited power of the consoles, should developers reconsider including performance modes?
1:41:16 Supporter Q3: Given Nvidia’s tech lead in GPUs, aren’t they an attractive choice for a next-gen console?
1:47:00 Supporter Q4: Can Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s image quality issues be fixed with a quick patch, or is there a more fundamental limit?
1:53:09 Supporter Q5: Whatever happened to the Vulkan graphics API?