Every BC title released after July 13 required the title to run BC on PS5 in native mode.
Games before July 13 were not forced to comply with PS5 native mode so they can run in Pro Legacy and PS4 legacy, but most were tested to run at PS5 native anyway. The goal of releasing a game at PS5 native mode is to ensure its running maximum clocks without crashing, otherwise there are 2 locked preset ones below in case a PS5 mode induced crashing.
Judging by the resolution differences and framerate differences, I think it’s fair to say that PS5 is using boosted clocks and PS5 BC native mode here. I don’t see any evidence that this is running in Pro Legacy or PS4 Legacy mode.
PS5 doesn’t limit CUs for BC. So the only way I see it gaining that extra performance is to be running native mode.
About my only explanations I can have here for its performance is that BC native mode still runs on variable clock speeds based upon a chosen rule set. It may be in PS5 interests at times to slow down the clock rate during BC mode in moments in thinks it could crash the game.
But that’s about the best I’ve got. Poor coding otherwise. Unfortunately for the dips etc and lack of Higher AF. Maybe worthwhile working out the math for GCN flops because GCN can only issue a new instruction every 4 cycles as opposed to every cycle on RDNA. This may also have an affect here