I'm 67 now, I've killed
, and am besieging the gates of
. By the way people, don't commit my mistake and browse through the achievements before you receive them. I got spoiled... 
The game's getting kinda hard now I have to say. The early gear upgrades were a huge buff, but then the curve shallows out significantly. I was still fighting in the city while I turned 66 and gear drops were item level 61 for the longest time before level 66 started dropping. They're not very big upgrades though, if you have a high-end level 61 item it can be better than an average 66.
It's also really, really disappointing that it's better (to a significant degree) to equip a 66 hand crossbow together with a 61 quiver (with a marquise gem socked into it) than to equip two 66 hand crossbows. IMO, that makes no sense, and should never be the case.
I've received several terrible legendaries, including two that I salvaged immediately due to being as shit as any random drop you get in this game (like, no vitality at all, zero other stats, no sockets etc), and one or two that I temporarily put on my follower instead until I find a random yellow that beats the pants off of the legendary. Also received a legendary bow drop with stats that were only barely better than the random yellow weapon I was using. It also had no socket, which severely underpowers weapons in this game IMO. Gems really do make a big, big difference.
Interesting bug: some time after completing the Crusader's quest, all of his gear disappeared completely. I was wondering why he kept dying all the time (except, he doesn't really die....*ahem*), and when I went to check if a drop would suit him I noticed all his gear slots were empty. Wtf.
Well, beta is beta eh! Lucky I hadn't given him anything really important!
Anyway, is there a compelling reason to use anything but the templar? The others don't really do all that much damage, and the templar's heals really can be life-saving oftentimes.
Btw, I wish they'd fix the issue where you can consume health founts even though you're at max health... I was about to engage a boss when I mis-clicked on a fount, and nearly died as a result. Some of these bosses make a stupid amount of almost unavoidable area damage, if you're a class with low self-heal ability (hey hey, demon hunter here!), things can get rough.
Okay, there's some runes and stuff that can help, but at the cost of damage throughput. Still, no good being a dead glass cannon is there?!
Maybe I ought to look into those options, as things are getting rather rough in the game right about now... Early on I mostly waded through monsters, but at this stage they clean my chronometer if I don't watch myself. Not sure I want to know what the endboss is gonna be like! Heh.
Adria - WTF? I thought they'd do more with her TBH considering the lore behind this character and they just throw her away like this - unless it's all a ruse the plyer's supposed to fall for, which I sincerely hope
pandemonium fortress
The game's getting kinda hard now I have to say. The early gear upgrades were a huge buff, but then the curve shallows out significantly. I was still fighting in the city while I turned 66 and gear drops were item level 61 for the longest time before level 66 started dropping. They're not very big upgrades though, if you have a high-end level 61 item it can be better than an average 66.
It's also really, really disappointing that it's better (to a significant degree) to equip a 66 hand crossbow together with a 61 quiver (with a marquise gem socked into it) than to equip two 66 hand crossbows. IMO, that makes no sense, and should never be the case.
I've received several terrible legendaries, including two that I salvaged immediately due to being as shit as any random drop you get in this game (like, no vitality at all, zero other stats, no sockets etc), and one or two that I temporarily put on my follower instead until I find a random yellow that beats the pants off of the legendary. Also received a legendary bow drop with stats that were only barely better than the random yellow weapon I was using. It also had no socket, which severely underpowers weapons in this game IMO. Gems really do make a big, big difference.
Interesting bug: some time after completing the Crusader's quest, all of his gear disappeared completely. I was wondering why he kept dying all the time (except, he doesn't really die....*ahem*), and when I went to check if a drop would suit him I noticed all his gear slots were empty. Wtf.
Well, beta is beta eh! Lucky I hadn't given him anything really important!
Anyway, is there a compelling reason to use anything but the templar? The others don't really do all that much damage, and the templar's heals really can be life-saving oftentimes.
Btw, I wish they'd fix the issue where you can consume health founts even though you're at max health... I was about to engage a boss when I mis-clicked on a fount, and nearly died as a result. Some of these bosses make a stupid amount of almost unavoidable area damage, if you're a class with low self-heal ability (hey hey, demon hunter here!), things can get rough.
Okay, there's some runes and stuff that can help, but at the cost of damage throughput. Still, no good being a dead glass cannon is there?!