Diablo III - It's official

Did everyone else read the part I quoted completely differently than I did? He said in what I thought was plain English that he disliked the idea of random loot drops. The only alternative, in the Diablo game as it existed up until now, is the AH.

If that's not what was meant, then make your statements a little more clearly, and don't get your panties in such a bunch when someone mistakes your statement for its opposite.
Whuh? I said in plain english I dislike the idea of loot drops that are so rare most players never see them (which was the diablo3 1.x loot system), how much plainer than that can you get?

2.x system (the current), where you have a reasonable chance of acquiring good loot for your character on your own (without having to go to the bloody auction house), is obviously far more superior.
It is frankly incredibly annoying. Something that should be rare, and should cause excitement when it drops instead becomes just another ho-hum, time to vendor it loot.

It could have used a boost in drop rate, but how it is currently is freaking ridiculous. Legendaries are not even remotely rare. They aren't even uncommon anymore, IMO.

But at least with 2.0.1, some of the legendaries will actually be useful.

Well, you do have a point. For people who play the game a lot, legendaries will eventually overflow the coffers, and you will probably sell them to vendors (This of course is subject to tweaking, and perhaps having legendaries contain ingredients that your craftsman can only access by dismantling them, or some such.)

On the other hand, I can certainly see Gralls point as well.
The basic premise behind the auction house was that you would sell your own drops there, and then buy whatever you wanted/needed from someone else. But going shopping fundamentally isn't anywhere near as exciting as doing battle with a terrible monster and then going through its treasures. And that, even for people that adopted to using the auction house, simply made the whole game that much more bland. Regardless of balancing issues, which has already been discussed.

I think drops will be tweaked further, and that the game overall will be a better off for it versus the old model.
Right. Just as I deleted all my characters for the 2nd time.

Officially: done with this fucking game.
Just fed up with the game and its bullshit, that's all. (Specifically: overpowered random elite monsters that you can't win against, despite regular monsters being completely piss-easy.)
Just fed up with the game and its bullshit, that's all. (Specifically: overpowered random elite monsters that you can't win against, despite regular monsters being completely piss-easy.)

Just like Diablo 2. Nothing has changed there and since we loved D2 so much, that's not really something to complain about.
Never had much problems with D2s elite packs after Blizz corrected the more idiotic monster attributes (msleb, heal-on-teleport specifically. Fire enchanted was also a problem for mainly melee chars, but I played necro and zon mostly, so I wasn't affected much.)
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I can solo thru any elite pack on T1-2 with my wizard or barb. Like butter. But the wiz's base dmg is 270k and his electrocution is being boosted by 27% from different armor pieces. I get a 2nd new Tal Rasha piece and that'll be another 5%.
I can solo thru any elite pack on T1-2 with my wizard or barb. Like butter. But the wiz's base dmg is 270k and his electrocution is being boosted by 27% from different armor pieces. I get a 2nd new Tal Rasha piece and that'll be another 5%.

What's the best way to get dmg up,that high on wiz?

I'm hovering around 70k dmg, 1mil toughness and 1000heal.

The lack of dmg is really annoying.

That's a pure lightning build for stun-locking crowds of mobs. Dominance keeps me alive along with force pushing melee crap away from me. I prefer tornadoes in dungeons though instead of meteor.

My barb is the real beast. While his paper dmg is 50k lower than my wiz's, he clears rooms out in seconds and moves around like the Six Million Dollar man thanks to some of his legendaries. I can get his toughness close to 3m with some respeccing, more diamonds socketed, different armor pieces I have in my stash. Good for group hellfire runs against T4-5 bosses.

Edit: I'm convinced Loot 2.0 favors barbs though. His Templar uses nothing but legendaries and sports around 60k dmg and about 1.2m toughness.

Edit2: and since posting I got a new belt. It was 8.5% less paper dmg than my old belt, but since I use a lightning build that 15% to all lightning skills was well worth the trade-off. Plus it was 10% more toughness. And I'll use the mystic to reroll that blades skill boost to hopefully something more useful for me.
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And Amazon decided to hold onto my Reaper of Souls CE for over 30 hours in "shipping soon" status. So instead of it arriving yesterday, it arrives tomorrow. Gonna have to write a whiney complaint to get a free credit out of them.
Bought the CE box at a retail store, then went and spent the next three hours having a nice sauna, then upon coming home I had to re-build my PC due to graphics card replacement. Took me quite a while, having to re-jig almost every cable in the friggin box. :p Near midnight I was done with activating the key. Bah.

(Why am I buying the box of a game whose characters I deleted only days previous? Because I'm nuts, that's why.)
Apparently the strength of the mobs scale with your character's level, so if you play Torment and have bad luck with items as me you may want to lower difficulty to Master or even lower at some point :( After all, Torment is for people with multiple legendaries and at about level 66 good yellows are largely on par or better than level 60 legendaries.

Also levelling is a bit too quick. My barb is already 70 and still not finished Act V, but that's probably because I play at Master.