Received a beta invite today, and have been playing a couple hours until I got disconnected abruptly from the game server. Maybe something crashed, maybe something else, I dunno.
Early impressions, beyond the somewhat laggy experience due to test realms being located further off geographically than regular realms: it's dark.
Veeery very dark.
Anyone who hated the rainbow after the spider cave in act one of D3 ought to spooge their pants immediately upon seeing the expansion, it is THAT dark...

Color tones generally range from blacks, dark slate grey and lots of blues.
I'm getting really terrible framerate by the way. Game seems stuck at 30fps or less, despite my GPU(s) not being stressed at all; fans don't spin up above idle revs from what my ears tell me.
There's some beta wonkyness. NPCs that are friendly yet attackable, items with missing/glitchy text and stats and so on. This for a game that has been live for nearly two years and an expansion launching in two months. *shrug* Beta is beta I guess.
I made a crusader who became level 1, and ran up through tristram to the cathedral. By that time he was level 6, so leveling seems sped up quite a bit. Then I copied my main characters over from live to the PTR, and that totally wiped out the little crusader I made along with game settings and keybinds and reset everything to default again... Oops! Oh well. He was only level 6, which I reached in what, ten minutes?
Less items drop, but it's hard to tell if they're really all that much better than what you found in the past, my sample size is really small so far, but from what I can tell, pure stats seem less common now than under "loot 1.0" system. Instead there's other affixes, more resists and so on. *shrug* Like I said, small sample size. I shouldn't draw any conclusions, really...
Found a nice rare twohander sword with 1600dps on it dropping off some random trash mob I think, well more than either of my legendary weapons. Too bad my character is demon hunter!
Haven't encountered the reforging/transmogging vendor yet, so I don't know how that works.
Diamonds are now in the game apparantly (they show up at the gem combiner), but I don't know what stats they have as the user interface doesn't say. Also, I haven't seen any drop yet. Too early for that perhaps. Speaking of gems, I haven't found any gem recipes (yet) on live realm, but on beta I have three additional quality of gems beyond star ruby. All require three gems of previous level, so crafting even one gem of max quality will be a horrendous effort and require mountains and mountains of gold. UGH!
Not sure I really like the new paragon system. It felt nice when you just got flat buffs to gold/item find methinks, and now you have to pick wether you want gold/item find or some other buff, and that makes me ambivalent as to what I really need or want. Also miss the old nephalem valor buff in a way, but I think you get a full stack by default now so I don't think I'm actually missing any gold find in the beta, I'm not totally sure. It was a while since I last played on live realm, I'd have to check and make sure.
Speaking of things that are gone, all the various sizes of health potions are now unified into one. All (or perhaps almost all) different levels of crafting materials are also unified. Pages and tomes have been summarily removed from the game, so no need to grind that shit anymore. Not that I actually used blacksmithing tomes anyway as all the stuff you crafted with it were utter, utter junk thanks to the uber-random drop system.
The introduction movie clip shown at this past blizzcon does not seem to be included in the files downloaded with the beta. Maybe blizzard is skimping to save on the weight of the download package. Makes me wonder if the final clip is in or not also. Probably not, maybe they're still working on it at the animation department...
HMM. What else? Can't think of anything right now.
Anyone else in the beta?