Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

I don't think "making your current characters shit will make people reroll and play seasons" is the right reason. If Blizzard actually thinks that way then they are even more incompetent than I thought.
The problem is that, if you want to play season characters, you have to reroll anyway. The reason for people to play season characters is because of the new contents, not because their "eternal" characters become shit. There is absolutely zero reason to do so to "entice" people to reroll. What this patch does is to discourage people from playing this game at all. There are many other games out there competing for players' time after all.
the queues for s1 is terrible, and zoning into a dungeon seems to be hit or miss with a potential infinite loading screen
there have been 2 patches. One for Diablo IV, a 211MB patch, iirc. And another one for Diablo 3.
well, I've started a werewolfess -is that the correct word?- druid. Luckily for me I could create the character and the servers are functional. I don't think Diablo 4 is going to be awarded the GOTY 'cos of being online only and the disconnects. Some collleagues had to stop playing because of the servers being down.

Werewolf druid was my favourite character in Diablo 2, we shall see how well she fares in Diablo 4. I don't like to depend on uniques to be successful. Hope there is a way to beat Season 1 without depending on an unique...
I leveled a character to 90, which was a lot of hours since I spent a lot of time exploring and didn't power fast grind or anything. Not once did I experience a disconnect or were the servers down.
I think I've encountered more bugs tonight in first night of Season 1 than my entire playtime since release.
I think I've encountered more bugs tonight in first night of Season 1 than my entire playtime since release.
is it due to 9000 people working on the game or is 9000 people not enough?
necro is so oppp. went 20 levels with sorc, gave up.
first 7 levels of necro, my goodness. Bone Spear is crazy.
finally started playing a werewolf druid, level 4 now. There has been a hotfix today and a campfire chat.

he is playing a hardcore necro in season 1. A 3 minutes video. Super surprising and interesting stuff as the new hearts are really "smart". They take a lot of intelligent decisions from you.

Best ending ever. :mrgreen:
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my necro buddy is liking the new hearts that auto cast stuff for you
im having fun with my barrage rogue in s1 too
Yeah my Necro has one that casts any corpse skill when I'm near a corpse every second. It's fun having tendrils continually going off around me.
lvl 13 werewolf druid now.

Good things about this patch:
- there are some very excellent ideas in the malignant hearts, these people have imagination.
- difficulty level is fine. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I am used to the sorceress that I don't find this patch impossible at all, and it reminds me of Diablo 2. I died on a seemingly impossible battle against an elite with that bubble that drags you on. I just went to the town 'cos I couldn't beat him in the initial form, improved my gear and had some luck, then I could beat him.

Bad things about this patch:
- there are tasks at some point where you might get lost as of what to do, just press U and go to the Season content and that's it.

Dunno if it is the hotfixes or maybe I am stupid and super hardcore know better than me, but I'm not seeing what's the big deal with this patch. I mean, all the negativity around this patch started even before thoroughly testing it. Imho, only Blizzard's fault is making the game as they made it from the beginning, where for some builds it was quite easy.
Dunno if it is the hotfixes or maybe I am stupid and super hardcore know better than me, but I'm not seeing what's the big deal with this patch. I mean, all the negativity around this patch started even before thoroughly testing it. Imho, only Blizzard's fault is making the game as they made it from the beginning, where for some builds it was quite easy.
You wouldn't have noticed anything unless you were pushing high level nightmare dungeons pre-season.
You wouldn't have noticed anything unless you were pushing high level nightmare dungeons pre-season.
that kinda might explain it. I've never played a nightmare dungeon. When I was about to start pushing NM dungeons, Season 1 got announced. Wish I could play some Diablo Immortal those days.... now Im just focused on D4.

As for Season 1, I think similar ideas to the malignant hearts will be standard in the future of the ARPG genre, like skills automation and other bonuses they bring, loving that.