Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

some interesting news.

“I mean ultimately the learning process for running a live game with Seasons like this is a hard one. We’ve learned our lessons about how to do this stuff,” continued Rogers. “I feel very bad for the developers, because I’m sure that they mean well, but yeah, it’s a hard lesson to learn.”
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@Cyan I'm beginning to think your a bot that just posts YouTube videos. :unsure:
xD send me a kiss and I will confess. Syntax error

I am a humanbot, programmed by OpenAI with GPT 3.5.

On another note, the druid is my fav class on paper, but while playing it I am not as thrilled as when I played the sorc or the rogue. Level 27 now, but I am not having the same fun as those classes.
75 now on my barb (hota/shout), enjoying it more than sorc, but I am back to the hunt for movement speed. Base speed is so slow.
glitch found where you can trade your gold and items from eternal to seasonal characters and it seems like it's been used for a while now.

The eternal seasonal characters are bloody annoying. My girlfriend made a new character as seasonal (default option). But I can't join her because my character is eternal (wut? Why? I didn't remember ever selected eternal seasonal)
The eternal seasonal characters are bloody annoying. My girlfriend made a new character as seasonal (default option). But I can't join her because my character is eternal (wut? Why? I didn't remember ever selected eternal seasonal)
What you need to do is ditch your girlfriend and get somebody more Diablo 4 compatible.
The eternal seasonal characters are bloody annoying. My girlfriend made a new character as seasonal (default option). But I can't join her because my character is eternal (wut? Why? I didn't remember ever selected eternal seasonal)
Why is your first character eternal? Because when the game came out there was no season, therefore your characters created before season 1 are all eternal. Pretty simple.

And there is no such thing as "eternal seasonal", they're 2 different things.
Why is your first character eternal? Because when the game came out there was no season, therefore your characters created before season 1 are all eternal. Pretty simple.

And there is no such thing as "eternal seasonal", they're 2 different things.
After the season ends (oct17) all seasonal characters will be moved to eternal and all seasonal stuff like hearts and my azurewrath will be destroyed. Then can play with his gf.
Why is your first character eternal? Because when the game came out there was no season, therefore your characters created before season 1 are all eternal. Pretty simple.

And there is no such thing as "eternal seasonal", they're 2 different things.

I was missing a word there (or).

I meant the UX was confusing. They should have make eternal as default / left option.

Now I need to wait until October 17. So glad I haven't renewed my gamepass ultimate yet.

Btw why they need to segregate eternal and seasonal?

Does other games also do things like D4? Or they are more like destiny 2 where there's no eternal / seasonal split?
They should have make eternal as default / left option.
Definitely not, eternal gets boring fast. You don't want players only playing eternal or suddenly leveling characters they can't play with their seasonal friends.

Btw why they need to segregate eternal and seasonal?
So you don't get access to all your gold, items, other players power leveling you, plus the additions they make are only available in the season rather than accumulating on eternal. Without seasons it would be practically impossible to do all these changes like the malignant heart gems combined with many others they want to do.
So you don't get access to all your gold, items, other players power leveling you, plus the additions they make are only available in the season rather than accumulating on eternal. Without seasons it would be practically impossible to do all these changes like the malignant heart gems combined with many others they want to do.
no they could do it just fine but it introduces huge power creep because if you want players to stop using a certain thing like malignant heart gems, you need to make new gear that is better so they swap them out

case in point, look at everquest2 where they never had a stat crunch so now bosses have a quadrillion hp and players can do hundreds of billions in dps (this is based on when i last played ca 9 months ago)
no they could do it just fine but it introduces huge power creep because if you want players to stop using a certain thing like malignant heart gems, you need to make new gear that is better so they swap them out
Imagine having to ensure all the wild stuff they do each season actually works correctly with all the previous season changes, plus having to actually balance that all? After 10-20 seasons?

Having isolated seasons means they can go wild with some crazy changes without having to deal with all of that.

When I played PoE to try it out, one thing that was really frustrating was all these features from previous expansions, seasons or whatever they call them that you can still do which introduced so many layers of complexity on top of an already detailed ARPG.

I really like the idea of seasonal content introduced in D3, it keeps the game far more fresh in addition to all the stuff above.
Imagine having to ensure all the wild stuff they do each season actually works correctly with all the previous season changes, plus having to actually balance that all? After 10-20 seasons?

Which is what PoE has been doing this entire time. And the crazy things they do are significantly crazier than anything D4 has yet to do. Granted they've only had the one season so far, but the one season is still less crazy than just vanilla no season PoE.

Hopefully, they'll do like PoE and Seasonal changes that are good and popular with the playerbase will be made part of the base game.

Popped into the new season just to see if it addressed any of my previous dislikes about D4, and unfortunately it made me start at freaking WT2 again. So, I'd have to grind easy mode again in order to get to something a little more interesting so that I'd have to grind slighly less easy mode to get to something that might be challenging. Bleh.

Damnit, I so wanted to like D4. Welp, that's it for me again with D4. Maybe I'll check back with the game next year and see if they've managed to figure things out by then.

BTW - people should keep in mind this is just my opinion as it applies to me. :) I'm absolutely happy that others find the current state of D4 to be fun and enjoyable. :)

Imagine having to ensure all the wild stuff they do each season actually works correctly with all the previous season changes, plus having to actually balance that all? After 10-20 seasons?

Having isolated seasons means they can go wild with some crazy changes without having to deal with all of that.

When I played PoE to try it out, one thing that was really frustrating was all these features from previous expansions, seasons or whatever they call them that you can still do which introduced so many layers of complexity on top of an already detailed ARPG.

I really like the idea of seasonal content introduced in D3, it keeps the game far more fresh in addition to all the stuff above.
no as i said, there would be zero balance, you just need to get new stuff because your old stuff would be unusable
but i am glad they are not going this route however, i wont play again until there is an expac. bg3 life now and then starfield
Imagine having to ensure all the wild stuff they do each season actually works correctly with all the previous season changes, plus having to actually balance that all? After 10-20 seasons?

Having isolated seasons means they can go wild with some crazy changes without having to deal with all of that.

When I played PoE to try it out, one thing that was really frustrating was all these features from previous expansions, seasons or whatever they call them that you can still do which introduced so many layers of complexity on top of an already detailed ARPG.

I really like the idea of seasonal content introduced in D3, it keeps the game far more fresh in addition to all the stuff above.
when seasons started in Diablo 2, it was mainly characters to play in a clean, non pirated, environment. Iirc, nothing changed during a season gameplay wise, except for the fact that the dupes, the hacked characters and stuff got wiped out. That alone made seasons so appealing.

As for Diablo 4, I am all for keeping the best gameplay ideas of any season in the base game, without making the game too convoluted. That's the main issue I have with PoE, when you start a character the game can look daunting like a the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
it's from the developers of one of my fav series made to date in videogames, Divinity Original Sin, so yeah.

Still playing Diablo 4 here but less than when I started 'cos the campaign is completed, the secondary quests are mostly uninteresting to me and I have more fun doing missions for the Tree of Whispers 'cos of the loads of experience you get and because imho it's the most fun way to play the game now. Even if I am a Druid person, I found the sorcerer and rogue to be more fun, but maybe it's just that I am not a big fan of seasons. Never played a seasonal character in a Diablo game until now.

The most fun character I've played in a Diablo game has been the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter, which required you to be skilful, it wasn't hard to die during rifts, but was fun as hell. There were no meaningless cooldowns, and when those were present, you could attenuate or eliminate them.

Those are the things that need to improve in Diablo 4: less cooldown stuff, more interesting things to do -if it wasn't for hell tides and specially Tree of Whispers missions, there wouldnt be anything really fun to complete-, not having to complete secondary missions for the renown stuff and things like that.

Some of the side quests are good. I really like the one where you are tracking a priest and its literally the one from the initial cutscene so you end up where Lilith emerged back into the world.
Some of the side quests are good. I really like the one where you are tracking a priest and its literally the one from the initial cutscene so you end up where Lilith emerged back into the world.
iirc, I think I've done that one. Side quests are fixed, like the main story and I prefer not to repeat them. I have more fun with events, helltides, nightmare dungeons, and so on, because of that. It's been a few days without playing a game, not even Diablo 4. But well, Diablo 4 is an ARPG and that's how the genre works. You play ARPGs some time, and then you stop playing them for a time, then you play it again...

There is a new patch out, and the overall impressions seemed to be good, from what I read.
