Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

You wouldn't have noticed anything unless you were pushing high level nightmare dungeons pre-season.

I don't want to be 'I'm fine so everything's fine' but...Mrs Cheapchips and I haven't quite finished the campaign yet. We didn't really notice any difference when the parch dropped.

Speaks to the difficulty of trying to service millions of plays I think.
some interesting points here.

Level 24 now. The game is more difficult for sure, but I did conquest Tur Durla Stronghold to get the druid bonuses, which are nice to have.

I heard that Blizzard are studying adding bosses runs once again, like when people did "Mephistos" in Diablo 2 or Pindleskin runs, which I am very happy with, it they added boss fights with some of the story bosses.

That helped a lot with two things: memorizing and mythologizing the bosses of Diablo 2, to the point that I still remember most of their names today. And this includes bosses, and superuniques like Pindleskin. 🙂
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new patch out.


On a different note, I've played the Blood Knight in Diablo Immortal. Like Diablo IV, the windowed mode is superb in that game, other than that it's obvious it's a mobile game but it works ok on the PC with a mouse and a keyboard. The design of the Blood Knight is okay, specially when it transforms into some kind of monster, it's well done. But his/her skills aren't what you'd expect from a vampire, so yeah, in that sense I hope that if a vampire class comes to Diablo games, they design it more correctly. Main source should be blood, not mana, or essence, or similar.
the game is definitely more challenging and fun now after the new patch. There are colleagues who managed to beat the nightmare dungeon to unlock WT3 at level 45 or so, after much work, but then on nightmare they didn't have a chance, although their gear was so bad, even after that with better gear, the battles were epic.

If Blizzard can find a solid balance they might be into a winner, but there are some rough details they must improve.
It's very difficult to balance that lower level content across all types of classes, builds and players. I think it's best to provide somewhat of a challenge but err on the side of easier rather than harder. My friend had issue with WT3 capstone at 48 on his barb, whereas I came through on my 41 blight minion Necro build and slaughtered it all. I had some survival issues in WT3 at the start of course but some new equipment helped that quickly.


New Campfire starting in a few minutes.

havent played this past week, think im done. roll on bg3 :D
it's from the developers of one of my fav series made to date in videogames, Divinity Original Sin, so yeah.

Still playing Diablo 4 here but less than when I started 'cos the campaign is completed, the secondary quests are mostly uninteresting to me and I have more fun doing missions for the Tree of Whispers 'cos of the loads of experience you get and because imho it's the most fun way to play the game now. Even if I am a Druid person, I found the sorcerer and rogue to be more fun, but maybe it's just that I am not a big fan of seasons. Never played a seasonal character in a Diablo game until now.

The most fun character I've played in a Diablo game has been the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter, which required you to be skilful, it wasn't hard to die during rifts, but was fun as hell. There were no meaningless cooldowns, and when those were present, you could attenuate or eliminate them.

Those are the things that need to improve in Diablo 4: less cooldown stuff, more interesting things to do -if it wasn't for hell tides and specially Tree of Whispers missions, there wouldnt be anything really fun to complete-, not having to complete secondary missions for the renown stuff and things like that.
they are basically nullifying 1.1.0 with the 1.1.1 patch.

- Dungeons have more density of enemies, infernal tides too (around 50% more enemies they said)
- More inventory tabs
- Survivability in general is increased
- The generation of resources in general is raised
- Increased the drop of legendaries and uniques
- Goodbye to several nonsensical monster affixes
- Tweaked uniques to get good affixes
I think the designers need to do what they feel is right for the game rather than giving into community outrage every time.
some random video that appeared in my youtube dashboard. Still, some things might be worth listening to.

whether he is right or not, and the game turns out over time and evolve like Diablo 3 did, then things are going to be great.