Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

been playing Diablo III while waiting for Diablo IV season 1. Gameplay differences I found now that Diablo IV is out.

- Potions are infinite, BUT you can use them only from time to time, so you MUST have some other way to regenerate life. This alone adds some difficulty.
- I could select Torment I difficulty from the get go, which is very nice.
- Graphics look very aliased at 1080p. Diablo IV graphics are much much cleaner 'cos it supports DLSS/XeSS etc.
- Windowed mode in Diablo 4 has no rival. D3 windowed mode is bad in comparison.
- Diablo 4 is light years ahead of any other Diablo game when it comes to UI. I play on 32" screens at a certain distance, and the large fonts, plus the UI readibility is on a league of its own. I think D4 is one of the most user-friendly games I've seen in my life, UI wise.
I think D4 is one of the most user-friendly games I've seen in my life, UI wise.

I have some niggles on console.

I constantly have to remember if I'm using bumpers or triggers to flit between UI pages.

On the blacksmith upgrade page I exit the whole blacksmith page after upgrading an item every single time. I can't break my 'B goes back' habit!
i just hit 90 so wont make it to 100 before s1 unless i grind my ass off and i dont want to
i just hit 90 so wont make it to 100 before s1 unless i grind my ass off and i dont want to
Yeah I'm going to hit 90 tonight. Was hoping to hit 100 before season 1 but that's not going to happen. I'm going to see how high I can go in NM though.
Yeah I'm going to hit 90 tonight. Was hoping to hit 100 before season 1 but that's not going to happen. I'm going to see how high I can go in NM though.
tried 75 the other day to get the achievement but got one-shotted too much, going to try again tomorrow, maybe there's a threshold at 90
but we are breezing through 61-63
not playing D4 for now, but Diablo 3 is fun with the necro, and on Torment I, while I died a few times, leveling up is a breeze. The necro is very fun in D3, Corpse Explosion and the skeletal mages do wonders.
not playing D4 for now, but Diablo 3 is fun with the necro, and on Torment I, while I died a few times, leveling up is a breeze. The necro is very fun in D3, Corpse Explosion and the skeletal mages do wonders.
Diablo 3 was really easy though, especially once you get the synergy of sets and you breeze through rifts left and right. I reached over level 300 each season back when I played years ago.
another reaction to the video Silent shared a few days ago.

I just don't get the mentality. Watching this guy's chat and I'm at a part where actguy says he played 30 hours and the chat is all like, "lOL oNly 30 hOurS?" That's over a full day of a human beings life, and if they find it boring why would they continue playing? And then he says, "Why did I have to beat the game to get the challenge I wanted?" when he's talking about doing the WT3 capstone dungeon, and the chat is like, "LOl, ThE cAMPaIgn iS NOT thE gAMe." I'm willing to put maybe 50 hours total into a game like this, so I want 50 solid hours. The game is simultaneously made for casuals that want an easy game, but also hardcore players who want to play 1000 hours, and nothing in between. There was a really simple option to have one higher difficulty available from level 1 and all problems are solved. It's a pretty simple thing that videogames have done for ages. When you hit start you select a difficulty and you have a wide range that will cover all of your players.

Edit: Asmon says, "What boss fight in a leveling campaign isn't an absolute joke?" ... wtf drugs is he on. I guess I've just been playing games too long, and I remember playing games that were short and difficult to beat. Over time there's been a slow creep of game design where they're basically easier and easier so players feel good about making constant progression. It's not for me. I don't understand why you can't give players the options they want, and force them to sink hours before the experience they want "unlocks."
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I took videos like that in youtube the same as "reality shows" where it's all just fake persona / issue / crisis to garner attention / views / clicks
Diablo 3 was really easy though, especially once you get the synergy of sets and you breeze through rifts left and right. I reached over level 300 each season back when I played years ago.
it seems to be. From my memories with the Rogue it wasn't that hard, atlhough there were impossible rifts for me. With the necro and starting at Torment 1 from the very start I died like 10 times, but with minions and Corpse Explosion I got to level 15 in less than 2 hours. That being said, the game will be harder after certain bosses I think.

@Scott_Arm and @orangpelupa usually the best videos of any type are from "small" youtubers with few subscribers, 'cos they don't act like they are showing off or going overboard.

This is not a small youtuber, but certainly not as big as the others.

Still there might be a video like that from a youtuber with not so many subscribers, I tend to trust those more.
a guy with 850 subscribers on Act Man's video:

11 minutes long video from a guy with 350 subscribers, commenting on both Act Man's and Asmongold opinions on Diablo 4:

oh yeah, a typical man. No more overacting.

Another video from a guy with 24 subscribers. :)

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new difficulty level -not just more hit points they say- WT5 planned for the future, it could appear during Season 1 but they don't know. It's in german but the link should translate the article.

a guy with 850 subscribers on Act Man's video:

11 minutes long video from a guy with 350 subscribers, commenting on both Act Man's and Asmongold opinions on Diablo 4:

oh yeah, a typical man. No more overacting.

Another video from a guy with 24 subscribers. :)
meh , my friends and I have put in a lot of hours and we have had tons of fun. So I don't know if I would call it a bad game. I would change some stuff for sure but at the same time there are no games that I wouldn't change stuff in
enjoy the nerfs
unexpectedly massive changes, massive nerfs and some buffs. I knew this patch was coming but I expected fewer changes.

meh , my friends and I have put in a lot of hours and we have had tons of fun. So I don't know if I would call it a bad game. I would change some stuff for sure but at the same time there are no games that I wouldn't change stuff in
the game is soooooo good. In fact, I care a lot about this game and enjoy the criticism 'cos over time we might get an almost "perfect" Diablo experience -Diablo 3 started much worse than this and now people really like it-.

The fact that a game nowadays can keep people, which might not fully like it, playing it for more than 30 hours is a feat nowadays and speak volumes at the overall quality of the game, even with its flaws.
the Items Affixes section is a poem. Dunno whether they are being sarcastic with the "Increased -25%" :LOL: or not, but the nerfs are massive.
The campaign is not meant to be challenging, that's not the point of the campaign, nor Diablo as a whole. The campaign is like 5% of your eventual total playing time overall.
The campaign is already 5% of my play time and I'm not going to play it again.
the Items Affixes section is a poem. Dunno whether they are being sarcastic with the "Increased -25%" :LOL: or not, but the nerfs are massive.
its not a negative 25% but an approximate 25%
- vs ~