Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Dismantle or sell. At end game 99.99% of all items are garbage.
Tomorrows cast about S1. I really hope for some bigger changes here. I don’t really love the glyph system. It forces me to do NMD and I really dislike NMDs. It’s nice that they are the only thing that has a set mob level. But the modifiers are annoying.
The problem is that if any mediocre build works up to very high level content, then what would be considered meta build for content pushing would be simply button mashing. I don't mind that my lightning storm build isn't scaling into higher level and I'm enjoying trying out new builds, especially since I stored all these aspects and gear "just in case".
getting what you mean. I respecced again to a fire sorc, and I tried one using Fireball -the direct damage bonus is nice to have though- as the main skill, but it's very slow, even if I got a great unique for it that launches two extra fireballs. Sure I was surviving but darn, I spent like 16 minutes with a boss until he disappeared and counldnt beat him.

On a different note, how do you know where to go once you use a sigil to beat a Nightmare dungeon? :?: I used a Sigil to complete my first Nightmare dungeon and the quest appears highlighted like a main quest, but I don't know to which dungeon I should go.
Bleh, finally forced myself to get through the story (stupid ending) and now I'm in WT3 but WT3 at this point is also too easy, so do I have it in me to get to WT4? Level 56 now, so probably can't solo the capstone dungeon for WT4 yet (recommended level 70?) like I could to get into WT3. Probably give it a try just to see. If I can't might just put D4 away for a while as I can't imagine grinding out to get to a point where I can do the capstone dungeon solo.

Will see. Hopefully at 56 I'll be able to solo the capstone dungeon, because if not, grinding away at WT3 with how easy it is will be a mind numbing chore.

Tomorrows cast about S1. I really hope for some bigger changes here. I don’t really love the glyph system. It forces me to do NMD and I really dislike NMDs. It’s nice that they are the only thing that has a set mob level. But the modifiers are annoying.
haven't started any nightmare dungeon. But talking about dislikes, I really hate how gems are handled. They look annoying in between the rest of the inventory. Also you must go to your main chest if you want to keep them and not having them mixed with all of the other items.

In addition, it's not like I care abut secondary missions in the game. I do complete them for the perks you can get. Also it's a Diablo game, you don't expect interesting secondary missions. That being said though, I got to the point where I don't care about the narrative of secondary missions. I just complete them like a robot 'cos the characters of secondary missions are totally forgettable.
getting what you mean. I respecced again to a fire sorc, and I tried one using Fireball -the direct damage bonus is nice to have though- as the main skill, but it's very slow, even if I got a great unique for it that launches two extra fireballs. Sure I was surviving but darn, I spent like 16 minutes with a boss until he disappeared and counldnt beat him.

On a different note, how do you know where to go once you use a sigil to beat a Nightmare dungeon? :?: I used a Sigil to complete my first Nightmare dungeon and the quest appears highlighted like a main quest, but I don't know to which dungeon I should go.
The dungeon will be red, but if you pop up your map right after you activate the sigil it will be centered and you can port right to the entrance.

Edit I have an easy solution to your gem problem. Throw them out, sell them or leave them on the ground. If you aren't going to use them right away. You find way more than you will ever use.
But talking about dislikes, I really hate how gems are handled. They look annoying in between the rest of the inventory.

Gems just make it really obvious, IMO, just how horrible the one size fits all inventory system is. Oh my inventory is full? But it's mostly GEMS and jewelry. Gems are basically the size of crossbows and 2 handed swords. It's ridiculous. :p

Gems just make it really obvious, IMO, just how horrible the one size fits all inventory system is. Oh my inventory is full? But it's mostly GEMS and jewelry. Gems are basically the size of crossbows and 2 handed swords. It's ridiculous. :p


Yes, they really should have made a gem tab. Since it looks difficult to do so now (I heard they say it won't be available before season 2), what they can do is at least increase the max amount of gems per item slot. 50 is way too low.
Aspect is another problem, but this one I don't know how to do that well. Right now I keep some legendaries as "waiting to be extracted for aspect" and others as "having good stats rolls."
I have not finished the main campaign and The story, level design, and boss battle becoming more and more boring...

They should have allowed tier 3 to be played from the start...

Yep. The final boss was one of the easiest ones in the game for me. The scaling is off. I'm not really enjoying the endgame. Barely played over the last two weeks. Grinding nightmare dungeons doesn't feel rewarding. It just feels like a job trying to gear up for ... harder nightmare dungeons? This focus on "endgame" is destroying a lot of games. Having a rewarding campaign that's really hard to beat from the start is way better than an easy game with tons of repetitive content that constantly scales to your level. The difficulty curve in diablo 4 is like this:

easy -> tiny bit harder -> get new items -> easy -> repeat

And I'm not even taking advantage of aspects or gems. I basically will put one aspect on for my core skill and ignore the rest. If I get an item that's better that has an aspect for a different core skill, I just switch my skill points around. I never read the stats in detail. I just go by item level and making sure I have an aspect for the core skill I'm using. Pretty much the same issue I had with Diablo 3. It's super easy (boring) and my friends who love it will always say, "Wait until you see ..." and then I get to that mission/boss/level/dungeon etc and it's easy and they say, "Wait until you see ..."

It's not as bad as Diablo 3 in those respects, but it's not super far off either. Diablo 3 was like a 1/10 for difficulty and Diablo 4 is like a 4/10. Maybe I should have played hardcore. Definitely died a bunch of times, but they were in specific spots. One was doing my rogue mission and there was a small room full of enemies that could stun me, plus there were traps all over the floor that would freeze(?), so I'd get caught and die. That particular room probably killed me more than any other single point in the game. Funny thing is, I didn't know my dash or my shadow step would break me out of the stun, so it could have been easier.

Roguelites and roguelikes are where it's at for loot-based games. They're generally very hard and give you the same feel of experimentation and making a build work, but you don't feel like your time is being wasted.
As for the Rogue, dunno how you make it, but maybe it's because I didn't want to use any melee skill, or maybe I was too much of a noob, but I had lots of trouble when dealing with bosses and most enemies. I had to leave some battles 'cos they were impossible, to the point that I had broken the equipment and had to repair it often. The best strategy I found over time was using traps, like the Poison trap. When I give another chance and after some experience with the game, that opinion might change.

So here is how I made the build (note that there are much better builds out there):

I really liked the feel of the core skill Flurry. It is important to get its related aspect in the corresponding dungeon to make it a 360 dmg move.
I personally like the rythm of the combo points system: 3 basic skills, than the core skills for big amplified dmg.
I use puncture as my basic skill, as its specialization allows to make enemies vulnerable. It in itself does respectable damage it seems to me.
I use one of the imbuements, still not sure what is best: for general play, I like the shadow one as it blows up the small mops. However, shadow is bad for single target bosses (see below how I fixed this). Here, the poison imbuement seems quite good - but I got tired swaping stuff for bosses, after trying it once. So I typically use shadow. Cold is also interesting - but I need more testing.

So my typically gameplay is to run around 3 basic skills, then the Flurry nuke. Poison trap is also good. The ultmate death trap is also quite cool. Not sure, which one is best. But due to having fun while playing I most often use the movement skils, dash and the other one that teleports you to an enemy - quite some style going on there :)

Problem is for single boss targets, it works, but is a bit slow. And the longer the fight, the more damage. For damage mitigation, I sometimes use the dark shrouds stuff, the circles around you - I am still not sure if this is good or not, but looks cool.

For single target: I am a huge fan of the Barrage animation. It looks great to me and I wanted to use it. In itself, for general play, it seems ok-ish to me. The single target dmg can be quite good, but only when you are super close. This was too cumbersome for me to maintain.

So the alternative that I started to use and I am happy with now is rapid fire. The animation is boring and lame, but it is very easy to use against big boss targets, you can also use it from the distance and hit all arrows. This has great single target dmg and I only use it for bosses.

I wonder if it is possible to make a build that includes FLurry + shadow imbuement for general clear and on top rapid fire with poison imbuement for melting single targets.

In conclusion, Flurry (melee) for general play; Rapid fire (range) for single target bosses. The rest of the skills I am still trying out what works best etc.
Btw old gears can be up leveled like destiny 2 or they are just for dismantling?
you can upgrade old gear 5 times (some items can only be leveled 4 times?) with increasing cost in materials and gold but 1 upgrade level is 5 item power so it wont take you super-far
Yep. The final boss was one of the easiest ones in the game for me. The scaling is off. I'm not really enjoying the endgame. Barely played over the last two weeks. Grinding nightmare dungeons doesn't feel rewarding. It just feels like a job trying to gear up for ... harder nightmare dungeons? This focus on "endgame" is destroying a lot of games. Having a rewarding campaign that's really hard to beat from the start is way better than an easy game with tons of repetitive content that constantly scales to your level.
The final boss is Lilith Tier 100, and there's not a whole lot of players that have beaten here, compared to how many that have reached 90+.

Diablo has always been about grinding hard and harder versions of content to challenge yourself and be able to get higher drops to be able to then grind higher content again. That's the endgame loop of Diablo.
And I'm not even taking advantage of aspects or gems. I basically will put one aspect on for my core skill and ignore the rest. If I get an item that's better that has an aspect for a different core skill, I just switch my skill points around. I never read the stats in detail. I just go by item level and making sure I have an aspect for the core skill I'm using. Pretty much the same issue I had with Diablo 3. It's super easy (boring) and my friends who love it will always say, "Wait until you see ..." and then I get to that mission/boss/level/dungeon etc and it's easy and they say, "Wait until you see ..."
There's no way you're playing anything challenging without using aspects or optimizing specific stats. If you're in WT3 then make a Tier 20 NM Sigil and see how you go.

Have you done the WT3 capstone boss to move to WT4?
I have not finished the main campaign and The story, level design, and boss battle becoming more and more boring...

They should have allowed tier 3 to be played from the start...
I don't think Diablo is for you. And that's ok
I don't think Diablo is for you. And that's ok
b-bu-but.... ive spend moolah, and im way pass the 2hrs refund window, and the game was indeed fun early on.
and people says tier 3 got interesting enemy AI.
but the game doesnt seem to have tier 3 enabler MTX (and even if it does, i dont think i can justify paying). i also cant cheat to enable tier 3 (usually in SP games i can simply cheat engine / copy save file / edit save file my way.

botting like in Destiny 2 also doesnt seem to be feasible, unless i make advanced enough bot (e.g. with image recognition).
paying people to play may acccount... im not comfortable doing that.
-bu-but.... ive spend moolah, and im way pass the 2hrs refund window, and the game was indeed fun early on.
and people says tier 3 got interesting enemy AI.
but the game doesnt seem to have tier 3 enabler MTX (and even if it does, i dont think i can justify paying). i also cant cheat to enable tier 3 (usually in SP games i can simply cheat engine / copy save file / edit save file my way
Jesus, stop whining and just finish the campaign. It's just ridiculous that you'd spend money to bypass something that isn't even that long compared to playing the rest of the game.

I'm telling you that if you are bored with the campaign already and find all the environments repetitive, then Diablo is not for you.
it seems we are actually in agreement, as i also think spending money for that is ridiculous. That's why i never bought those in games that offered those. but not all people are like me, so its understandable if other people prefer to pay their way.

anyway, from what i understand, tier 3 brings more fun encounters. so i need to try that first. and in the journey of unlocking tier 3, the game will also gets more polished, so i would encounter less bugs (fortunately no game breaking bugs encountered yet).

because, who knows, maybe diablo 4 will be like destiny 1 and destiny 2. where people keep telling me destiny 1 and 2 is not for me (usually because i found no interest in the loot, pvp, and the grind). despite i like D1 and 2, and still play them (heck, i still sometimes jumps back in destiny 1. the lack of FPS boost and cross save is a bummer tho)
World Tier 3 is more of an introduction to the endgame mechanics: Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, World Events (legions and bosses) and Whispers. There's a definite jump in difficulty going to WT3 but it's not significant. There's a bigger jump going into WT4. All enemies are faster, tougher, Elites have more and new affixes, there's more Elites, and you can get yourself into very dangerous situations.

Getting into World Tier 4 requires completing the Capstone Dungeon, which has a somewhat difficult boss at the end, far worse than anything fought previously. Depending on the class/build, this can prove very much a challenge. I died many times before adjusting my build for the better and finally completing it. I've helped some friends complete the boss to get them into WT4, but I also explained that it's meant to be a challenge to prepare for WT4.

The main challenge comes in the form of higher tier 21+ Nightmare Dungeons. The Sigils in WT4 have 5 modifiers instead of 3, combined which can make for some very nasty challenges, depending on your build. My friend and I did a 32 tier the other night which was the most difficult time we've had. One of the NM affixes was this floating cross that followed you around which periodically ramps up with these warning sounds and creates this shield somewhat near you. One of the early bosses in the campaign had the same mechanic. If you don't get under the shield, the lightning strike will kill you or severely damage you. Having to deal with that amidst the chaos of multiple elites was just crazy, especially when it appears above pools of poison and fire. We ended up using our 4 allowed deaths but managed to carefully scrape our way to the boss and finish the dungeon. It was a really fun and satisfying dungeon run!

You can stay doing lower tier NM but you're Glyph xp is going to be low, drops won't be any better than what you have and it will end up very repetitive. And the same as Diablo 3, these higher and higher tier NM dungeons are the means of pushing your build and skills, and gradually building up to the highest possibilities.

Meanwhile you're farming Helltides and Whispers for materials and gold, and targeting specific slots for chances for better versions of your gear.

Then once the new season starts, you get to do the whole thing over again with a new character/class/build!

THAT is Diablo.
So, I ran into the Butcher in WT3. And other than an extremely large health pool, he was a bit of a joke. I did have to use a health potion twice though, unlike other bosses, so there's that I guess. /sigh. Today if I have time I'll have to find the WT4 capstone dungeon and give it a try at level 57.

The final boss is Lilith Tier 100, and there's not a whole lot of players that have beaten here, compared to how many that have reached 90+.

Diablo has always been about grinding hard and harder versions of content to challenge yourself and be able to get higher drops to be able to then grind higher content again. That's the endgame loop of Diablo.

There's no way you're playing anything challenging without using aspects or optimizing specific stats. If you're in WT3 then make a Tier 20 NM Sigil and see how you go.

Have you done the WT3 capstone boss to move to WT4?

I'll looking at crafting a sigil later in the day and see what the deal is for WT3. I've done a whole bunch of nightmare dungeons and none of them were hard. Doubt I did a 20 though. Is that effectively a level 70 dungeon?

I had this problem with Diablo 3 though. My friends were telling me how much I was missing out on not playing the game. I said it was boring and easy and they'd say, "What act are you on, wait until act x". Then it was, "Wait until the expansion." Then it was wait until you start rifting. Then wait until rift level x + 10. It just kept going and I kept playing hoping they'd be right. I get the same kind of feeling about Diablo 4. The game should have had a WT3 option to start with so the campaign would be a lot more fun to play. Is WT4 actually going to be fun when I get there? I have serious doubts. Right now I'm WT3 and level 55+ and nothing I've done in WT3 has been enjoyable yet, mostly because it was all very easy. It's just grind.
I'll looking at crafting a sigil later in the day and see what the deal is for WT3. I've done a whole bunch of nightmare dungeons and none of them were hard. Doubt I did a 20 though. Is that effectively a level 70 dungeon?
None of the NM dungeons you did were hard because it starts you off at Tier 1 and slowly gives you higher tiers as they drop, but the jump isn't much. Tier 1 NM is probably easier than normal outside enemies. You have to craft higher tiers if you're not finding any challenge. That's the purpose, finding a higher tier that challenges you, or even proves too much of a challenge and working your way up to that then beyond. WT3 max is Tier 20, so build a 16-20 and try it out. If you run 5 of those and none of them are difficult for you, then go do the capstone dungeon and move to WT4.