Ok, spend more time with the game - I am still basically leveling all classes simultaneously, so that is why it takes forever to progress - but I like to mess around with the different play styles. Currently, all 5 classes fresh in WT3 at about level 50.
I finally compared my builds with the ones I could find in the interwebz, so called meta builds: well, I did not mange once to get figure out the best builds, it rather seems i have off meta builds:
- Necro: I went with a pure Minion build, super convenient and felt almost the strongest from all classes with the minions. This is also the class I used to finish the campaign. Minions seemed OP to me, but apparently they are trash in endgame or so
- Sorc: still the class I feel most unsure about. I currently use a fire/firewall build - it seemed ok, a bit slow, but I liked the playstyle. Again, apparently trash build in endgame

From all classes, my experience in leveling etc is that it is maybe the weakest. Not sure why, but I had kinda difficulties to find a "good" build for me.
- Rogue: extreme damage. Almost all builds I tried seem to have high damage. Survivability was a bit more difficult, but managable. Leveling was the quickest. Even the basic attack in this class packs a bunch. However, my build is a mixture of melee (Flurry attack) and range (rapid fire), where I change the imbuements back and forth (not sure which one I like most). Again, not twisting blades, so no meta
- Barb: crazy to me, but one of my fav classes. Never a big fan of Barb in D3, but it kinda is a super fun class in my opinon in D4. I still need to lol, when the little man runs around and shouts...ha ha ha, lol. However, my build seems completely off meta again: I use leap and kick and groundstomp. There is an aspect (dungeon) that lets you reset leap, when you either kick or groundstomp. I just love jumping around like hulk. For the hulk smash, I use HOTA, which seems to be one of the strongest skills - but I did not really commit to it, but rather use aspects that power up leap and kick. During leveling, I used a thorns build - absolutely OP imo for leveling, I kinda got bored of it and changed up to leap, because everything seems to just die without much interaction when using thorns...ha ha ha. I never touched WW, as this just seemed boring and the Fury resource was never enough to me - but apparently that is a meta build.
- Druid: this is a weird one to me. Seems to be quite strong, but kinda not sure about it. I tried many different builds again, nothing really sticks out so far to me for being super fun. I used Werewolf with Shred for most of my leveling - apparently absoute trash, ha ha ha. I also felt that the damage got worse with levels, so now have some pulverize stuff with shield etc. I am still not sure which build would be most fun to play, still in the trying out phase.
TLDR; it seems I am a master in finding F tier trash builds