Performance: Most specifically this deals with Load times as performance wise both versions are identical.
The PS3 version of DMC4 has a HDD install feature, which at a storage requirement of 4.9 GB and a 21 minutes install time gives the player NON-EXISTANT load times. You are able to go from large open environments to ornate indoor environments in literally a blink of an eye. This feature is non-optional.
During this HDD Install, you will have a chance to view a 20 minute long narrative/cutscene exposition on the story of DMC. This is a compilation of important cutscenes from the previous games and will help in setting up the story of DMC4. This video is not available on the 360 in any shape or form, not even in the console bundle.
The normal load times for DMC4 are never longer than 5 seconds and that is on the PS3 version. The 360 version will load slightly faster due to having a faster disc reader but it will never has loadless times like the PS3 installed version.
The PS3 version of DMC4 has a HDD install feature, which at a storage requirement of 4.9 GB and a 21 minutes install time gives the player NON-EXISTANT load times. You are able to go from large open environments to ornate indoor environments in literally a blink of an eye. This feature is non-optional.
Mielke said:I'll leave the in-depth visual analysis for some upcoming coverage we have planned for DMC4, but a couple other points: Xbox 360 controls feel really good, especially since every 360 controller has the force-feedback. If you've imported a Dual Schock 3 from Japan you're all set, but if you're one of the many without a DS3 you'll be missing out a little. The PS3 has not-that-noticeably shorter load times between screens, but that's like 2 seconds versus the Xbox 360's 3 second loads. Seriously, count out 3 seconds. The PS3, however, forces you to install the game on your harddrive, a not insignificant process. I don't know why you're made to do this
The normal load times for DMC4 are never longer than 5 seconds and that is on the PS3 version. The 360 version will load slightly faster due to having a faster disc reader but it will never has loadless times like the PS3 installed version.
as a PS3 owner, i'm not very happy with the 20min install. but personally, i'd rather have an initial install and have virtually no load times than have frequent load times throughout, even if they're short. but at the same time, i don't like the amount that is required to be installed on the HDD either.
As a 20GB PS3 owner, it seems particularly excessive to me. Granted, I bought the model figuring I'd rather spend $100 less and replace the drive later for $100 or less than spend the cash on features I have no use for, but I didn't expect the drive to be filled by installs of games purchased on disk.... i don't like the amount that is required to be installed on the HDD either.
The normal load times for DMC4 are never longer than 5 seconds and that is on the PS3 version. The 360 version will load slightly faster due to having a faster disc reader but it will never has loadless times like the PS3 installed version.
So, cheaper and quicker to pick up and play, Can't blame them, still going for ps3 version myself though.
(1) Exterminator: players can do whatever the hell they want and get as far as they want within 10 minutes.
(2) Exterminator: You get to play thru the snow area and beat the boss (Berial)note: if you play fast enough, you can get to Berial while playing Exterminator mode.