Devil May Cry 4 @ TGS

Blue Rose Charge Shot 3 is one of the best tools in the game period. It does huge damage and also disables most enemies for almost 10 seconds on a clean shot. Blasts him down and away and then just as he recovers blasts him again and anyone near him.

I find Pandora's good tools must be built up too much and I'd rather just use the shotgun. I mainly use pandora to get rid of faust's cloak. E and I and borderline useless.

I'm 2 levels away from S ranking all of DMD and I am just learning to come to terms with much of Dante's move list now. Gilgamesh is great it's pure power!! It really would've helped if I'd have played part 3 I think.

I can see myself playing this game for a long time!!
i have to agree with the others... you're honestly the first person i've seen who was actually annoyed by the "blur" in the PS3 version. imho, its very subtle.

Yea it actually annoyed me. However remember I was on an HD CRT but I just upgraded to a 40 in lcd and now its MUCH less noticeable. maybe the CRT just made the problem more apparent than and LCD can. That being said I still went with the 360 version....since I had $10 off coupon at bestbuy and they were out of the ps3 version.