Devil May Cry 4 Going Multi-platform! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) *Confirmed

Easy access to demos improves software sales.
The high price of entry filters out cheapskates. The argument that PS3 owners are overwhelmingly broke now and can't buy games doesn't seem so convincing.
The argument that PS3 owners are overwhelmingly broke now and can't buy games doesn't seem so convincing.

Not at all.

However not everyone that bought a ps3 was able to buy an HDTV and a Surround sound system at the same time and buy 6 games to take home as well (exaggerated to emphasize the point).

A unknown portion of the userbase bought ps3 with "unlimited" funds and a unknown portion bought a ps3 with a budget in mind which limits their software purchases.

To think every ps3 buyer operates without a budget (mental or hard) is as unrealistic as assuming every ps3 buyer is now broke.
The argument that PS3 owners are overwhelmingly broke now and can't buy games doesn't seem so convincing.

It's certainly a contributing factor. Just because someone manages to scrounge together $600 bux, doesn't mean they have loads of disposable income.

Also - The demo argument isn't so compelling. Where were the demo's for COD2, Oblivion, GRAW or PD0? The top 4 biggest sellers had no demo's that I can recall. FN3 is the only example I can think of where the demo really sold the game.
Not at all.

However not everyone that bought a ps3 was able to buy an HDTV and a Surround sound system at the same time and buy 6 games to take home as well (exaggerated to emphasize the point).

A unknown portion of the userbase bought ps3 with "unlimited" funds and a unknown portion bought a ps3 with a budget in mind which limits their software purchases.

I dunno, possible but no evidence. I still think many AV people bought the Ps3 as a BD player, the AVSforum poll seems to prove this, but I have no raw numbers, just ratios of those polled.

For me:
Feb 06: 360 + NFS:MW (rented others)
March 06: GRAW + Oblivion

Jan 07: PS3 + Resistance (GT:HD free)
March 07: Motorstorm

So my attach rate for the 360 was 50% higher, of course I still have yet to play NFS:MW, so if I did it over again I would not have purchased any launch titles on the 360 and they would both be at 2 games in March. Gamefly FTW. Games are also much cheaper on the 360 side now, there are many $20-$30 games because they are 9+ months old, I picked up Burn Out for $20.
Easy access to demos improves software sales.
The high price of entry filters out cheapskates. The argument that PS3 owners are overwhelmingly broke now and can't buy games doesn't seem so convincing.

I would argue that anyone hardcore enough to spend $600 on a console probaby has the others (at least one of them) and isn't spending all his money on PS3 games. Not true for everyone, but enough to be significant.
I dunno, possible but no evidence. I still think many AV people bought the Ps3 as a BD player, the AVSforum poll seems to prove this, but I have no raw numbers, just ratios of those polled.

For me:
Feb 06: 360 + NFS:MW (rented others)
March 06: GRAW + Oblivion

Jan 07: PS3 + Resistance (GT:HD free)
March 07: Motorstorm

So my attach rate for the 360 was 50% higher, of course I still have yet to play NFS:MW, so if I did it over again I would not have purchased any launch titles on the 360 and they would both be at 2 games in March. Gamefly FTW. Games are also much cheaper on the 360 side now, there are many $20-$30 games because they are 9+ months old, I picked up Burn Out for $20.

Agreed - there is no evidence to suggest what the percentage of ps3 buyers were budget limited vs unlimited.

However, I think it is safe to assume that it is a percentage and not a 100% unlimited or limited budget.

In other words, for some people the money may have been a contributing factor for their limited games purchases.
There's a fundamental difference which is the timing of the launches.

360 capatalized on HDTV owners lust for content, or at least that's my theory to explain it's high attach rates. In 2005 there was next to nothing to really take advantage of your HDTV, and I think that novelty is what led to such huge sales for games like PD0, GRAW etc. In addition, the novelty of the first exampel of next gen graphics, people were wowed.

PS3 is in a different position, most games are available on 360, and people are no longer wowed like they were a year ago, so it becomes a much harder sell.

I don't think it has anything to do with the peopel being different breeds, but rather the timing. If the situations were reversed, I'm sure you'd see the PS3 with the huge attach rate.

But then again, the $600 pricetag probably goes a long way towards reducing the amount of games purchased.

I do think lots of 3rd party PS3 games are ports and in many cases inferior is a good explanation for the lower attach rate. I also think blue ray movies taking money from games and the cost of the system have all contributed to a lower attach rate for the PS3.

MS hit the jackpot by launching early. They got a lot of rich early adoptors who have a lots and lots of disposable income. Add things like achivements and xbox live and you have a recipe for selling a lot of games. Also I think between great tools by ms and great efforts by 3rd partys the 360 had a very good launch year library especially for launching a year ahead of everyone else.

I still laugh at that article a few months ago that was trying to say the high attach rate of the 360 was something bad. We can now see the high attach rate was and is a great thing for MS.
I still laugh at that article a few months ago that was trying to say the high attach rate of the 360 was something bad. We can now see the high attach rate was and is a great thing for MS.

I think the argument was that a high attach rate and low console sales means that it is only selling to "hardcore" gamers, and that the overall install base might be low. The 360 sales have been healthy though, and this is no longer a concern. The PS3 seems to be in a similar situation though, with a growing attach rate and very weak sales, so it could fall into the trap they predicted for the 360.
looks pretty danged nice to me :LOL:

looks like Lost planet meets Dead rising plus raise the bar a couple of notches in performance (LP & DR already peroformed nearly flawlessly) and you have a winner here.

Capcom's Next Gen engine is pretty cool IMO
Agreed - there is no evidence to suggest what the percentage of ps3 buyers were budget limited vs unlimited.

However, I think it is safe to assume that it is a percentage and not a 100% unlimited or limited budget.

In other words, for some people the money may have been a contributing factor for their limited games purchases.

Its safe to assume though that PS3's hardware price adds relatively more limiting pressures towards budget for purchasing games compared to Wii or the 360. 360 also already has old buyers who now may have more money available to spend for games plus games that got cheaper compared to when they bought the console.
Its safe to assume though that PS3's hardware price adds relatively more limiting pressures towards budget for purchasing games compared to Wii or the 360. 360 also already has old buyers who now may have more money available to spend for games plus games that got cheaper compared to when they bought the console.

This is strange logic which assumes a persistently fixed budget.. :???:

Why would anyone say "well I have x amount of cash to buy a console and games and after the money is spent I'll never spend another penny on games for as long as I live so I better make sure i get my money's worth!!"

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of PS3 buyers have saved up for it so I don't think the cost of entry will affect purchase frequency afterwards.. The much more limiting factor would be software quality and consumers personal tastes vs whats available on the market..
It's a multi-platform game, so don't expect too much out of it (especially in the graphic department)

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! :oops:

So let me get this straight, back when this game was exclusive, there was high expectations for this game (the typical leap from its predecessor), and now that its MP all of a sudden the level of quality has decreased severely?

Please lets not get this started again...:???:
It's a multi-platform game, so don't expect too much out of it (especially in the graphic department)

Are you kidding me? The game will be at least as good looking as LP was and at 60fps which is plenty fantastic looking. Just because the game is MP doesn't mean it can't look great. :???:
DMC since the first always looked mediocre in screens. Watching the game in motion though it was a whole different story.

Screens never done the series' justice
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! :oops:

So let me get this straight, back when this game was exclusive, there was high expectations for this game (the typical leap from its predecessor), and now that its MP all of a sudden the level of quality has decreased severely?

Please lets not get this started again...:???:

Technically you started it … ;)

By implying since it’s no longer a PS3 exclusive…then the graphics sucks.

Anyhow, the game just looks dated (IMO); Xbox 360 & PS3 can handle better graphics than that. The original screens or the first pic’s of DMC:4 were awesome; now its meh.
When i first saw in game footage and screen from dmc (at the time a ps3 exclusive) I was rather disappointed. As it didn't seem like a next gen jump, just a cleaner sharper version of the ps2 games... not much of an advancement, at least not like i was hoping to see.

However at the end of that day so long as the game is good it'll be added to my collection - but new IPs like heavenly sword definatley hold more interest for me.

I do wonder how (if at all) the 2 versions will differ though