Devil May Cry 4 Going Multi-platform! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) *Confirmed

... that had the textures of Kameo which is over 1 year old.

just had to give props to this game since you brought it up but I had this in last night for my niece and considering this was a launch title. WOW. People who have never actually sat in front of the demo (which shows several levels) on a properly set up HDTV, are remiss when they dismiss this game's graphics even compared to some of the stuff on the horizon now for both consoles AFAICT.
just had to give props to this game since you brought it up but I had this in last night for my niece and considering this was a launch title. WOW. People who have never actually sat in front of the demo (which shows several levels) on a properly set up HDTV, are remiss when they dismiss this game's graphics even compared to some of the stuff on the horizon now for both consoles AFAICT.

The biggest mistake RARE made with this game was the opening level, and using that same level for the Demo.

Not only does it not showcase the GFX very well, but it throws you into a platforming portion of the game, without teaching you anything, only after the first level does it start teaching you how to play.

I know so many people who were turned off by Kameo and never made it through that very first dungeon.
The biggest mistake RARE made with this game was the opening level, and using that same level for the Demo.

Not only does it not showcase the GFX very well, but it throws you into a platforming portion of the game, without teaching you anything, only after the first level does it start teaching you how to play.

I know so many people who were turned off by Kameo and never made it through that very first dungeon.
agreed, (I was one of those) but they came out with a new demo after that (too late for mass success) which briefly showcases 5 levels iirc...gorgeous.
I don't know, would you consider Insomniac a AAA dev team? I mean... what determines that? They're way up there for sure, but... I fguess for me I've not considered them to be in the very top class as yet. anyway I know their new engine director though, and he's got skillz. ;) Not sure if that'll play out in time for the first Ratchet and Clank, but I do indeed expect some strong efforts.

Well, AAA compared to who, is the question. In my opinion yes they would be considered a AAA dev judging from their work in the past. But that's just me I suppose...

The entirety of Cell development is a work in progress, across all fields it participates in. As the programming model gains traction and an increasingly diverse code base develops, you will indeed see performance increase, and the range of tasks that performance can be applied to expand. Tools at the moment are geared more towards encouraging utilization period; the road of optimization is still a long one.

Agreed - before and after this post.

Sure, that's fair enough for you to say. :)

For the record though, I don't think (and haven't said) that PS3 outclasses 360 in such a blanket way; I say only that Cell outlclasses the XeCPU. I know it seems like splitting hairs... but it's important hair to split! ;)

Glad we can agree on that then :)

Regarding ps3 v xb360. I agree the cell has an edge in cpu and have never said otherwise. But would you also agree that r500 has an edge over RSX? ;)
The biggest mistake RARE made with this game was the opening level, and using that same level for the Demo.

Not only does it not showcase the GFX very well, but it throws you into a platforming portion of the game, without teaching you anything, only after the first level does it start teaching you how to play.

I know so many people who were turned off by Kameo and never made it through that very first dungeon.

QFT - the second biggest mistake was having that level at the kiosks! :oops:
QFT - the second biggest mistake was having that level at the kiosks! :oops:

No doubt, the demo should've been Kameo on top of the hill, riding the horse with 5000 trolls running around, and set it late in the game when all the siege equipment is blowing crap up, now that would've been an impressive demo.

Not stuck inside a cage, trying to roll up a 1/4 pipe with totally new and pretty unconventional controls.
At this point it's not even pulling up equal to the 360 in multi-plat games and currently nothing the PS3 has matched Gears. I've also not seen a PS3 game that had the textures of Kameo which is over 1 year old.

On multiplatform I agree, on Gears of War - it's not the engine or the 360 that makes that game beautiful - it's the work of the artists. There was quite the thread centering on that discussion not too long ago. Doesn't take away from the game at all, just that we need to understand where in the work pipe things that impress us originate from.

In terms of Kameo, hey... I've always thought it was a great looking game.
On multiplatform I agree, on Gears of War - it's not the engine or the 360 that makes that game beautiful - it's the work of the artists.

true but same could be said for many games (on the whole), present and on the horizon (screenshots) but it does not stop many from exalting some of them as a testament to each system's relative POWA!! ;) :smile:
Xbox showed it's superior power on day 1 when it launched with Halo. I was so impressed when I played it, I sold my PS2 weeks later and bought an Xbox, that's saying something. The power was obviously there, and it still took years for multiplatform dev's to really tap it, even then it was relatively poor use of the HW.

Well XBox had a fundamental advantage over the PS2 in that its GPU had hardware T&L onboard, whereas the GS didn't. So... it's not usrprising at all that an advantage like that be right up on the screen from day 1. The multiplatform devs did indeed make poor use of it, but that stemmed from the fact that PS2 vs XBox were so completely divergent in architecture. There was a clas sof dev that did regularly take 'advantage' of the XBox though, and those were the PC devs in their ports - as in this case, the architectures of the shared platforms were quite similar indeed.

Now, PS3. Thing is, it's not really even close to having such a large advantage in power, not only does it have 64mb less useable RAM, and better dev tools and documentation, but the 360's GPU seems at this point to be superior.

I wouldn't say 'better' tools so much as easier tools at this point, and the documentation is of course important as well. But I agree with you that the RAM difference is quite real and material. Xenos vs RSX... I'm viewing the graphics output this gen as via 'graphics subsystems' vs the GPUs alone, since Cell plays a fundamental role in what PS3 is capable of outputting here. That being said, I agree 360 titles have the edge to date, and that by exploiting Cell in the graphics capacity, th eability to achieve some of the other things I'm 'amped' about in fact diminishes.

Xenos is great, I'm a fan. RSX unfortunately we don't know everything about; I understand there are still one or two aspects under NDA that really haven't played a role yet, but should. That said clearly yes the Xenos in a standalone fashion has several areas in which it outdoes RSX.

So, comparisons to the original Xbox are really not very valid here. There is no clear cut more powerful system. It will probably take xplatform Dev's a very long time to do anything remarkeable with CELL, and these games are where MS's strong dev support will really help.

Well, again I think PS3 <--> 360 dev tweaking will eventually be much easier and straightforward than was PS2 <--> Xbox tweaking.

1st party is where it's at, I want to see the games DeanoC talks about where an entire engine is built around the SPU's, then I agree we might really see something where you can say "wow, now that's a PS3 game"

I'm talking 1st party now, not sure if that's been clear - and I agree with you. :) I left multiplatform a page or two ago, but the conversation keeps shifting around that I think it's hard for all of us to keep track of whereeach other are in our points.

ps - Anyone who's saying 90% of the games looked the same on Xbox as PS2 is wrong imo. You could tell they were ports, but they almost always looked and ran better.

I agree with this also; I think there's been this cloud over XBox fans that they feel PS2 dragged them down last gen in terms of games. It did guys, but believe me the multiplatform games you got tended to be better for the most part, even if only slightly so.
true but same could be said for many games (on the whole), present and on the horizon (screenshots) but it does not stop many from exalting some of them as a testament to each system's relative POWA!! ;) :smile:

No doubt. It's a shame really, because artists rarely get the credit they deserve, and now more than ever they are a huge huge part of these development teams. When you see "help wanted" postings and such, there's always space for artists in there.
Ok... I've hacked off the business tactics tangent - now the questionis should the programming model discussion be hacked off as well?
I don't know why all these organizational nazi's had to come rain on our parade anyways...:devilish:

I was sort of enjoying this ADD riddled thread, and it's 12 different tangents going simultaneously ;)
I don't know why all these organizational nazi's had to come rain on our parade anyways...:devilish:

I was sort of enjoying this ADD riddled thread, and it's 12 different tangents going simultaneously ;)

I hear ya Scooby - watch, no one will care to talk about DMC4 now, and the other threads will die to boot! Ah well...
Capcom speak out on the criticism

It's truly ridiculous, that people complain because other people owning different hardware get to play the same game. "We don't want them to play our game. They're from the Other Side!"

God only knows what would happen if DMC or similar titles were cancelled for a console and moved to the rival!