Deus Ex 3 (PC)

hello no, it might of been released on the console first but i bet it was developed primary for the pc

"Descent 4 was a game being developed by Volition as part of the Descent game franchise, as a prequel to Descent. However, it was cancelled and its technologies, and some of the plot, were incorporated into Red Faction. Examples include the main character Parker as well as the GeoMod engine"
hello no, it might of been released on the console first but i bet it was developed primary for the pc

"Descent 4 was a game being developed by Volition as part of the Descent game franchise, as a prequel to Descent. However, it was cancelled and its technologies, and some of the plot, were incorporated into Red Faction. Examples include the main character Parker as well as the GeoMod engine"

That does sound like primary development was on the PC.
It still looks pretty good to me, and the complexity seems to be there. Look at that inventory :)
O M G. It can't be. Is this actually looking like it won't be garbage?! ;)

!spoiler warning! - might want to be careful what you read. I skipped around. Don't want to know too much.

Well this quote certainly made me happy. :)

It's also (quite pleasantly) surprising to note that most of the gameplay systems from the first Deus Ex are at play in Human Revolution, with some improvements. Inventory management is a Tetris-style affair where players will need to carefully arrange the items they're carrying in a limited grid.

Definitely glad they kept the "tetris-style" inventory. YES!

Now, just hopefully the skills do affect things in an RPG-ish manner as they did in the first. IE - low weapon skill meant your aim was generally shite.

Hopefully gameplay ends up similar to the first game. Too hard to tell based on their short play session. Was it just the one level designed specifically to impress the press? And less time dedicated to other levels? Things like that. But at least it had multiple ways of approaching a problem.

Hopefully this will turn out well, as Square Enix Eidos sure did a hatchet job on Supreme Commander 2. So, I'll be cautiously optimistic, but I still don't trust that publisher with regards to PC games yet.

Hopefully this will turn out well, as Square Enix Eidos sure did a hatchet job on Supreme Commander 2.
I'm still not sure if it just wasn't total madness and hysteria over at GPG that caused it. Maybe they got bad Pizza Hut one day at the GPG facility and permanent mental paralysis ensued.
I'm still not sure if it just wasn't total madness and hysteria over at GPG that caused it. Maybe they got bad Pizza Hut one day at the GPG facility and permanent mental paralysis ensued.

Well I wasn't terribly impressed with another Square Enix Eidos game which was an RTS. Order of War I think it was. As well Kane and Lynch actually got worse with the second iteration. Mini Ninja's was pretty crap in the conversion to PC. And then there was that whole rim job with Batman: AA.

Oh and the hatchet job they are doing to Dungeon Siege 3. It may turn out well if Obsidian can avoid turning it into an incomplete bugfest like many of their games, but it's absolutely nothing like DS 1 or 2. Whole elements of Dungeon Siege (the RTS parts for example) were cut out with a hatchet to make it more console friendly.

But to be fair I guess they do receive some credit for Just Cause 2. And that Lara Croft isometric game wasn't bad.

So, I'll just remain cautiously optimistic. :)

If they can make it into a polished Alpha Protocol then they'll have at least achieved somewhat a descendant of the original game. If not, then they fail and we'll have to just keep playing around with AP.

AP, nooo...


A or B ... So many choices ...

It's "press A to win/feel like a badass" streamlined/simplified mechanics, in place to capture the widest possible audience. It's present in a quite a few games days these days, courtesy of high development budgets.

Great article about DE btw.
I'm not sure I understand the criticism. :s It's just a prompt? Splinter Cell has been doing that for years.
Even I don't understand the criticism, you get two options lethal or non lethal take down. How is that any different that you taking out a guy with a baton or you killing him with a knife ? For all I know its limited to two options as well non lethal and lethal.
I guess in the end it's a question of free-form FPS-style interactiveness vs guided action via prompts with scripted animation sequences. The latter will always look prettier, but at the cost of disconnect between you and the game world. It requires that the characters and environment be setup in such a way as to provide locations and moments to facilitate these action prompts. Once a console controller gets thrown into the equation, the choice is a no brainer.

With a keyboard and mouse, I'd much rather have the former, where there's risk of me missing baton hit because I got anxious, or simply chose the wrong weapon. I like interactions where I'm not being hit over the head about when I'm supposed to be hitting some guard over the head. Thinking back to the original Deus Ex, I'm trying to imagine extracting every interaction I had in the game and replacing it with A/B/C prompts and I really can't say the game would be better for it.

None of this really matters, as the game will be sure to disappoint just as every other sequel or spiritual successor has when trying to ride the coattails of past fan favorites.