Deus Ex 3 (PC)

"Exclusive Gameplay Reveal Trailer"

That contained about four seconds worth of gameplay. "Takedown" cutscenes aren't gameplay. Neither are story cutscenes. Very misleading label they've applied to that video.

The visuals were interesting though. What would you call that? Shade-Shading? It wasn't exactly a black border around the models. Just a shadow zone. Never seen that before.

Just looks like some ugly SSAO effect. Way too exaggerated.
Ouh, what an ugly monochrome low res console crap :(
gameplay looks intresting though.

I think that Deus Ex should have more "blue".



It is obvious that Ghost in the Shell served as source of inpiration for the art style. Unfortunately, it looks like the only thing they took from it is the aesthetics, and not the other much more important stuff. I guess that's where those "not so good movies" come in.
I'm looking forward to this game and I'm getting hyped about it. I know better than to and I hate myself for it, but I just can't help it.

Frack. :???:
It is obvious that Ghost in the Shell served as source of inpiration for the art style.

Interesting how people see what they want to see. I see far more of Blade Runner than I do GITS in what's been shown for it thus far. Especially when it comes to the mood and color palette.

Even things such as crashing through walls can come directly from Blade Runner. As such the colors used thus far seem far more appropriate than the blue modified screen.

I agree, it could be taken right out of the movie. I really hope they go for the Blade Runner vibe in the gameplay as well, while staying close to what made Deus Ex the great game it is.
I agree, the Blade Runner influence is immense, although, to be fair, that influence is so pervasive as to cause considerable confusion. Fifth Element, later Final Fantasies, Mass Effect, even Star Wars Clone Wars -- anything with a futuristic city these days, probably doesn't even realize how much it borrows from Blade Runner... some ways, that was one of the more unique parts about the first Deus Ex. It had some color palette weirdness but otherwise felt a lot like... America. Just futurized. Not really Blade Runner at all. Kind of original. But I sure hope this is good. I have strong doubts, but here's to hoping! some ways, that was one of the more unique parts about the first Deus Ex. It had some color palette weirdness but otherwise felt a lot like... America. Just futurized. Not really Blade Runner at all. Kind of original. But I sure hope this is good. I have strong doubts, but here's to hoping!

Aye, Deus Ex really did a good job of portraying a dystopian futuristic America without being too derivative of other movie, game, or media sources (although there were some touches that could be tied to Robocop). Although I'm sure they had some inspiration from all of those sources, it still came across as fairly unique.

I'm still not sure what to expect from Deus Ex 3. The visuals look like it may be good, but I'm still unconvinced by what I've seen of the gameplay. Still have my fingers crossed that whatever it is will be fun. Unfortunately, it will be released with high expectationis by those who liked the original. On the other hand, it couldn't possibly be worse than the second one, could it? :)

The characters and the style of their cybernetics reminds me of Metal Gear Solid more than anything, though story wise, the game will probably relate to GITS of course as it dealt with cyber-terrorism, and the man-machine amalgamation conundrum.
Lets hope we end up with something better than Project Snoblind (what was going to be DeusEx 3)

It was going to be a spin-off, not Deus Ex 3.

And I thought it was decent, if a bit generic. Terrible story, though.

I mean, the hero has been blown to bits, gets cyborged(Because of the Teen rating, you never find out what was replaced), and his reaction is "Awww yeah!"

The best part? Aside from some lines on his arm glowing blue and pulsing when he uses a power or when the artists think it's cool, you can't tell he's a cyborg. That's completely missing the point of having a cyborg character. If you cyborg a character, you get an excuse to make a cool design.

The worst part is there's a guy who does have an obvious cyborg part: his arm gets replaced by this gigantic metal arm that, IIRC, has a gun of some sort built in. And all he did was get his arm shot/blown off. The game implies(or directly states. I don't recall. It's been two and a half years since I played it) that the hero took far more extensive damage.

Plus, the storyline in general is this generic "Turns out the enemy was the government all along lols" bullshit.
Project SnoBlind bad parts :

1. max res of 1280x960
2. terrible low res textures
3. horrible noise full screen effect

You can turn that effect off easy. It's a blur filter, BTW. The wonderful effects of Depth of Field.

I can't really argue with the rest. It's a port of an average looking(For the console it's on) PS2 game. It's gonna be ugly. I didn't know that about the resolution, though. The monitor I had at the time could only do 1024x768 worth a damn. It could go higher, but only if you want to reduce it to 60hz. No thank you to that.
I been playin' Chaser and Chrome lately. There's a visual style to 2001-3 shooters that needs a name... That DirectX 7/8 hybrid look. It's too bad that Project Snowblind is a 2005 game. ;)