Natoma said:
Gotta agree with that. Sharpton is damn funny and he makes great points. Kucinich, wow.... Not even Kerry could stop laughing at him. And even the moderators were making fun of him. Hell Larry King wasn't even paying attention to him at one point, and all you see is Kucinich going "Larry... Larry are you paying attention?"
Kucinich really isn't being given a fair chance. He's been repeatedly cut out from the major media debate, and this was evident during the televised debates here. He was repeatedly cut off mid-sentence without being given the opportunity to finish his points. Both Kucinich and Sharpton have fared well in several states, but this has always been downplayed by the media, because, afterall, we know the only *serious* candidates are Kerry and Edwards.
Natoma, I've seen you come out pretty harshly against both Kucinich and Nader, but from what I can tell you align more closely with them politically. Could you explain some of the differences you have with them? I'm curious, here.
BTW, with regards to the media cutting Kucinich and Sharpton out of the race, (and Dean before them), this isn't the first election where this kind of thing has happened. There's an excellent documentary available on the internet called Spin, which documents similar incidents happening in 1992. Above it's coverage of that issue, this is perhaps one of the absolute best political documentaries ever created. I'd highly recommend checking it out, (and it does poke fun at both "sides" of the political spectrum). Best thing about it, is it's available for free on the internet:
It's huge, at 600 mb or 1.2 gb, but it's well worth the wait. You'll probably never see anything else that offers a similar "insider's perspective" on the U.S. political machine.