Democratic Presidential Debate Tonight

Legion said:
exactly who is Sharpton representing again?

I hope it's not blacks in Florida. Some of those guys committed felonies in the year 2007 and were therefore barred from voting in the last presidential election. Lord knows what Kat "Lady, you're crazy" Harris will cook up this year.

P.S. That quote is what a judge in 2002 told her in a courtroom regarding her colorful interpretations of the law.
digitalwanderer said:
Legion said:
but you laugh at Kucinich...
Yup, and I laugh with Sharpton. ;)

Gotta agree with that. Sharpton is damn funny and he makes great points. Kucinich, wow.... Not even Kerry could stop laughing at him. And even the moderators were making fun of him. Hell Larry King wasn't even paying attention to him at one point, and all you see is Kucinich going "Larry... Larry are you paying attention?"

:LOL: hysterical.
You know, I have to give it to Kerry. He's one hell of a politician. Right now he's slam dunking this debate. Unfortunately, that's not saying much considering the debates during the lesser watched 2003 preview. To see Kerry now vs Kerry throughout all of 2003 is to see a complete 180, which is why it pains me that the vast democratic electorate voting in these primaries and caucauses have simply not been paying attention all along, or there is no way in hell they'd be voting for Kerry en masse the way they have.

Edwards has tried attacking Kerry's record, but he just doesn't seem comfortable doing it at all. Whoever told him to attack probably wasn't doing his best for Edwards overall. Edwards is best when stressing his own points and his own record, not attacking. That much I've learned from watching the man. I think he and his handlers may have made a tactical error in this part, but then I can understand the wish to shake things up given the dire need to win a huge chunk of delegates next Tuesday. But he did make a VERY strong point in that Kerry's current stance on the trade issue completely contradicts Kerry's voting record. Edwards may not be comfortable engaging in attack politics, but I know the bush campaign will have no compunction doing this. One big reason why I think Kerry is a disaster waiting to happen.

Of course, November could very well prove me wrong if Kerry wins the democratic nomination (please if there is a god please please please don't let that happen).

Sharpton is always a hoot in these debates and gives great one-liners and even some very comprehensive policy points, surprisingly. Kucinich, as always, just looks like a little chihuahua (or was it sewer rat?) trying to get attention. Maybe I'm just being mean..... :oops:
Actually, I thought Kerry did a rather poor job.

Granted, he did a good job of taking up a lot of time, but generally didn't answer clearly, concisely, and was rarely on point.

Edwards had a lot of hand waving explaining his policies (somehow he'll get rid of poverty and that will make everybody middle class and fuel the economy).

Kucinich thinks educating everybody will make them all middle class.

Kerry think giving everybody health care will help the economy. He plans to do this by getting rid of the individual tax cuts and plugging the business tax loopholes.
Gads, I just came away from that debate feeling overwhelmingly sorry for's one of those things that is damn near embarressingly painful to watch! :?

"Pity", that's the word I'm looking for. :(
RussSchultz said:
Actually, I thought Kerry did a rather poor job.

Granted, he did a good job of taking up a lot of time, but generally didn't answer clearly, concisely, and was rarely on point.

Precisely why I believe he slam dunked this debate. He didn't make any major mistakes. People are going to gloss over it and go vote for him simply because of his front runner status. All he had to do was come out of this debate unscathed, and he did that for the most part.

RussSchultz said:
Edwards had a lot of hand waving explaining his policies (somehow he'll get rid of poverty and that will make everybody middle class and fuel the economy).

That's why I wrote that I believe they made a tactical error having Edwards go on the offensive (and believe me, this was "on the offensive" for Edwards. he's not an attack-style politician from what I've seen from the man over the past year). He didn't articulate his own message as well as he normally has. The debate in Wisconsin and the debates in Iowa and Pace University were far more articulate and detailed.

Tonight looked like an entirely different man, and I think it was because he changed strategy and tried to "attack" Kerry. I just don't think it's in him to do this, and it hurt him when giving his own message.

Kucinich...... :LOL:
John Reynolds said:
I'm sitting here amazed as I think to myself that Sharpton probably made the most sense out of all of them.

The sad thing about Sharpton is that he can go from making complete sense to making a complete idiot out of himself. And of course he was never a serious candidate what with his long history of (sometimes deserved, other times completely undeserved) race baiting and race mongering.
digitalwanderer said:
Gads, I just came away from that debate feeling overwhelmingly sorry for's one of those things that is damn near embarressingly painful to watch! :?

"Pity", that's the word I'm looking for. :(

I guess I am just mean. Eddie and I couldn't stop laughing whenever Kucinich came up with a question or response with the moderators. It was pure comedy every time. :D
Natoma said:
Gotta agree with that. Sharpton is damn funny and he makes great points. Kucinich, wow.... Not even Kerry could stop laughing at him. And even the moderators were making fun of him. Hell Larry King wasn't even paying attention to him at one point, and all you see is Kucinich going "Larry... Larry are you paying attention?"

:LOL: hysterical.

Kucinich really isn't being given a fair chance. He's been repeatedly cut out from the major media debate, and this was evident during the televised debates here. He was repeatedly cut off mid-sentence without being given the opportunity to finish his points. Both Kucinich and Sharpton have fared well in several states, but this has always been downplayed by the media, because, afterall, we know the only *serious* candidates are Kerry and Edwards.

Natoma, I've seen you come out pretty harshly against both Kucinich and Nader, but from what I can tell you align more closely with them politically. Could you explain some of the differences you have with them? I'm curious, here.

BTW, with regards to the media cutting Kucinich and Sharpton out of the race, (and Dean before them), this isn't the first election where this kind of thing has happened. There's an excellent documentary available on the internet called Spin, which documents similar incidents happening in 1992. Above it's coverage of that issue, this is perhaps one of the absolute best political documentaries ever created. I'd highly recommend checking it out, (and it does poke fun at both "sides" of the political spectrum). Best thing about it, is it's available for free on the internet:

It's huge, at 600 mb or 1.2 gb, but it's well worth the wait. You'll probably never see anything else that offers a similar "insider's perspective" on the U.S. political machine.
John Reynolds said:
I'm sitting here amazed as I think to myself that Sharpton probably made the most sense out of all of them.

believe you me.. I was just as shocked during the last debate when kucinich made the most sense of the four...

sharpton... once you get past his shouting is pretty kewl... :D
Uh, Kucinich and his extreme isolationist views would destroy the world economy if brought to fruition.