Naruto debuts in America tonight, in english!

MfA said:
They animate at very low fps which arent even dividers of 30/60 ... it probably looks a little better after IVTC.

Yep. Some parts are shot with higher frametare, namely the faster scenes. Slower scenes can be shot at a lower framerate without people noticing.

Personally i'll take japanese style over the american one any day of my life till i die. Framerate or not.
london-boy said:
Do you want me to stop watching the show? Really, that thing you mentioned is one of my all-time hated things in the universe.

LOL....ok..i'm exagerating a little. Its still a great show and the characters really do grow on you. The show is like a fist full of emotion that slams you in the face, as uncomfortable as it sounds...its a remarkable thing :(.
london-boy said:
Yep, they just finished the "preliminary" fights and the one-month break just began, Naruto is being trained in the hot springs and they meet some white haired guy on a huge frog. That was the last thing i saw.
Hentai Sensai!!!! The Perverted Hermit! The Saryyn(sic)!

I like him, he grows on ya. You're about to embark on the huge and epic bit of Naruto, I think you'll like it.
digitalwanderer said:
Hentai Sensai!!!! The Perverted Hermit! The Saryyn(sic)!

I like him, he grows on ya. You're about to embark on the huge and epic bit of Naruto, I think you'll like it.

Oh good!!

I'm just waiting for him to fight Naji. That will be interesting. Then Gaara and Sasuke...
london-boy said:
Oh good!!

I'm just waiting for him to fight Naji. That will be interesting. Then Gaara and Sasuke...
Heh-heh-heh, I'll shut up's got you sucked in.

I'll warn you though, this is about the point where you start getting interested in/caring about a whole lot more characters in the series. I hated it at first, but it really grew on me and now I'm just hopelessly addicted. :oops:

Which reminds me, 151 should be out about now....gotta run. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
Heh-heh-heh, I'll shut up's got you sucked in.

I'll warn you though, this is about the point where you start getting interested in/caring about a whole lot more characters in the series. I hated it at first, but it really grew on me and now I'm just hopelessly addicted. :oops:

Which reminds me, 151 should be out about now....gotta run. ;)

I can already feel that, with the girl who fought Naji being super sweet and getting injured like that, Lee apparently not ever being able to fight again (yeah right, as if!)... It's all good. :D
london-boy said:
I can already feel that, with the girl who fought Naji being super sweet and getting injured like that, Lee apparently not ever being able to fight again (yeah right, as if!)... It's all good. :D
Hinata, right? The one who has eyes like Neji (and the bloodline) but who is super sweet and has a crush on Naruto? Yeah, she's the one who has me jonesing for 151 to come out. :oops:

"Lee apparently not ever being able to fight again", heh-heh-heh....yeah. He still has what I have got to consider my very favorite anime fight ever still coming up. ;)
BlueTsunami said:
I think they make their animations with less frames per second then american animation. There was one episode in Naruto (much farther down the line) where it seemed like they went all out and added many more frames to the was smooth as silk. I guess its a time consumption thing? try to get the anime out as fast as possible...or its just the style.

Generally it is for budgetary reasons. The Japanese originally were emulating a lot of Disney's early work, which concentrated on fluidity of motion for the most part, but found that the cost of animating that way was simply too much. So they improvised and became masters of the use of speed lines, panning to imply motion, emotion icons to imply mental state (saving on detailed facial animation), lip motion not matching spoken dialog (indeed typically the animation is created first and the actors match to it for the vocal performance in both English and Japanese dubs - one of the reasons Akira was a landmark film was for not doing this.) and careful camera control to keep movement at right angles to the camera angle (allowing simple opitcal tricks to include motion). Low frame rates were also fairly commong, average motion rate was often as low as twelve frames per second for even high intensity scenes.

Since Tezuka's day when he helped pioneer a lot of this, the techniques steadily improved but hit something of a wall mid to late eighties. Optical compositing techniques simply limited what was practical to do, it wasn't until the mid nineties when computer assisted methods were first explored in films, like 'Ghost in the Shell' which was an early poster child for the process, and then adapted into production TV animation. That development has done a lot to freeing up directors to do new and innovative things visually once again.

Sadly even though they don't need them, too many current directors are relying on the older techniques whose initial reasons for existing simply don't apply any more. Thats why titles like 'Paranoia Agent' are such an interesting new landmark series. In 'Paranoia Agent' Satoshi Kon and the Madhouse crew chose to go down the route of more fluid motion and facial animation. Better yet they combined it with less vocally expressive utterances to indicate mood or motion. (The shock gasp, lifting grunt, etc...) The end result is a series that you can watch the characters act and read their emotional state that way rather than being beaten around the head by both visual and aural overcuing.

So, short answer is it is both. Originally it was purely for time and budget reasons but it has become something of a style that hopefully will be broken out of soon.
Dont wanna spoil anything but... WOW just saw the first fight from the final test!!! COOL!!!

And the summoning jutsu he learns... SUPERCOOL!!!
london-boy said:
Dont wanna spoil anything but... WOW just saw the first fight from the final test!!! COOL!!!

And the summoning jutsu he learns... SUPERCOOL!!!
It gets better too, waaaay better.

I remember being impressed with some of the "camera work" in the Chunin exams, the animation really seemed to step up a notch around then.

I'm watching when Naruto finally (after 1829 filler episodes) gets to fight Gaara the monster and summons the Frog Boss. WOW
Oh gods, I'm watching the US episode 3 and they freaking edited out where Naruto accidently kisses Sasuke.

Now they didn't write it out, they just had it happen off-camera so it wouldn't offend any homophobes sensibilities.

That's it, the US Naruto official blows chunks. :(
digitalwanderer said:
Oh gods, I'm watching the US episode 3 and they freaking edited out where Naruto accidently kisses Sasuke.

Now they didn't write it out, they just had it happen off-camera so it wouldn't offend any homophobes sensibilities.

That's it, the US Naruto official blows chunks. :cry:

Unsurprised... :LOL:

Oh i got to episode 135!! And i read the manga till Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and the sand girl meet Itachi, u know, 3 years later aftre Gaara has been kidnapped... tell me it's not the last one out i NEED to know what happens next... :cry:
God. All of those quality animated series produced in the East and they have to go and pick up something like Naruto. Why? I'm not saying Naruto's bad, but there's just so much better out there...
akira888 said:
God. All of those quality animated series produced in the East and they have to go and pick up something like Naruto. Why? I'm not saying Naruto's bad, but there's just so much better out there...

Well i guess Naruto is quite easy to market in the western world, if you think about it, it's quite "easy".

I was very shocked when i say Neon Evangelion in Italy... Cause that's a weird one i wouldn't have thought many people would understand - and in fact, no one did. Still one of the best short anime series i've seen in my life.