CVG: Sony to rock GDC

Then Microsoft should stop making Forza 2 :LOL: Really hopeless argument.

I never said they should stop making anything, are you guys being purposefulyl thick? It's funny you guys are so damned defensive, you can't grasp a little common sense point.
I never said they should stop making anything, are you guys being purposefulyl thick? It's funny you guys are so damned defensive, you can't grasp a little common sense point.
Seems like you only read the first sentence of my post...

I agree they don't interfere with eachother, like I said! But, I can see where you are coming from, there's a valid argument that Microsoft should be choosing the types of games where they can say "You won't find games like this on PS3", to highight their system this spring, and Forza 2 isn't that.

It all depends what else they have up their sleeves, if we see some nice Halo 3 footage, Fable 2 etc etc, then Forza 2 will just be icing on a real nice cake, if it's meant as a primary showcase at GDC, it mgiht not have been the best choice for affecting media/consumer perceptions.
Didn't SOCOM have the most number of players online in a game for all consoles last generation? They could do the same and again, you wouldn't find it on the Xbox360. And it would be free.

Well quiet frankly Sony did had to most users online with the help of that 100+ million PS2 sold. It's hard to tell where the Socom community alone stands against the Halo community these days.

I personally think Zipper is milking the Socom series way too much. In 5 years we already have 6 Socom games. The sales on the series is somewhat declining at this point, maining because old vets that liked the first two could not get into the newer installments. Maps are too big and lots of camping leads to sniper whoring.

If Zipper is going to bring another Socom game for the PS3, I want it to play like the first game. Zipper take your damn time on it and stop rushing it to the market.
I personally think Zipper is milking the Socom series way too much. In 5 years we already have 6 Socom games. The sales on the series is somewhat declining at this point, maining because old vets that liked the first two could not get into the newer installments. Maps are too big and lots of camping leads to sniper whoring.

If Zipper is going to bring another Socom game for the PS3, I want it to play like the first game. Zipper take your damn time on it and stop rushing it to the market.
Yeah Ninte...I mean, Zipper! Take note!;)
Well quiet frankly Sony did had to most users online with the help of that 100+ million PS2 sold. It's hard to tell where the Socom community alone stands against the Halo community these days.

Well SOCOM basically had more people online playing than the entire Xbox Live subscribers combined, but that wasn't my point. I meant online in a single gaming session.

I personally think Zipper is milking the Socom series way too much. In 5 years we already have 6 Socom games. The sales on the series is somewhat declining at this point, maining because old vets that liked the first two could not get into the newer installments. Maps are too big and lots of camping leads to sniper whoring.

If Zipper is going to bring another Socom game for the PS3, I want it to play like the first game. Zipper take your damn time on it and stop rushing it to the market.

I agree.
Well quiet frankly Sony did had to most users online with the help of that 100+ million PS2 sold. It's hard to tell where the Socom community alone stands against the Halo community these days.

100 million now, not then may have been 70 :)

And those 70 million werent born with a NIC that was an addon for many. Sony may not have had the complete and very impressive package that is XBOX live. But they were online before the XBOX and they had more players online eventhough it was integrated in to package and required an extra purchase. Pretty impressive actually
100 million now, not then may have been 70 :)

And those 70 million werent born with a NIC that was an addon for many. Sony may not have had the complete and very impressive package that is XBOX live. But they were online before the XBOX and they had more players online eventhough it was integrated in to package and required an extra purchase. Pretty impressive actually
Yeah! Remember the craptastic Central Station? It took me about 3 light years to register on that thing, but SOCOM II was worth the trouble! And yes, I bought a network adapter add on.
Ok guys so Sony trotting out a Gears class (graphically) game that sold millions on ps2 and claiming "hey you can play lots more players online here and it's free to do so!" and using this as their rallying point will have systems flying off the shelves in Europe? Is it even popular there?

Some of you guys just don't get it.

Sony at this point is attempting to sell a machine which costs $100-300 more expensive than their closest competitor, are a year late and their developer tools and consequently, games library reflects this.

If MS were in their shoes:

I would not suggesting rolling out Forza2 to gdc just before their EU launch when Sony Already had GTHD (or possibly by this time as they have been on the market for a year longer than MS, GT5) which set the standard. The shock value EVEN if it it looked just as good, would not be as powerful as it would be if they focused on a genre/IP that has not recieved the proper next gen treatment yet.

Nobody is saying "stop development" or even "Don't bring the demo to the show".

I'm saying IF it is a choice between SOCOM or another game/genre that has not been given the next gen treatment yet, then go with the shock value.


The purpose of this thread is discussing what Sony will bring to GDC.
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New footage of FFXIII and white knight story please. Perhaps throw us a little candy like MGS4 and it will be the best showing I have ever seen. Thank you.
Seems like you only read the first sentence of my post...

I agree they don't interfere with eachother, like I said! But, I can see where ChefO is coming from, there's a valid argument that Sony should be choosing the types of games where they can say "You won't find games like this on 360", to highight their system this spring, and SOCOM isn't that.

It all depends what else they have up their sleeves, if we see some nice R&C footage, FF13 etc etc, then SOCOM will just be icing on a real nice cake, if it's meant as a primary showcase at GDC, it mgiht not have been the best choice for affecting media/consumer perceptions.

Socom doesnt interfere with the making of exceptional games either and there are many who want a next gen socom. Besides, why cant SOCOM evolve into an exceptional game?
Socom doesnt interfere with the making of exceptional games either and there are many who want a next gen socom. Besides, why cant SOCOM evolve into an exceptional game?

As Scooby said: Socom could be great icing on the cake for this event/purpose. But if it is the cake, the flavor would be vanilla.;)
who cares as long as it tastes good?

Agreed - good cake is good cake. But for the pre-EU launch hype period would you want people to say "good cake" or "That cake is the most unbelievable cake I've ever had, I've never had cake like that before nor can I buy cake anything like that anywhere else I've been. Not even UBI has cake remotely close to this cake. ( ;) ) I can't live without this cake. And by the way the icing was also great, I've had some similar but wow, when combined with the cake this is just unbelievable. Where/when can I buy this cake for myself? <That cake is $600 sir> Well it's expensive cake... but I don't care! I WANT THAT CAKE!"?
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I can't believe people are still holding on to hope that Sony will over night turn things around.
It took years of bad mistakes for Sony to get to where they are now they are not going to fix everything over night at one dev conference.

It's going to take more than one dev conference for Sony to imporve things this gen.
"That cake is the most unbelievable cake I've ever had, I've never had cake like that before nor can I buy cake anything like that anywhere else I've been. Not even UBI has cake remotely close to this cake.
How many 'cakes' are there like that though? Whatever game titles Sony announce, there'll probably be equivalents on other systems. FPS, racers, sports games, JRPGs, etc. Aiming for totally original titles from all your developers is extremely hard and demanding and runs the risk of some genres being poorly represented on your platform.

I can appreciate both POVs in this thread. They're both fair takes. Myself, I don't see anything wrong with showcasing a solid, well-appreciated franchise, when it's known that it's not the only game you're making. If SONY only show SOCOM, only say they're producing SOCOM, and there was no info of any other games, there'd be reason to pick another showcase ;). And surely it's better to showcase something not so original such as SOCOM then something more original such as flOw, where the wow factor is obviously with the unoriginal genre. It's more in MS's favour to showcase Halo3 than the physics based Dr. Floogle's Chair Stacker because H3 is a big, bad, bold game. Contributing solid standard genres to the platform library is as important to the platform holders as adding innovative content, I think. They can't rely on third parties to provide solid experiences in all genres as they may fall short. You've no quality control on those titles. You need a super-dooper racer, FPS, online team-shooter, football+soccer games as well as original titles, and it's worthwhile investing in those to be sure you've got them. And if what you've produced is good, it's worth showing it off to show the breadth of your software library.

And also, this is a game developer conference! Choice of titles shown ought to be more a case of demoing to devs what's being achieved on your platform to drum up interest. If FPSes are in, and you can show a grand FPS, you'll reach your audience. If FPSes are in, and you show a msucial-fluid-dynamics-virtual-scuplture, none of the devs will be interested. the audience here isn't the wider public. Hopefully. If GDC gets turned into a PR platform, it's a loss for developers. The Internet should know when to butt out and leave people to get on with things.
I can't believe people are still holding on to hope that Sony will over night turn things around.
It took years of bad mistakes for Sony to get to where they are now they are not going to fix everything over night at one dev conference.

It's going to take more than one dev conference for Sony to imporve things this gen.

While I agree with this statement, I think Sony needs to do the best they can to help themselves. Who knows what effect it would have to demonstrate unique games of a higher calibre than any on the market but you never know until you try.;)

Sure the machine is still expensive and still has a smaller library compared to it's rival but Give the people a few good reasons to own it over their rival and it would certainly help more than just twiddling their thumbs waiting for the B.O.M. to drop and their library to grow while praying their competitors don't bury them in the meantime.
Agreed - good cake is good cake. But for the pre-EU launch hype period would you want people to say "good cake" or "That cake is the most unbelievable cake I've ever had, I've never had cake like that before nor can I buy cake anything like that anywhere else I've been. Not even UBI has cake remotely close to this cake. ( ;) ) I can't live without this cake. And by the way the icing was also great, I've had some similar but wow, when combined with the cake this is just unbelievable. Where/when can I buy this cake for myself? <That cake is $600 sir> Well it's expensive cake... but I don't care! I WANT THAT CAKE!"?

Well. its true that the best cake is more preferable. But still, the good icing can accompany the great cake. ;)

Whether someone puts the effort to make a vey tasty icing, which he or may not call it SOCOM, doesnt affect other efforts to make a juicy chocolate moose for the insides of the cake that makes the most difference.

Besides the cake is still in the early making. The chocolate moose needs more preparation. All you can do is anounce it. And for some he icing could be as good as the chocolate moose.
How many 'cakes' are there like that though?

Naughty Dog's "Drake" game

Those are "cake" games, SOCOM is an "icing" game. *until proven otherwise*

edit - another good one I'd love to see is a refresh of Motortoon GP2. While this may not be the best choice for this event I'd love to see what the team could do with ps3 hardware on that concept. I'm thinking ToyStory :D Take a break from gt already guys!
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Naughty Dog's "Drake" game

Those are "cake" games, SOCOM is an "icing" game. *until proven otherwise*
If you look at sales figures SOCOM has the right to join the anticipated titles and I have no idea why you think it's not proven.