CVG: Sony to rock GDC

I, for one, do not expect anything new from GDC, on the SCE front. They might show some real time stuff from some of tehir project, yes, but I wouldn't expect full blown trailers and such, let alone trailers for unannounced games.

They might do some PR, though, but I won't be counting on it, nor would I expect something important, to the gaming press, to be presented.

Yeah... I doubt GDC is a good platform for doing consumer PR/event. I'd be happy if they do a few informative sessions on the updated OS.
About bloody time too! The day would come when Sony does something right! Seriously, they have been so "unlucky" - if you could call it that - with PS3, that i would be surprised if they didn't do something right at one point!

(Not saying they haven't done something right this whole time, it's just undeniable that they haven't been the same Sony we have seen in the last two generations...)
Now now. That is what cgi target trailers are for ;) (not limited to Sony of course)

... or even cgi again...
The timing for showing games that outclass the competition is perfect.


I wouldn't rule it out for something that hasn't been shown yet. Wipeout could be a good candidate to take advantage of a well put together video.

Sony could use a booster before the EU launch.
After Sony's blackout over the last year... this should be very entertaining and instructive for the other two console makers. If Sony comes out swinging with demos of HS, MGS, Warhawk, Lair, R&C, and KZ and they look like nothing that exists on any other platform (much like motorstorm appears to be right now), they will begin to swing momentum back in their direction of the course the year.

Are you sure Sony deserves such optimism given their recent track history? So much optimism to say that theyre going to teach Nintendo, who is wiping the proverbial sales floor with them on every front, something? Teach Micrsoft, who leads them by roughly 7 million consoles, something?

I think they should focus on announcing something relevant, something that finally meets expectations (at least), for starters and then worry about teaching later.

Nothing looks like motorstorm? For Real?

In many ways, if any of those games make the March European launch date, it will be as if the NA/Japan launch was merely a pre-launch... If the numbers coming publications wrt VF5 are any indication of the quality that lays in wait, European launch could set off a very good year for Sony, and its third party supporters.

If the 'real' launch is in March, that only gives Nintendo and MS even more time to bolster their positions, i dont see how this is a plus - that the 'real' launch is now 4 months later than thought.
Are you sure Sony deserves such optimism given their recent track history? So much optimism to say that theyre going to teach Nintendo, who is wiping the proverbial sales floor with them on every front, something? Teach Micrsoft, who leads them by roughly 7 million consoles, something?

I think they should focus on announcing something relevant, something that finally meets expectations (at least), for starters and then worry about teaching later.

Nothing looks like motorstorm? For Real?

If the 'real' launch is in March, that only gives Nintendo and MS even more time to bolster their positions, i dont see how this is a plus - that the 'real' launch is now 4 months later than thought.

The current period we are in may very well be the calm before the storm. As I said in my post, "if they [SONY] comes out swinging" which means meeting or exceeding expectations (of either developers or users) based on their recent performance, it can be very positive for them. Right now the ONLY thing really holding Sony back is PRICE. The games will come. If Sony would have launched at X360's premium price point, SONY would be in a much better position (wishful thinking I know) and probably would have achieved some sales parity with the equivalently priced SKU.

That said Nintendo is winning on innovation with both the DS and the Wii... however consoles and hadnhelds are very different markets... it will be interesting to see where wii stands with onslaughts of MGS4, Halo3, Assassin's Creed and FFXIII later this year or early next. Continued third party support is the key to Nin continued dominance at that price point. Once the 360 and PS3 moderate some, you will see sales shifts... I think that Nintendo will have to sustain extraordinary innovation over the long haul to hold peoples attention...

As far as x360 is concerned they are not out the woods yet. Even with a semi blockbuster roster of titles slated for the year and the gaining of some exclusives from Sony, they are really just trying to outrun Sony with their strategy. Even as an avid 360 supporter THAT much is plain. By outrun, I mean sell as many machines as possible before Sony can unload their big guns against them. Had Sony had any of their major marquee titles available at launch this fight would be VERY different. FFXIII or MGS at launch would probably sold Sony up to around half of X360's userbase based purely on the current support that eithe of those titles currently enjoy. And that is the honest truth.

As far as the March launch is concerned... meh... nothing is wrong with receiving a post launch boost at the end of the Fiscal year. Many people who didnt buy a PS3 during the holidays were waiting for after their holiday payments to clear up anyway as well as good games. March is when not more than a few folks planned on committing to the platform. $5-600 at Christmas is one thing. $5-600 at March, April or May is another.

And yes I dont think there is any title like Motorstorm on either Wii or X360 currently.
According to Axsider in the Naughtydog Trailer thread it looks likely that "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" will be featured, possibly along with the nameless shooter, a "nice/shocking" game being developed in Cambridge and a "shocking" game from Japan.

Sounds like we are in store for a few surprises.

I wonder what the impact at retail would be for a crysis level game to be demonstrated live on ps3...

edit - thanks Nesh
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According to Axsider in the Naughtydog Trailer thread it looks likely that "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" will be featured along with the nameless shooter, a "nice/shocking" game being developed in Cambridge and a "shocking" game from Japan.

Sounds like we are in store for a few surprises.

I wonder what the impact at retail would be for a crysis level game to be demonstrated live on ps3...

I dont think he necessarilly ment they will be demontstraded at GDC. He only speaks of their existense....I think
Honestly the way I feel about Killzone 2 is that it will look just as good as Motor Storm did, but failed to meet up to the CGI presentation.
Honestly the way I feel about Killzone 2 is that it will look just as good as Motor Storm did, but failed to meet up to the CGI presentation.

I feel the same. If Killzone pulls a Motorstorm type deal, I'll be more than happy.
The current period we are in may very well be the calm before the storm. As I said in my post, "if they [SONY] comes out swinging" which means meeting or exceeding expectations (of either developers or users) based on their recent performance, it can be very positive for them. Right now the ONLY thing really holding Sony back is PRICE. The games will come. If Sony would have launched at X360's premium price point, SONY would be in a much better position (wishful thinking I know) and probably would have achieved some sales parity with the equivalently priced SKU.

That said Nintendo is winning on innovation with both the DS and the Wii... however consoles and hadnhelds are very different markets... it will be interesting to see where wii stands with onslaughts of MGS4, Halo3, Assassin's Creed and FFXIII later this year or early next. Continued third party support is the key to Nin continued dominance at that price point. Once the 360 and PS3 moderate some, you will see sales shifts... I think that Nintendo will have to sustain extraordinary innovation over the long haul to hold peoples attention...

As far as x360 is concerned they are not out the woods yet. Even with a semi blockbuster roster of titles slated for the year and the gaining of some exclusives from Sony, they are really just trying to outrun Sony with their strategy. Even as an avid 360 supporter THAT much is plain. By outrun, I mean sell as many machines as possible before Sony can unload their big guns against them. Had Sony had any of their major marquee titles available at launch this fight would be VERY different. FFXIII or MGS at launch would probably sold Sony up to around half of X360's userbase based purely on the current support that eithe of those titles currently enjoy. And that is the honest truth.

As far as the March launch is concerned... meh... nothing is wrong with receiving a post launch boost at the end of the Fiscal year. Many people who didnt buy a PS3 during the holidays were waiting for after their holiday payments to clear up anyway as well as good games. March is when not more than a few folks planned on committing to the platform. $5-600 at Christmas is one thing. $5-600 at March, April or May is another.

And yes I dont think there is any title like Motorstorm on either Wii or X360 currently.

I'm not saying there isn't a scenario where Sony ends up on top this gen, in fact i think its still likely. My point was that I dont understand the extrapolation of all these events from "Sony will show killzone in March".

Youve created a series of events and possibilities where Sony rebounds and has an amazing year, and thats fine, but this thread is about them possibly showing killzone, et. al. at GDC. I don't see how we come to the conlcusion that showing killzone undoes a series of mis-steps and catapults the PS3 into super stardom.

More power to them, the more competition the better but I personally don't theyve earned the optimism theyre getting here and i'm not going to fall prey again. This thread is all too reminiscent of the pre-e3 hype thread where we were all left disappointed. If they come through, great, but lets at least make them earn that first one ok?
I'm not saying there isn't a scenario where Sony ends up on top this gen, in fact i think its still likely. My point was that I dont understand the extrapolation of all these events from "Sony will show killzone in March".

Youve created a series of events and possibilities where Sony rebounds and has an amazing year, and thats fine, but this thread is about them possibly showing killzone, et. al. at GDC. I don't see how we come to the conlcusion that showing killzone undoes a series of mis-steps and catapults the PS3 into super stardom.

More power to them, the more competition the better but I personally don't theyve earned the optimism theyre getting here and i'm not going to fall prey again. This thread is all too reminiscent of the pre-e3 hype thread where we were all left disappointed. If they come through, great, but lets at least make them earn that first one ok?

Good post

I don't know how the gen will end but I'm pretty sure Sony will do what they can to ensure a warm welcome in EU. What stems beyond that is up to consumers but overall I see a good showing at gdc and the next e3 as necessary for ps3. Regardless of what the outcome will be saleswise from these showings, it's one of the few [realistic] moves I see them having in the short term to spark sales.
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More power to them, the more competition the better but I personally don't theyve earned the optimism theyre getting here and i'm not going to fall prey again. This thread is all too reminiscent of the pre-e3 hype thread where we were all left disappointed. If they come through, great, but lets at least make them earn that first one ok?
That's a one reasonable view, but as for Killzone you don't have to be alerted like that, it's been quiet for almost 2 years after all and people are just curious as a natural reaction.
A General Observation...

I don't see how we come to the conlcusion that showing killzone undoes a series of mis-steps and catapults the PS3 into super stardom.
Isn't it amazing how unforgiving people can be? SONY gives them 10-11yrs quality gaming, going from strength to strength, leading from the front etc etc., and a few mis-steps later, all the good, hard work is undone! Suddenly it's 'SONY needs to earn this', or 'SONY needs to prove that', like the last 11yrs meant nothing. Damn, I have the same problem at home! That's just weird and annoying at the same time!

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just an observation on some people's (read: most) reaction to SONY's recent state. Either way, I can't wait to see what they have for us at GDC. Although history would suggest that it'll be wise to not get too excited, I also agree with TheChefO that it's a prime opportunity to create some PS3 craze before the PAL launch!

Fingers/Toes crossed;)