I'm not saying XBSX has a
meaningful advantage! It's a qualitative difference between the advantage of SSD speed versus CPU speed, and not a quantitative advantage that one is much more better off. A CPU speed advantage will affect every game on the platform with no work needed by the devs, whether that's by 10% or 0.1%. Have a game that's maxxing out the system? Then a faster CPU makes it run faster.
The SSD speed advantage OTOH is likely going to be based on XBSX's performance for now as it's a new tech devs don't know how to use or scale ideally that's already some two orders of magnitude faster than the 20 GB/s target streaming of PS4. For a dev to make their game better on PS5 thanks to its faster SSD, they'll have to deliberately develop for it, unlike making use of XBSX's faster CPU that just happens. Maybe down the line, engines will scale naturally based on storage performance just as they do graphics performance and CPU performance (we have that now regards pop-in on streaming assets at least), but certainly for the time being, PS5's double-speed SSD isn't going to yield massive advantages in cross-platform games. Cross-platform games will target the most sensible storage performance target and not care about optimising for a niche audience.