Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2022] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

The sad part is, even if AMD came out with legitimately superior product, brushed up their raytracing and such, people would still buy nvidia in bulk based on their branding alone. People have just been conditioned to believe Nvidia is the only viable product in existence. The apple effect
For myself it would be the support of Cuda that makes the difference. Even if AMD cards were 2-4x the performance in games it would just mean I'd have to consider owning an AMD for gaming and an Nvidia for cuda compatibility. Nvidia is in the same boat now that IBM was in the 80s and Intel in the 90s, in that you're paying a premium for the de facto hardware standard, whether it be due to superior architecture or it simply having a critical mass of the overall install base that it influences how applications are written. If you buy an Nvidia card then you have peace of mind that if XYZ application or feature has some GPU acceleration then your GPU will be supported, whether that be cuda/ml/ai, nvenc, rt, dlss, gsync, etc.
why do you think so? ElAnalista video seems to be sugesting otherwise or are you suggesting XSS version?
Advanced subscriber bias ;)
See you guys tomorrow
We've been eagerly anticipating this one - and on PlayStation 5 at least, we're getting a simply brilliant game and a proper technical showcase. That's the bulk of our coverage in this tech review - but there's clearly something amiss with the Xbox Series port, while the stuttering problems on the day one PC experience are unbelievably bad.
Advanced subscriber bias ;)
See you guys tomorrow
We've been eagerly anticipating this one - and on PlayStation 5 at least, we're getting a simply brilliant game and a proper technical showcase. That's the bulk of our coverage in this tech review - but there's clearly something amiss with the Xbox Series port, while the stuttering problems on the day one PC experience are unbelievably bad.

I think the game is ok on Xbox Series but maybe people can wait a patch for the missing raytracing in quality mode.
NXGamer IGN analysis of Callisto Protocol. He tested with the latest available patches, which apparently greatly improved framerate on all consoles, but more specifically on Xbox.

- Like DF he really liked the game
- Game looks next-gen for him. Characters models are very good.
- He particularly likes the RT shadows which add a lot to the presentation
- Framerate being now very similar (and stable in gameplay) in all modes on all consoles (maybe with a bit less I/O stutters on PS5)
- Framerate is less stable in cutscenes, notably on XSS
- Greatly reduced effects on XSS (no RT), there is only one mode at 30fps on that console.
- PS5 has RT reflections and RT shadows in the quality mode
- No RT reflections on XSX in the quality mode but RT shadows are there
- Resolution usually 14% higher on XSX in the quality mode
- Resolution about 10% - 12% higher on PS5 in the performance mode

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Once again, certain people think PS5 has special sauce that enables PS5 to have better "ray tracing" than Xbox. Lol. :!:

No one said this. It is just than XSX need a patch to add missing RT reflection. The best explanation, PS5 was the base version. Publisher push studio to release the game before end of year and now they need to solve PC shader compilation stutter and improve Xbox Series version.
No one said this. It is just than XSX need a patch to add missing RT reflection. The best explanation, PS5 was the base version. Publisher push studio to release the game before end of year and now they need to solve PC shader compilation stutter and improve Xbox Series version.

This gentlemen claims it is not a bug, error or a mistake that could be corrected. Instead, they think PS5 has special sauce API that allows those reflections. :) "No, a bug would be a coding issue/omission that needs to be resolved, this is not. This is having to adapt/change code for the hardware (see Xbox and PC i.e DX12)"

Apparently, Callisto Protocol should be a ps5-first designed game and making use of its own special sauce API. Not my words!

This gentlemen claims it is not a bug, error or a mistake that could be corrected. Instead, they think PS5 has special sauce API that allows those reflections. :) "No, a bug would be a coding issue/omission that needs to be resolved, this is not. This is having to adapt/change code for the hardware (see Xbox and PC i.e DX12)"

Apparently, Callisto Protocol should be a ps5-first designed game and making use of its own special sauce API. Not my words!

Sorry I don't watch NXG video anymore. :ROFLMAO:

This gentlemen claims it is not a bug, error or a mistake that could be corrected. Instead, they think PS5 has special sauce API that allows those reflections. :) "No, a bug would be a coding issue/omission that needs to be resolved, this is not. This is having to adapt/change code for the hardware (see Xbox and PC i.e DX12)"

Apparently, Callisto Protocol should be a ps5-first designed game and making use of its own special sauce API. Not my words!

Aww and he's been doing so well recently too. I guess this was just too tempting an opportunity to big up the PS5, so be damned with common sense.

This gentlemen claims it is not a bug, error or a mistake that could be corrected. Instead, they think PS5 has special sauce API that allows those reflections. :) "No, a bug would be a coding issue/omission that needs to be resolved, this is not. This is having to adapt/change code for the hardware (see Xbox and PC i.e DX12)"

Apparently, Callisto Protocol should be a ps5-first designed game and making use of its own special sauce API. Not my words!
Well he is right it's probably not a bug (how can you forget such an important feature?). My opinion is that there doesn't seem to have an unique way to make RT reflections on UE4 targeting all consoles. It was the same problem in another UE4 game (which was also not a bug IMO, just a lack of dev time, and was eventually patched). They probably focused their dev time on the marketed version, here PS5.
Aww and he's been doing so well recently too. I guess this was just too tempting an opportunity to big up the PS5, so be damned with common sense.
/s mode on

The problem is that XSX version dont run native api, instead is emulating PS5 api in special container. Thats why its missing RT reflections. Dont ask me how i know that. I just do.
You still want proof dont you? Ok "Proton is a compatibility layer for Microsoft Windows games to run on Linux-based operating systems" you see this software exists. So they are using it.

/s mode off
Well he is right it's probably not a bug (how can you forget such an important feature?). My opinion is that there doesn't seem to have an unique way to make RT reflections on UE4 targeting all consoles. It was the same problem in another UE4 game (which was also not a bug IMO, just a lack of dev time, and was eventually patched). They probably focused their dev time on the marketed version, here PS5.
The XSX API is the same than PC DXR 1.1. There is only two possibility this is a bug or they don't optimize the XSX version enough and they decided to cut the feature until they have made enough work on XSX. Because PS5 run better than XSX without RT reflection, there is a huge problem on XSX version.

PS5 API is different but if it works on PC this easy to port the code on XSX.
The XSX API is the same than PC DXR 1.1.
I fully agree with the message here. Though this particular point I am not fully sure about. The consoles will expose a little bit more than the PC can and we’ve seen this a few times in the past with Xbox one with a couple of calls being modified a little further. Not sure if that is the case with DXR.

This gentlemen claims it is not a bug, error or a mistake that could be corrected. Instead, they think PS5 has special sauce API that allows those reflections. :) "No, a bug would be a coding issue/omission that needs to be resolved, this is not. This is having to adapt/change code for the hardware (see Xbox and PC i.e DX12)"

Apparently, Callisto Protocol should be a ps5-first designed game and making use of its own special sauce API. Not my words!
He means that this isn’t an accident which is what a bug would be. Rather, the dev ran out of time and couldn’t get the RT to run on SX but shipped the game anyway and honestly he’s probably correct.

How could they miss something so blatant even after a patch?
There are HWRT API possibilities available on Xbox:
1. DXR 1.0
2. DXR 1.1
3. And a Do it yourself API where you can write anything you want going beyond the limitations of DXR (custom BVH with 4, 8 Levels whatever).

There is no "Just DXR" on Xbox. DXR 1.0 and 1.1 are there to make porting easier at the cost of flexibility.

Source: internal documents
There is only two possibility this is a bug or they don't optimize the XSX version enough and they decided to cut the feature until they have made enough work on XSX. Because PS5 run better than XSX without RT reflection, there is a huge problem on XSX version.
/s mode on
Calisto is modern game using not only rt reflections but in the same time rt shadows. We are seeing in more modern game ps5 showing his strength and we should asume gap will get even bigger in future games.
/s mode off
There are HWRT API possibilities available on Xbox:
1. DXR 1.0
2. DXR 1.1
3. And a Do it yourself API where you can write anything you want going beyond the limitations of DXR (custom BVH with 4, 8 Levels whatever).

There is no "Just DXR" on Xbox. DXR 1.0 and 1.1 are there to make porting easier at the cost of flexibility.

Source: internal documents
If I got this right, with Calisto they probably went the 3rd route and didnt have time to optimise/implement it for X, so now we are waiting for the patch that contains said optimisation?