Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2022] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

Digital Foundry posted a new Analysis for a Plague Tale requiem and got a true 1:1 comparisons between PC GPU's & consoles

with the exact settings a 2070Super delivers a 3.8% lead over the PS5

while the PS5 is faster than an RX5700 by 28% (so i think in this title is vastly faster than an RX5700XT as well which is not shown) the game doesn't seem to scale well with AMD compared to Nvidia

I always find it interesting how console compares directly to PC like this, that's amazing
How would the ps5 be vastly faster than a 5700xt in this title? PS5 is 28% faster than the non XT, the 5700xt should be around 20% faster than the vanilla rx5700 which would be pretty close to ps5, which is exactly according to spec (9.7 vs 10.2TF).

I always find it interesting how console compares directly to PC like this, that's amazing

Scaling almost exactly according to specifications, ps5 between 2070 to 2070S, xsx close to 2080 (even though he didnt test this with the new patch?).
Untill you start ray tracing ofcourse things would look different or go dlss vs the reconstruction used on consoles.

Game is supposedly gpu limited so we got a nice benchmark here.
So basically you have a whole bunch of nothing from MS so far. Now I know people will say that they haven't really begun to release their next gen games yet... but we're 2 years in, and whether all of this stuff comes year 3 or not... it's pretty sad that we haven't seen any of this stuff bear fruit.
AFAIK that's always been the way with Special Source abilities. Look good in the pre-release marketing and helps generate interest, but doesn't really change much in the final experience. With so few console exclusives, everything is made for a lowest, most vanilla common denominator, which excludes anything fancy. I think all you really get is a few more FPS when some bit of hardware can be used easily through an API to do some generic workload a bit quicker. But the tangible gains will just be a few FPS and never anything more.
Scaling almost exactly according to specifications, ps5 between 2070 to 2070S, xsx close to 2080 (even though he didnt test this with the new patch?).

I think he tested on both the new patch and the previous patch as the XSX is hitting the 40fps limit on the new patch and so its performance is being underrepresented which shows up as a 19.25% advantage to the 2080Ti. Looking at performance on the release version though where the XSX isn't limited it comes in at only a 16.2% deficit compared to the 2080Ti. Based on TPU's testing of the same game (albeit it in a different scene with different settings so not exactly comparable) which shows the 2080Ti performing about 30% faster than the 2080 then this looks like a pretty good showing for the Series X with it probably being a bit quicker than a 2080S here, although closer to the Super than it is to the 2080Ti
I just wanted to make a post about how disappointed I am in the lack of adoption/utilization of Xbox technologies by MS and 3rd parties thus far this generation.

At the beginning of the generation, when MS announced the Series X.. they did an excellent job of "marketing" the features of the console. I loved their fancy name for their architecture.

The VELOCITY Architecture
- a new I/O subsystem allowing them to unleash the power and speed of the SSD.
Dedicated hardware decompression block - ensuring lightning fast loading and smaller game storage footprints.
Sampler Feedback Streaming - texture asset loading in fine granularity, multiplier for storage bandwidth.

New Graphics Features
Variable Rate Shading
- more efficient shading, saving resources for the parts of the image that actually matter most.
Mesh Shaders - to enable geometric detail never before thought possible.
DXR Ray Tracing - Hardware accelerated Ray Tracing support
DirectML - Machine learning hardware support for advanced ML algorithms (reconstruction, AI, ect)

System Features
Quick Resume
- Quickly switch between multiple games on the go.
VRR - support dynamic variable refreshrates improving latency and screen tearing.

Now.. both of the system features have gotten very good and extensive use. Quick Resume and VRR are great additions.. not going to dispute that. However the rest of the features of the console have felt completely invisible. The Velocity architecture hasn't really been utilized at all yet. Games basically load as quick as they would if they were on PC with a similar speed SSD and CPU. We're 2 years into the generation and there's still no big Xbox exclusives advertising that they're taking complete advantage of the Velocity Architecture, and actually demonstrating something mindblowing with it. No games utilizing Sampler Feedback Streaming to reduce texture footprint and push vastly higher detail. There's no games with Mesh Shaders proudly touting their advanced geometry and object counts..

Variable Rate Shading has gotten some use, but it's mostly been a negative with some varying levels of quality, and largely considered a crutch that Xbox was leaning on during it's first year on the market..

And then there's Ray Tracing. Outside of Forza Horizon 5, which lets be honest... has a pathetic RT implementation... there's NOTHING from Xbox taking advantage of this stuff. Even Minecraft, which was working in prototype, was apparently scrapped and never did release.

So basically you have a whole bunch of nothing from MS so far. Now I know people will say that they haven't really begun to release their next gen games yet... but we're 2 years in, and whether all of this stuff comes year 3 or not... it's pretty sad that we haven't seen any of this stuff bear fruit.

Perhaps now with DirectStorage on PC, and the new wave of fully next gen/PC only titles coming, we'll see them start to tout this stuff... but I'm skeptical. DirectStorage on PC feels like something tangibly cool... whereas on Xbox feels... just like it's just matching up to where PC was. I hope I'm wrong about that and that we start seeing some real next level ideas and stuff come from MS that take advantage of this soon.
Yeah I agree. I am super disappointed as well. Not even Plague Tale, a current gen only game, supports these features. Not to mention Flight Simulator, which is a Xbox/PC only title.

Also you see close to no developers on Twitter even caring about features like Mesh Shader/SFS. And Mesh Shader support in UE5 is basically irrelevant if the r.NaniteMeshShaderRasterization command works as I expect it to. SFS is irrelevant too, because UE5 uses Virtual Texturing.

This is sad. We have consoles and PC GPUs with such cool features but nobody uses them, leaving a ton of potential performance and quality behind.
I think he tested on both the new patch and the previous patch as the XSX is hitting the 40fps limit on the new patch and so its performance is being underrepresented which shows up as a 19.25% advantage to the 2080Ti. Looking at performance on the release version though where the XSX isn't limited it comes in at only a 16.2% deficit compared to the 2080Ti. Based on TPU's testing of the same game (albeit it in a different scene with different settings so not exactly comparable) which shows the 2080Ti performing about 30% faster than the 2080 then this looks like a pretty good showing for the Series X with it probably being a bit quicker than a 2080S here, although closer to the Super than it is to the 2080Ti

Right. Its still even for the XSX quite close to the indicated specs looking soley at that chart, would put it around 20% over the PS5, or closer to 6700XT, with the 6700XT somewhat quicker than the XSX most likely, however it also has 1TF more to compute with. The PS5 sits around 2070S, somewhat slower. And thats almost exactly 6600XT performance for the PS5, with the 6600XT having the slight advantage.

If anything, in this game the hardware is scaling very nicely with the given specs for consoles and pc GPU's. Its also GPU limited so a fair test for GPU performance comparisons across the board.
So while we can say its a good showing for the XSX, its right where it should be performing specwise. In the same vein, the PS5 is just as good a showing since its performing where it should be in this title.
Control was a good benchmarker, so now we have this one aswell.

For good measurement, its a good idea to have as close settings possible to each platform for fair comparisons. Altering settings can truly skew results.
Yeah I agree. I am super disappointed as well. Not even Plague Tale, a current gen only game, supports these features. Not to mention Flight Simulator, which is a Xbox/PC only title.

Also you see close to no developers on Twitter even caring about features like Mesh Shader/SFS. And Mesh Shader support in UE5 is basically irrelevant if the r.NaniteMeshShaderRasterization command works as I expect it to. SFS is irrelevant too, because UE5 uses Virtual Texturing.

This is sad. We have consoles and PC GPUs with such cool features but nobody uses them, leaving a ton of potential performance and quality behind.
Right, maybe we get 1-2 titles that are ambitious and try to push the hardware. Best thing that will happend we will see interesting GDC talk and thats it. Something exciting for tech enthusiats and nothing more.
That’s just not simply true. It’s. very difficult to change the specifications of a game already inflight. It’s costly. Teams will leverage features as they require it. Many teams will have to test the features to learn the limitations before the “up” how much complexity the game can handle per frame.

Only certain teams in the first party space have had enough time, input, and testing to be able to leverage these features early on. Everyone comes in late. Most of these features may not come to use until closer to the end of the generation. It for certain studios, it may start coming within the next year or two. Considering how far Coalition has gotten, I think we can expect fairly significant integration on their next title. And if they release one following very deep integration.
So while we can say its a good showing for the XSX, its right where it should be performing specwise. In the same vein, the PS5 is just as good a showing since its performing where it should be in this title.
Control was a good benchmarker, so now we have this one aswell.

Absolutely agree. I was saying even before these consoles launched that based on the specs the XSX should be close to the 2080Ti and the PS5 close to the 2080. What I think we've seen so far, outside of this and maybe a handful of other games (I've not done extensive research) is that the XSX tends to underperform a bit and the PS5 more often sits where we'd expect it to. I've no idea why and really don't want to start one of those debates up again, but it's nice to see things falling into place as we expect with this game, particularly with it being one of the first and only true cross platform next gen show pieces.

Me too, sad df didnt do it also for uncharted 4 as there was also no dynamic res and uncapped mode so rather easly to compare ;)

Probably because it's a last gen game unlike Requiem which is one of the first next gen only cross platform titles. It should be a much better test of how PC GPU's can fare against the consoles in future titles than a straight up port of a game developed specifically for the PS4.
Its good they didnt, its a port from another platform its native to.

The team doing exclusive are most of the time the only one to fully push a hardware, This is always interesting. I hope we will have the same for Spiderman 2 or any other exclusive title or even for multiplatform UE 5 title.
Probably because it's a last gen game unlike Requiem which is one of the first next gen only cross platform titles. It should be a much better test of how PC GPU's can fare against the consoles in future titles than a straight up port of a game developed specifically for the PS4.
Hard to say, so many engines, so many studios tough results almost exactly as hw specs shows months before consoles premiere ;d
I was saying even before these consoles launched that based on the specs the XSX should be close to the 2080Ti and the PS5 close to the 2080.

DF has always noted that the PS5 would be closest to a 2070S, which seems what is happening (somewhat below that then). While the XSX sits around 2080S. Perfectly as they should be performing and what we generally see when theres no ray tracing involved.
I have to point out its generally more accurate to compare to AMD products since they share the same architecture and all that. Ballpark 6600XT and 6700XT. Also for more healthy discussions going forwards i guess.

The team doing exclusive are most of the time the only one to fully push a hardware, This is always interesting. I hope we will have the same for Spiderman 2 or any other exclusive title or even for multiplatform UE 5 title.

Theres a reason why multiplatform titles are generally used to gauge performances across different platforms. It would be the same the other way around if something is ported to the PS5 at a later time.
I agree its intresting, however not in perspective of comparing performance between GPUs and platforms. Even though so far the ports that are quality, usually by Nixxess assistance, pc parts are generally performing where they should in relation to the PS5's specifications.
Yeah I agree. I am super disappointed as well. Not even Plague Tale, a current gen only game, supports these features. Not to mention Flight Simulator, which is a Xbox/PC only title.

Also you see close to no developers on Twitter even caring about features like Mesh Shader/SFS. And Mesh Shader support in UE5 is basically irrelevant if the r.NaniteMeshShaderRasterization command works as I expect it to. SFS is irrelevant too, because UE5 uses Virtual Texturing.

This is sad. We have consoles and PC GPUs with such cool features but nobody uses them, leaving a ton of potential performance and quality behind.
The features may not be very useful in practice. Geometry shaders and deferred contexts being examples.
...deferred contexts being examples.
I think that one was really useful, and some games ended up shipping with it, but since AMD did not support it a number of devs just never ended up adding it into their engine to boost DX11 performance on the CPU. I know particularly of one title from days of yore where a dev told me they had deferred contexts set up, but since AMD did not support, they did not ship to the detriment of NV user's CPU performance: "to keep things even".
I think that one was really useful, and some games ended up shipping with it, but since AMD did not support it a number of devs just never ended up adding it into their engine to boost DX11 performance on the CPU. I know particularly of one title from days of yore where a dev told me they had deferred contexts set up, but since AMD did not support, they did not ship to the detriment of NV user's CPU performance: "to keep things even".
Deferred contexts were a bad idea in general. Microsoft employees on the DirectX discord and others commonly recommends developers to not use this feature on D3D11. Also, using deferred contexts on Nvidia HW crashed Oxide Games Nitrous engine Star Swarm demo ...

Edit: Not that it matters but even Intel hated the idea ...

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How would the ps5 be vastly faster than a 5700xt in this title? PS5 is 28% faster than the non XT, the 5700xt should be around 20% faster than the vanilla rx5700 which would be pretty close to ps5, which is exactly according to spec (9.7 vs 10.2TF).
a 5700XT is around 9-12% faster than a non XT

as an example here is DF analysis of Death Stranding

the 5700 having 75% of the PS5 performance which is close to a Plague Tale Requiem of the Same GPU having 78% of the PS5 performance

while the 5700XT having 83% of the PS5 performance

so i am expecting the same gap in Performance in this Title as well

as Alex mentioned in the Video AMD GPU's doesn't perform that well on a Plague Tale Requiem compared to Nvidia as the 2070Super slightly outperforms the PS5 in this title while it under performs in Death Stranding despite the PS5 having the Same Performance advantage against it's RDNA1 brethren "Driver perhaps?"
