Qroach said:Xbox didn't come out with any free game promos, or even support form teh majority of publishers. Many publishers waitied and supported it with "more " titles" after seeing how the sales of thier games looked. It was having the games people wanted to play, that drove people to purchase XBox slightly faster than gamecube. Gamecube also had free promors that didn't help the sales.
My take on when the Xbox pulled away was just before last Xmas, otherwise they were very close. Nintendo was losing ground when the didn't match MS in the give away stake during that time. That break away and the fact that Xbox version games were doing better in NA started the trend for the 3rd party departures.
Qroach said:Well that's just the thing! I've been saying since before gamecube came out. The games people like has changed, and what worked for Nintendo in the past with thier major franchises, may not work moving forward. If thier big games don't attract the gamers, then what will? a price cut? no, it always comes down to having the games people want, and if people really wanted those games before, then why wait beofre purchasing?
Was never arguing on the point of games not selling consoles. The fact of the matter is they do. Look at the PS2. If you're looking at the sales side of things between the Box and Cube, then the Xbox hardware started moving most or more rapid during the bundle packs last year, at a time IHO when there wasn't alot of attractive games going for it. As for the games the attach rate is a good indication for the two platform given its similar marketshares.
Qroach said:How will "time tell" how things have uccured up until this point? By saying "only time will tell" that means things can change. Sure, anything is possible, I personally don't think they will, but you can think what you like.
Time will tell if this price cut will be a positive for the Cube long term.
Qroach said:1.3 million for a unknown consle is a LOT considering they came out at the same time roughly. So many people in here were always claiming it had as much or "enough" 3rd paty support until recently. I wouldn't say it has "no" 3rd party support. It is loosing 3rd party support.
Unknown console? Its an unknown console with 1/2 a Billion dollars for promotions only and was marketed as the most powerful. Also the fact that its was so similar to the PC. It didn't help getting a good foot in the door, and especially with all its PC and PC like ports? I admit the Big N's marketing was crap incomparason and was relying on its big names to go alone which never happened.
Since its aimed at younger gamers, then the price needs to reflect this. Now it seems to be the case.
Qroach said:I really don't see how one week of sales increase is going to be enough, which is the entire point I'm making. One week of a sales spike really isn't anything to get hope up for just yet. This needs to occur for a extended period of time. Even still I don't see it being able to make the 1.3 mil lead all that much smaller without big name 3rd party games.
Your point was not debated, in fact it would be agreed by most that one week is nothing to jump up and down for, but it is still positive and its something Nintendo can build upon. It might be the spike that sparks a resurgent. Lets hope so just for the sake of competition.