Dont be shy, take a new tour in Crysis with my TOD pack... it looks fabolous and realistic.
Ps.. the clouds look a bit stronger lighted than it is ingame.
I havent made an installer. I will look into it. However the editor stuff will go fast as it is just loading of map + top 20sec for the rest for each map.
I could make a graphics illustration of the procedure for ease as the readme text wall is well...
For config just chose one based on your perfomance.
Here is the visual guide. I hope it helps and just ricne and repeat for all levels which should take about 5-8min at most. It's IMO well worth it.
Also ingame if you need you can adjsut gamma/brightness/contrast with:
r_Gamma (default game 0.5)
r_Contrast (default game 0.5)
r_Brightness (default game 1.0)
You can mimick windows desktop settings by just halfing contrast and brightness settings. For example I have ATI CCC color set to -5 (0.475 for Crysis ingame cvar) brightness, contrast at 110 (0.55 for Crysis ingame cvar) and gamma set to 0.8 which is same for Crysis gamma cvar.
Regarding the config with Crysis stock TODs then I recommend to remove these cvar in the config you chosen to use (just open the autoexec.cfg with notepad):
As they where made for my TODs however maybe they look good with Crysis stock TODs.. dunno never tested it! ^^
you could use defraggler saves you having to do the whole drive
I've started playing Crysis and I installed the CCC 2.21 and I'm running level 5, 1080p 8x AA and AF. The performance is much better than standard very high, which I tried first. On very high I noticed that some objects on the ground pop up right in front you, but on CCC level 5 those objects are gone altogether...
Other than that the guality seems fine, but I'm wondering where the extra performance is coming from?
They only used High settings.
The more I play Crysis the uglier it gets![]()
Actually I think Warhead is a LOT better looking than Crysis is.