How the heck does Crytek have 650 employees (according to presentation) when only major game they've shipped in the last several years is Crysis???

*Yawn* Warhead is a game to.

Edit: Eh, I guess cheap Eastern Europe labor is probably a big part of it judging by office locations.

Aint as cheap sa you think and they got quite the luxory under Cryteks wings. Btw Crysis according to EA sold 1 million copies about a month after release date and went platinum.
Maybe they have licensed their engine in other business branches like architecture or city planning. There's this nice video on the previous page from a non gaming business branch.

One license may bring in 2 to 5 million USD at most. That's definitely less then the yearly salaries for 650 developers, even if 3/4th of them live in Eastern Europe.
The team that did warhead are the ones in charge of codename: kingdoms.

So the hungarian guys? Hehe :) they do know how to keep it a secret then, there wasn't any word about it. Or I'm the one completely out of the loop by now ;)
Aint as cheap sa you think and they got quite the luxory under Cryteks wings. Btw Crysis according to EA sold 1 million copies about a month after release date and went platinum.

IIRC the one million figure was almost certainly sold to retail (rather than customers) and was for around 6 weeks after release, *and* that was over the Christmas period. Most of those sales probably happened before the game even launched.

It's easy to see why Crytek chose to focus on consoles instead of the PC; the likes of Halo and MW destroyed Crysis in terms of sales even if you only count a single platform, and did so at a higher retail price. Killzone sold more than Crysis in it's first month (and to customers) and was still considered a sales disappointment. And I wouldn't be surprised it Crysis was more costly to make (rather than market) than Killzone.

It's amazing how little consoles "hold you back" when you can treble your sales. And on the bright side, the next game will probably use more than 1.5 CPU cores. :D
IIRC the one million figure was almost certainly sold to retail (rather than customers) and was for around 6 weeks after release, *and* that was over the Christmas period. Most of those sales probably happened before the game even launched.

Most likely but then that is how most report their sales unless every store in the world constantly reports amount sold copies. However unless I missed something then sold to retail store or customer same thing as they get payed for it, no?

It's easy to see why Crytek chose to focus on consoles instead of the PC; the likes of Halo and MW destroyed Crysis in terms of sales even if you only count a single platform, and did so at a higher retail price.

MW sales where high on PC to. Total sold Crysis copies or Warhead copies haven't been shown in any report AFAIK and remember NPD and many others never counted DD sales. Though I do know Cevat Yerli said in an interview that Warhead was a financial success.

Killzone sold more than Crysis in it's first month (and to customers) and was still considered a sales disappointment. And I wouldn't be surprised it Crysis was more costly to make (rather than market) than Killzone.

Crysis price tag is around 20-22 million USD.

Cevat Yerli, president of Crytek, has told the Games Convention Developers Conference in Leipzig that Crysis cost 15 million Euros (22 million USD) to make.

"If it wasn't profitable I wouldn't be able to stand here," he told attendees, reports IGN.

It's amazing how little consoles "hold you back" when you can treble your sales. And on the bright side, the next game will probably use more than 1.5 CPU cores. :D

Well they have made tradeoffs, 'pretty huge ones to'* but since Crysis and Warhead can run on a ATI 9800pro 256MB VRAM and single core P4 2.0GHz then.... :LOL: :p

*Console version
So... they're wasting resources in my opinion :D Baked GI for the win :p
Well like L.Scofield said Crysis 2 has dynamic day/night cycles plus they said several times its quite feasible for PC and even consoles.I doubt they would do it if it was to expensive.
Yeah i forgot about that but it was very limited in C1 and not in RT, day -> event -> night -> next level -> day etc (first level was the best in that department).

By story limited for each level but not that limited as you think. Some maps going from night to morning to day ("Harbour", "Island") and others from mid day to night ("rescue"). It was also in realtime but if it reached a certain time point due to player taking to long time it could stop until you reach a certain point on level progress to keep storyline intact. Then it would resume and continue.

First map "Island" about 5:30 to 10:00

Second map "Village" 10:00-15:00

Third map "Rescue" 15:30-24:00

as examples. All realtime.

However it is by storyline design choice. All multiplayer maps have 24h time progress.
All multiplayer maps have 24h time progress.
Wasn't it like only for Dx10 mode ? for it to work in Dx9 we had to change the config.
Pretty strange when you notice that one guy can have the cycles i nMP running while others may not.
Wasn't it like only for Dx10 mode ? for it to work in Dx9 we had to change the config.
Pretty strange when you notice that one guy can have the cycles i nMP running while others may not.

Probably another intentional restriction to boost about their DX10 support, like greying out the Very High option in DX9.

After all, day night cycle works flawlessly in DX9 SP.
They even had separate servers for Dx10.

So I think its more to do with the fact that most Dx10 GPUs were "good" enough for dynamic TOD & effects exclusive to Dx10 servers like breakable objects (this wouldn't work on multiplayer if you are on Dx9...even if you change the configs), Also having people without any dynamic cycle play along side people with dynamic cycle enabled was obviously not a good idea, even more so when you consider that one of them can potentially change the map layout (due to destruction) while others couldn't.
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Nah, that's not it. All the TOD calculations are being run whether the sun moves or not. That's easy to check with the Sandbox Editor in DX9 mode.

Crytek was trying to push DX10 back then. Annoying DX9 users was a bad choice, but still it's only superficial.
Most likely but then that is how most report their sales unless every store in the world constantly reports amount sold copies. However unless I missed something then sold to retail store or customer same thing as they get payed for it, no?

Oh I've got no problems with the 1 million figure being used, it's just not as impressive as the kind of "NPD million" we're used to seeing.

MW sales where high on PC to. Total sold Crysis copies or Warhead copies haven't been shown in any report AFAIK and remember NPD and many others never counted DD sales. Though I do know Cevat Yerli said in an interview that Warhead was a financial success.

Good, Crysis deserved to make money! I bought it too btw!

Crysis price tag is around 20-22 million USD.

That's not too bad then, in the same ballpark as Killzone 2 (minus marketing).

Well they have made tradeoffs, 'pretty huge ones to'* but since Crysis and Warhead can run on a ATI 9800pro 256MB VRAM and single core P4 2.0GHz then.... :LOL: :p

*Console version

Crysis wasn't as bad many folks everyone made for running specs. It even worked with a Gig (or less) ram. Too bad it couldn't use more than 2 threads (and couldn't even max out 2 cores) but that was the PC in 2007 I guess.

Consoles really wouldn't have had a problem with Crysis, assuming the game could stream efficiently and make half decent use of console CPUs ...

... okay, maybe consoles would have had a problem with Crysis.
I read about how Crytek had a rough time back then since DX10 was quite new and they had made quite some stuff by emulation during development (emulate DX10 on DX9 HW). In many ways Crysis/CE2 was like first games for new console where they are bit blindfolded not having access to final devkit/HW.

Also multi-threading was in early stages. But CE3 should perform much much better after all this time and more experience and time.
So... they're wasting resources in my opinion :D Baked GI for the win :p

Since this is something that's probably reserved for the PC version it's going to be optional. If you don't feel its worth the cycles then don't use it but for those of us with the GPU grunt to spare its a (very) nice option to have.

Considering Cryengine has always prided itself on having all the lighting being real time (which makes setting TOD so easy and allows for day-night cycles), I don't see how GI baking is even an option here. Given that all you can ask if it creates a noticeable impact on the visuals and the overall mood/ambience of the scene and I don't think there's any doubt that it does. Most won't realise what makes the lighting look so good but they'll appreciate its realistic properties nonetheless.