Claimed: Oblivion coming to PS3, Nov 6 (launch?)

Titanio said:
The Ubi and Bethesda comments both translate to the same thing from where I'm standing. They're both, basically, "please stop asking about this for now, we'll talk to you about it later".

Exactly. "not confirmed" (Ubi) and "not currently announced" (Bethesda) are two ways of saying the same thing. Neither is a denial, and neither is concrete. When you get asked 3 times if a game is exclusive and refuse to answer the question it is exactly as you are pointing out: "Please stop asking".

@ jesus2006: I am still trying to understand how 6 tangible and discreet sources is "stupid" yet EB is somehow "real" in contrast. What you are saying is that leaked Ubi game title lists, MS announcing the game ~1 months after the original game announcement (not 5 months), and seeing the game on the 360 is "stupid". I am trying to understand how this is less tangible than the EB game listing and how the former is stupid and the later is real. I don't understand the logic or the avoidance of the question why all the 360 rumors are stupid.

How are 6 independant references more stupid than 1? It really is a simple question, and a fair one in my opinion based on your strong words about the quality of the sources. For bonus points: Why does Ubi continue to refuse to confirm Assassin's Creed as an exclusive?
Acert93 said:
For bonus points: Why does Ubi continue to refuse to confirm Assassin's Creed as an exclusive?

Perhaps it is not a timed exclusive, but only a marketing one.

I claim Occam's Razor. :p
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Acert93 said:
Exactly. "not confirmed" (Ubi) and "not currently announced" (Bethesda) are two ways of saying the same thing. Neither is a denial, and neither is concrete. When you get asked 3 times if a game is exclusive and refuse to answer the question it is exactly as you are pointing out: "Please stop asking".

It ain't "not currently announced" but "no announced plans" - that's a difference :)

Acer93 said:
@ jesus2006: I am still trying to understand how 6 tangible and discreet sources is "stupid" yet EB is somehow "real" in contrast. What you are saying is that leaked Ubi game title lists, MS announcing the game ~1 months after the original game announcement (not 5 months), and seeing the game on the 360 is "stupid". I am trying to understand how this is less tangible than the EB game listing and how the former is stupid and the later is real. I don't understand the logic or the avoidance of the question why all the 360 rumors are stupid.

How are 6 independant references more stupid than 1? It really is a simple question, and a fair one in my opinion based on your strong words about the quality of the sources. For bonus points: Why does Ubi continue to refuse to confirm Assassin's Creed as an exclusive?

Let me answer with a quote before i settle this;) :

zeckensack said:
Look, nothing personal, but come on now. This is the same old stuff as always. "We've been told by someone that they had heard someone say blablah". They don't even bother to link to their primary source.

For all I care it may be true, but this is completely not relevant.

<insert random unsubstantiated Oblivion-on-PS3-this-fall-very-likely comment>

Anyways, as Titanio said, it's useless to discuss opinions here, because only Bethesda and Ubi know what they're gonna do.
Acert93 said:
For bonus points: Why does Ubi continue to refuse to confirm Assassin's Creed as an exclusive?

Intressting question, why doesn't Sony say it's exclusive (even if only timed exclusive) - they could if it was, but why's Ubi refusing to do it if it wasn't? :) Sony never mentions this game at all. That leaves not much possiblities to me... but that's OT here ...
Jesus2006 said:
Let me answer with a quote before i settle this;) :

Do you not understand what Acert is saying?

How does a leaked release list, that has been proven to be accurate multiple times equate to "We've been told by someone that they had heard someone say blablah"?

How does MS announcing the game as a 360 title to hundreds of journalists at X05 equate to "We've been told by someone that they had heard someone say blablah".?

There are hard reasons to believe AC is coming to 360, in addition to multiple others leaks or rumours, it's basically the worst kept secret ever.

What you are saying makes no sense, you are just completely uninformed, like many other issues, admit it so we can move on.
Jesus2006 said:
Let me answer with a quote before i settle this;) :

The quote doesn't answer my question because a) it is not the 'same old rumor' but instead a number of independant reports from various sources and b) there are a number of different primary sources in the above links that are directly quoted or witnessed. The quote being applied to the Assassin's Creed rumors is not a very accurate generalization of the information, regardless of ones opinion on the matter. Ironically your quote could be equally applied to the much less verified rumor you feel is more "real" which brings us back, again, to why is it the MS rumor is "stupid" and the other not? The question really is trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and allow you to explain the differences, seeing as it is s discussion forum :smile:

Edit: Thanks Scoob. That was my point--the generalization that it was complete heresay when no direct sources is completely false. This doesn't mean Assassin's Creed is 360 bound, but it is also not fair to poopoo on rumors from primary, documented sources as heresay--and then in the same breath build up a pretty weak rumor, like an EB listing, as more "real". I am pointing out the logical disconnect I am seeing and asking for clarification from the original poster. Maybe I misunderstood the poster, or maybe they want to clarify, or maybe they have information I don't?
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Sorry to start again, but you still did not get my point.

I know all the rumors about AC (like someone said it's been played on a 360 at E3 06...) and yes MS listed it in their list of games at X05, among many others, so what? We also got this "leaked" list of Oblivion from March, listing it for PSP and PS3 and now EB Games and others listing it in their shops for release sometime. That's not much of a difference to me, especially since both Bethesda and Ubisoft deny the respective development for the other console.

Actually i couldn't care less, in contrast to you here it seems. I'm playing Oblivion on my 360 so i really don't need it on PS3 at all (though it would be nice with some improvements :) ), although i will definately buy one :), the latter goes for AC.

All i wanted to say is i haven't seen AC for 360 in a games shop for sail yet and this was a little more than just rumors to me, period.
Jesus2006 said:
I know all the rumors about AC (like someone said it's been played on a 360 at E3 06...) and yes MS listed it in their list of games at X05, among many others, so what? We also got this "leaked" list of Oblivion from March, listing it for PSP and PS3 and now EB Games and others listing it in their shops for release sometime. That's not much of a difference to me, especially since both Bethesda and Ubisoft deny the respective development for the other console. [/I]

Are you telling us that the inclusion of the game on MS's list at X05 is less credible than some employee who updated a store's website? :|

They have not denied development. You can do a simple Venn diagram and see the logic in their statements regarding possible development on the 360.

There are "no announced plans for any other version right now," Hines said.

Do you not think that there can be plans that are not announced? Example: In my mind, "I have plans to give someone negative reputation." Since I have said nothing, I can easily say then that I have no announced plans. But the plans exist.
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Alstrong said:
Are you telling us that the inclusion of the game on MS's list at X05 is less credible than some employee who updated a store's website? :|

No, but such list's are subject to change you know ;) Games can get delayed or even canceled, but please lets move to the other thread talking about AC:)
Jesus2006 said:
No, but such list's are subject to change you know ;) Games can get delayed or even canceled, but please lets move to the other thread talking about AC:)

God forbid you admit you didn't know what you were talking about.

btw: the leaked list for oblivion has not been independantly confirmed like the leaked list for AC, which was confirmed by the announcement of Naruto months later, the delay of BIA3 months later, and the porting of enchant arms in august. All of which were unknown at the time, but were subsequently proven to be true.

Not that I don't believe Oblivion is most likely coming to PS3, I'm just pointing out the gaping holes in your arguments. The leaked ubisoft list on it's own is much more credible than anything re: oblivion.
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Btw, this is how a developer properly responds when their game is exclusive:

Bioware on Mass Effect said:
6. Will Mass Effect be coming to the PC?

Chris Priestly: Mass Effect is planned as an Xbox 360 exclusive title. This means we are not working on a PC version and have no plans to start making one.

They emphasize:

1. exclusive
2. they are not working on a PC version
3. have no plans to start a PC version
Acert93 said:
Btw, this is how a developer properly responds when their game is exclusive:

They emphasize:

1. exclusive
2. they are not working on a PC version
3. have no plans to start a PC version

logic smogic - They have clearly not announced oblivion will be coming to ps3 so it won't because companies announce their every move and speak honestly about every subject as everyone knows money does not drive these companies! Now take this logical garbage outta here as we don't want to hear it!:D

great post btw
scooby_dooby said:
btw: the leaked list for oblivion has not been independantly confirmed like the leaked list for AC, which was confirmed by the announcement of Naruto months later, the delay of BIA3 months later, and the porting of enchant arms in august. All of which were unknown at the time, but were subsequently proven to be true..

What is this information about Scooby?
mckmas8808 said:
What is this information about Scooby?

Tom Clancy's Firehawk (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - March 2007
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) - November 2006
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox, PS2) - March 2007
Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) - March 2007
Lumines 2 (PS2, PSP)
Game 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Spring 2007
Alive (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Spring 2007
Naruto (Xbox 360)
Rayman 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PS2, handheld) - November 2006
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Brothers in Arms 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Revolution, DS ) - February 2007
Ninja Turtles (PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, PC, handheld) - Spring 2007
Highway Battles (Xbox 360)
Enchant Arms (Xbox 360) - July 2006
Blazing Angel 1.5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox) - November 2006
scooby_dooby said:
Tom Clancy's Firehawk (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - March 2007
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) - November 2006
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox, PS2) - March 2007
Assassin (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PSP) - March 2007
Lumines 2 (PS2, PSP)
Game 5 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Spring 2007
Alive (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Spring 2007
Naruto (Xbox 360)
Rayman 4 (PS3, Xbox 360, Rev, PC, PS2, handheld) - November 2006
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Brothers in Arms 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Revolution, DS ) - February 2007
Ninja Turtles (PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Revolution, PC, handheld) - Spring 2007
Highway Battles (Xbox 360)
Enchant Arms (Xbox 360) - July 2006
Blazing Angel 1.5 (PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox) - November 2006

WOW! So we will get another Ghost Recon by next March? Cool. And don't you think it's about time for them to sell us what the heck Firehawk is?

And what is Alive and Game 5? And Blazing Angel 1.5 will be a launch title for the PS3? Warhawk competiton?
Angelcurio said:
Even more fuel to the fire:

This is starting to look more and more like the Assasins Creed rumour.

To get the thread back on track a little, I noticed this on GAF from The Abominable Snowman. Climax's webpage has this little blurb up:

Climax has a great history, but the future is even more exciting with awesome forthcoming titles such as The Fixer, which is being developed for next-generation consoles, Silent Hill for Sony PSP and Ghost Rider on PS2 and PSP. We are also currently working on a number of unannounced projects with Konami, Sony Computer Entertainment America, EIDOS, Bethesda Softworks & Buena Vista Games. Check back in the coming weeks for further announcements.

Also, on this (Google-cached) version of the homepage which is now gone, there's a job listing for a 'high profile PSP action game':

Clicking on it gets you a job description with this:

Climax is continually growing and adding new games into production and now has a fantastic opportunity for a graduate/ trainee 3D artists for a stunning new fantasy/ action title for the PSP.

Climax has taken on outsourced versions of others' games before, like Silent Hill for PSP. Take it for what you will..
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pretty interesting, thanks Titanio. Definately puts a bit more weight in the rumor.
I cant imagine how they would go about a psp version, gameplay wise, but it will be interesting.
IF there is even a psp version of course.
Silent Hill for PSP is not a port and, if that theory is true, Oblivion PSP would be an action spin-off no a port.
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