Claimed: Oblivion coming to PS3, Nov 6 (launch?)

Titanio said:
Wow, I'm so glad you understand :LOL:

Come down off the cross, Powderkeg. We've had plenty of speculation about various other games hitting various other platforms (some with much less basis than this). Maybe you should stay out of these threads.

Hmmm, let's check some forum history on that.

Here is me speculating that Assasin's Creed will be multiplatform. (Others attempted similar speculation as well)

Nowe, let's see some of the responses....

Well, now we know what kind of responses the speculation of a PS3 game coming to the 360 would be, don't we?
Err, I don't see what's wrong with that, and I'd invite you to have a look at some of the responses in this thread, both for and against the likelihood of different versions of this game. There's always two sides to an argument, that's no different in this case.

I'm really not sure what your point is. People disagreed with you? OK... contribute to the thread if you wish, and you did with the caution on retail listings, but take this nonsense about special treatment out of here, please.
Just wondering Powderkeg, why are you so stern on Oblivion not coming to the PS3. Even sounding angry at times. Why would you not want the game to come to ps3? You obviously dont support the idea. I think it's ok to assume you like the game, wouldnt you want more people to try it out?

This isnt the first thread you've been open about your thoughts on the rumor.
Powderkeg said:
Hmmm, let's check some forum history on that.

Here is me speculating that Assasin's Creed will be multiplatform. (Others attempted similar speculation as well)
Nowe, let's see some of the responses....

Well, now we know what kind of responses the speculation of a PS3 game coming to the 360 would be, don't we?
Hrm. You've cited me almost exclusively, so when you say 'types of responses speculating PS3 game is coming to XB360', you're only looking at an example of posts from one person, which isn't a good indicator of the overall types of responses. Hardly an accurate model of Forum History looking at pretty much only one member!

Secondly, I was arguing the point of claiming it was multiplatform based on no evidence, and then discussing the POVs on the evidence. eg. Mckmass said it was a timed exclusive as though that was pretty much a certainty, whereas Ubisoft had not announced as much. It might be true, but you can't claim that's a fact without either an assertion from the publisher or a very good reason to believe it - those reasons were what were being discussed. Likewise, if someone said Oblivion is definitely coming to PS3, I would want some proof, or at least discuss the evidence suggestive of as such.

I don't see my behaviour different in this thread where it's a different platform port (XB360 > PS3, rather than PA's PS3 > XB360). In both threads I've been arguing about people's POV's based on the evidence they cite. eg. Taking a quote saying 'we have no plans' is not conclusive proof it's not coming, and I say as much. Likewise saying a game is being ported when there's no such announcement and I say as much. Whichever platform such a game is supposed to be transitioning makes no difference to my views as to what be can be taken as evidence of that fact, and what can't.
Bad_Boy said:
Just wondering Powderkeg, why are you so stern on Oblivion not coming to the PS3. Even sounding angry at times. Why would you not want the game to come to ps3? You obviously dont support the idea. I think it's ok to assume you like the game, wouldnt you want more people to try it out?

Actually if you read the thread you'll see where I say it COULD come to the PS3, just not at launch.

This isnt the first thread you've been open about your thoughts on the rumor.

And this is what a mod said about posting rumors.
Powderkeg said:
Actually if you read the thread you'll see where I say it COULD come to the PS3, just not at launch.
Alright, you have your opinions on "quick" ports, so I wont knock that.

Powderkeg said:
Then I suppose this thread should be locked then.

I just had to ask, your posts on the matter seem to give off a negative feeling toward porting the game over.
Lots of rumours get posted here, and not just on the console forums either. Whole threads on whisperings about forthcoming GPUs exist. The original poster of a rumour has to use good judgement, obviously you can't simply post anything and everything that just anyone claims. There's a certain amount of a "case by case" approach to rumours, obviously some rumours are less substantiated than others, and not as deserving of attention as others. I do not believe this is such an instance, it's a pretty multi-faceted one (distributor listings + retail listings + journalist whisperings + no denial), and it's been developing for a while now. It may yet prove to be incorrect, of course, but it's not a rumour without basis.
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Btw. is there any response by Bethesda about PS3 versions? I mean for AC we have Ubi claiming again and again that this is PS3 only despite all the stupid rumors without any evidence. But here there is something "real" like that entry listed in EBGames shop...
Jesus2006 said:
Btw. is there any response by Bethesda about PS3 versions? I mean for AC we have Ubi claiming again and again that this is PS3 only despite all the stupid rumors without any evidence. But here there is something "real" like that entry listed in EBGames shop...
There is a response and it's the same sort of response that Ubi gave us about AC. "We have no announced plans for other versions"
Jesus2006 said:
Btw. is there any response by Bethesda about PS3 versions? I mean for AC we have Ubi claiming again and again that this is PS3 only despite all the stupid rumors without any evidence. But here there is something "real" like that entry listed in EBGames shop...

Huh? Ubi has said exactly what Bethesda has said, no announced plans blah blah blah...
Jesus2006 said:
Btw. is there any response by Bethesda about PS3 versions?


I mean for AC we have Ubi claiming again and again that this is PS3 only despite all the stupid rumors without any evidence. But here there is something "real" like that entry listed in EBGames shop...

Stupid rumors without any evidence? How is an EBGames shop listing -- which we do know that retailers make a ton of guesses -- more substantial than say a gaming magazine like GamePro? It isn't.

Further, how is this for "stupid rumors":

MS announced Assassin at X05 (MS surely knows what is going to appear on THEIR console!), not to mention the rumors of Assassin running on the 360 at E3 2006 (in the least on a 360 controller, which would indicate a 360 or PC). Or how about Ubi's leaked software release list that has Assassin's Creed coming to the 360? And Ubi has not, to my knowledge, said it is exclusive to the PS3 -- only the same line as Oblivion, "No other platform has been confirmed". No, "Assassin's Creed is exclusive to the PS3" or "We have no plans for an Xbox 360 version" only a "no confirmation". Btw, this "no confirmation" came after a French site reported that a Ubi rep told them it was Xbox 360 bound. And 1Up has said in late June, "Sources close to Ubisoft have informed us that the game will definately see release on Microsoft's platform".

I mean for AC we have Ubi claiming again and again that this is PS3 only despite all the stupid rumors without any evidence. But here there is something "real" like that entry listed in EBGames shop...

Your determination of what information is "real evidence" and "stupid rumors" seems arbitrary. If the Assassin's Creed rumors or "stupid" then there is no way arround the same conclusion for the Oblivion rumors in that Assassin's Creed has substantially more information indicating the rumor is true.

As for Oblivion, I think it is a pretty safe bet it could be PS3 bound. "At present we have no announced plans t bring Oblivion to any platforms other than the PC or Xbox 360" doesn't sound very convincting to me!

Between the 360 and PC it broke 1M copies; and console gamers bought more copies of Oblivion than PC gamers. That being the case the PS3 would appear to be a ripe target: a consumer market who in general won't have a top end PC or 360 and will be on a launch platform need of quality software in general (like all launches), let alone quality RPG software. Oblivion is one of the best games on the market based on sales and reviews, so they would be crazy not to move it to the PS3. They already have experience with the PPE via the 360 and have a rendering engine that works well with G70. Even if they only squeezed 250k sales out of Oblivion on the PS3 it would appear to be a good move to leverage all the work they already invested in the title. It would also give them a good learning experience on the PS3 that could be useful for future titles.

IMO ESIV: Oblivion will end up on the PS3 one way or another. It makes too much sales sense not to... unless MS pays for an exclusive. But why would they seeing as they will have effectively had a 9 months exclusive already?
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Acert93 said:
MS announced Assassin at X05 (MS surely knows what is going to appear on THEIR console!), not to mention the rumors of Assassin running on the 360 at E3 2006 (in the least on a 360 controller, which would indicate a 360 or PC). Or how about Ubi's leaked software release list that has Assassin's Creed coming to the 360? And Ubi has not, to my knowledge, said it is exclusive to the PS3 -- only the same line as Oblivion, "No other platform has been confirmed". No, "Assassin's Creed is exclusive to the PS3" or "We have no plans for an Xbox 360 version" only a "no confirmation". Btw, this "no confirmation" came after a French site reported that a Ubi rep told them it was Xbox 360 bound. And 1Up has said in late June, "Sources close to Ubisoft have informed us that the game will definately see release on Microsoft's platform".

Yeah i know all these rumors. Btw AC was announced (shown as a trailer) at E3 2005 for PS3, long before X05 if i remember correctly :)

I mean Ubi is constantly denying all this and i havent read something like that from bethesda yet - till now. So this listing in the EB Games shop had a little more substance to me than jus the same rumours again and again.
Jesus2006 said:
Yeah i know all these rumors.

Then why is a game reference on an online shop, which is known to make complete guesses on platform and sales dates, "real" while a half dozen independant confirmations "stupid".

Why is it a stupid rumor?

Btw AC was announced (shown as a trailer) at E3 2005 for PS3, long before X05 if i remember correctly

I believe it was TGS 05 (September 2005) and this seems to be verified by the first date of the news quips/media dates at GameSpot and IGN.

I mean Ubi is constantly denying all this

Go read what Ubisoft has said again. In the 1Up article they note exactly what they said and then they go back and specifically ask them, "Is it exclusive" and they REFUSE to say it is exclusive! They have NOT denied that Assassin's Creed will be on the Xbox 360. Quite the contrary, they have only stated that that they have not confirmed the title for any other platforms and have REFUSED to say "exclusive to the PS3" or that it is not coming to other platforms.

Hardly a firm denial.

a little more substance to me than jus the same rumours again and again.

But that is the point: They are not the same rumors at all, but instead a number of unrelated sources stating the same conclusion. This is hardly an example of a single rumor, like, "Oblivion is PS3 bound in November" and Bethesda denying it and some months later some online shop appears to add a game to the database based on the rumor. That would be an interlated rumor. It could be true, but there is no real independant information.

The Assassin's Creed rumor is not the same rumors "again and again" recycled, but a number of independant confirmations--everything from Ubi's own release cycle, MS advertising the game at their biggest independant press event, to Ubi reps saying it will be on the 360 and numerous people spotting the game running on an Xbox 360 controller.
Even more fuel to the fire:

Oblivion PSP Under Development BY Climax Studio?

Sources tell me that the rumored Playstation Portable version of Oblivion are true. The game is being ported by Climax UK and while I couldn't find out what form the game would take, I'm told that UMD space isn't as big a concern as some might think. The PSP version won't have 512x512 textures, instead relying on something closer to 128x128 textures and true color will likely be replaced by 16 color. Both of these moves greatly reduces the amount of space the final game would likely take up.

Brian Crecente


This is starting to look more and more like the Assasins Creed rumour.
Angelcurio said:
This is starting to look more and more like the Assasins Creed rumour.

When specific dev houses begin being named by name I see little reason to doubt the rumors. That said, is Oblivion a good match for the PSP? Oblivion is a sit down and play for hours on end game that takes 40-80 hours to play. Will that work well on a mobile device with a limited amount of play time? I could not imagine porting the game would be easy either. They could probably keep much of the art (just down size it), but Oblivion is an SM2.0 game, to run on the PSP would require a totally new renderer it would seem. Ditto I am sure the game engine itself.
Acert93 said:
Go read what Ubisoft has said again. In the 1Up article they note exactly what they said and then they go back and specifically ask them, "Is it exclusive" and they REFUSE to say it is exclusive! They have NOT denied that Assassin's Creed will be on the Xbox 360. Quite the contrary, they have only stated that that they have not confirmed the title for any other platforms and have REFUSED to say "exclusive to the PS3" or that it is not coming to other platforms.

...this is exactly what ubisoft say ,about those rumors from July 4th:

Ubisoft have confirmed no such thing. Assassin's Creed will come on PlayStation 3 and at this time, no other platform has been confirmed."

In contrast, what Bethesda says sounds a little less "final" to me :)

The PS3 Oblivion product page listed on is "just an assumption" Hines told GamePro today in response to recent rumors. There are "no announced plans for any other version right now," Hines said.

Speaking only of "non-announced plans", which is a little less than not in development at all imo :)

Btw. thanks for negative rep, i think im not making such a big deal of it as you do...
The Ubi and Bethesda comments both translate to the same thing from where I'm standing. They're both, basically, "please stop asking about this for now, we'll talk to you about it later".
Titanio said:
The Ubi and Bethesda comments both translate to the same thing from where I'm standing. They're both, basically, "please stop asking about this for now, we'll talk to you about it later".

yes... and the same advice should apply to any more threads or posts on either matter as well. :D
Jesus2006 said:
...this is exactly what ubisoft say ,about those rumors from July 4th:
In contrast, what Bethesda says sounds a little less "final" to me :)
Speaking only of "non-announced plans", which is a little less than not in development at all imo :)
They're saying the same thing. In both cases they're denying any official stance and being noncommittal. 'No announced plans' does not neccessarily mean no plans at all, just there's been no publicly announced plans. 'No other platform has been confirmned' doesn't mean there's no other platform in development at all, only that there's been no public, official confirmation of another platform getting the game. In both cases whether the titles cross over to the other platform has no official answer from the publishers and it's left to the public to speculate.