Claimed: Oblivion coming to PS3, Nov 6 (launch?)

I might give that game a second chance, in case I'll be starving for some new game for PS3 after launch.
Played it on my PC for some tens of hours which I enjoyed tremendously, after which I couldn't care less.
I'm generally not enjoying playing games on my PC, in front of a desk and sitting on uncomfortable office chair, so games on PC have to be really really special for me to have the preservance to go through them. Even HL2, which I think is one of the best games eva, I couldn't finish without some cheating in the end.
Sorry I wasn't paying attention. Is this the five-word secret game that is supposed to be a surprise announcement for PS3 ? If it is, it's not working for me :)


I might give that game a second chance, in case I'll be starving for some new game for PS3 after launch.
Played it on my PC for some tens of hours which I enjoyed tremendously, after which I couldn't care less.
I'm generally not enjoying playing games on my PC, in front of a desk and sitting on uncomfortable office chair, so games on PC have to be really really special for me to have the preservance to go through them. Even HL2, which I think is one of the best games eva, I couldn't finish without some cheating in the end.
Same here. I loved Oblivion, bought it first for the 360 but could not stand the pop-in issues, so I swapped to the PC version (and added a gig of RAM). All that to play for a short period of time and go, "Huh. I really, really hate playing on the PC." Still played it for quite a while even so...

The sad, almost pathetic thing is, if the PS3 version fixes the pop-in issue and adds some worthy bonus material, I may buy it a third time. I really think it's a fantastic game.
Amusingly, I'm the complete opposite. I get much more INTO a game when I'm sitting up close and personal and "on the edge of my seat," if you will. On the couch I'd rather play party games, fighting games, platformers, BURNOUT... :smile: things that one just kicks back and enjoys. An engrossing RPG, I'd MUCH rather be up-close-and-personal, leaning forward into the scenes, ducking away from blasts as if they're coming at my head... ;)

Same with FPSes, RTSes... anything that plays better on kb/m and invariably is treated as more "serious gaming." A TimeSplitter I'd play on console, sure. But just about anything else I want on the PC.

(Of course on PC, I invariably think I'm playing a MMO, and get frustrated that there aren't any other people to chat with. Heh...)