Capcom's Deep Down

here it is !

I probably got it wrong, but how can a Dev Kit /Alpha Kit have a way better GPU than the actual console?
Did they downgrade it later on or should it "simulate" the capability of the X1 GPU in a fixed system?

Dev Kits usually have the same Specs as the retail Product, except for more RAM, dont they?

Im not really into that stuff so I may sound stupid
Are Capcom are on a crusade against quality? it's the only way i can make sense of their actions.
It's being developed by Capcom Online Games.

Interesting, appears it might be an online only game. MMO? MMO-lite? Online only single player with drop in Co-op?

A few more details ( ). Just confirming that it's been announced as an online game. But not many details though.

It will be nice if this requires an online connection to play. As more and more games start to follow that model, we might actually have a chance for cloud compute in games to take off despite neither hardware manufacturer making it mandatory.


I don't see how most games being online-only validates cloud computing. A game can't dynamically work well with or without an online connection? I mean having a game unable to completely function without it is unnecessary, and using it when online should enhance the existing assets available on local storage.

Cloud computing can be done by a single game without a mandatory connection, and having an online-only game doesn't guarantee it's using cloud computing. I mean if that's the case, then every online-only game (MMO or not) was already in the cloud many years before now.
This image seems to describe that procedural flames are hitting collision point.

Yes, but all that is from the tech demo we were shown and I have seen that too. I would like to see that in game before commenting.
I mean if that's the case, then every online-only game (MMO or not) was already in the cloud many years before now.

Yes, but only a very small subset of what cloud computing allows. And making use of the bare minimum computing possible in order to keep bandwidth low. We're talking about the difference between a few 10's of Kb/s of data transfer of most MMO's compared to the 1.5 Mb/s that Microsoft was recommending.

That isn't to say that MMO's weren't doing a lot of calculations, but they weren't sending or receiving much data to and from the client. Enemy AI for example tends to be even more basic than what you see on local single player games. But it is running thousands of AI simultaneously versus the single digit AI's in many console games. Although once you get into open world console games (Mafia, for example) with many NPCs, the AI actually manages to be worse than most MMOs, except for mission specific AI.

Anyway, things like what you have in MMO's should be considered the bare minimum of what is possible with cloud computing.

Thus I'm interested to see if Capcom makes online required for Deep Down and if they do, whether they actually attempt anything revolutionary with the online nature of the game. Or if it'll be something as boring and yawn inducting as drop in co-op. Or MMO-lite.

Why are people making a fuss about it being an online game now ? At the end of the tech demo, they clearly showed that it was an online game! It was part of the excitement that we could take down those dragons in co op !
Why are people making a fuss about it being an online game now ? At the end of the tech demo, they clearly showed that it was an online game! It was part of the excitement that we could take down those dragons in co op !

I think the fuss is over it being an online game.

Does that mean online required in order to play, thus according to many on this forum, a ton of people won't be able to play it because a lot of people don't have reliable internet?

Or does it just mean the same thing as COD, Killzone, Halo, etc. Where it's really just an offline game with an online arena/co-op mode? Wouldn't make sense to call something like that an "online game."

I take it that since it's being created by Capcom Online Games, and being called an online game, that online will be required whether you play alone or with friends.

And the more games embrace that philosophy the sooner I feel we'll start to have a paradigm shift in how games are presented and how that changes existing game genres and potentially introduces new genres.

Somewhat similar to how game changing textured polygons were over gourard shaded polygons. 3D graphics versus 2D graphics. Hardware accelerated 3D versus non-accelerated 3D. Game distribution via CD versus floppy disk or cartridges. The introduction of more than 2 buttons on a game controller. The introduction of analog sticks on a game controller. Since the turn of the century it's mostly just been more of the same thing, just a little bit better. Graphics and computing power has progressed at a rather steady and predictable rate with a lull for a few years when CPU's hit the power wall and everyone had to learn how to code games for multiple CPUs.

The potential for online games that offload some part of the game to the cloud means that you break out of that rather predictable march of CPU and GPU power. Now you potentially have a pool of resources that you can dedicated to non-latency critical tasks that you would not want to dedicated resources to on a local machine or when you do, you do so very sparingly.

For me it's optimism in game developers coming up with something potentially new and compelling in either presentation or gameplay above and beyond what is expected by the predictable increase in hardware specs.

I will be a happier gamer if it actually does do anything new but I think you are trying to find too much in the "online" part of it. For what we know , its a co op game.
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I will be a happier gamer if it actually does do anything new but I think you are trying to find too much in the "online" part of it. For what we know , its a co op game.

That's certainly quite possible, but then I question why the developer would be Capcom Online Games. Similar to how Sony Online Entertainment doesn't make offline games. Hence why I'm excited to see if it will require an online connection and if they do anything interesting with it. If requires an online connection for only drop in co-op, then I'd be pretty disappointed.

I hope I am not coming accross as an anti online or anti cloud guy or something ! I am waiting for those things to actually happen, when we don't have to buy consoles at all, just plug the TV to the internet and buy a subscription to Sony or MS game services. Games could run on constantly upgrading hardware on their ends, while I enjoy uninhibited gaming. Games with persistent worls, games which show me what I like instead of being same for everyone. Jumping from gameplay to lobbies to socialising seamlessly, having cross platform play with everyone, carrying my same avatar into every game, entire game worlds deteriorating over time, changing according to how people play, etc !

But what we are seeing right now, well, it certainly isn't that yet ;) !

I think he is trolling us. Don't know what to expect at TGS.
Can't wait to see the actual
much down graded
gameplay graphics of this bizarre beast. The MMO nature of it still poured a bucket of cold water over me though.
Can't wait to see the actual
much down graded
gameplay graphics of this bizarre beast. The MMO nature of it still poured a bucket of cold water over me though.

I don't think it's going to be your typical MMO. Pretty sure it will be Demon's & Dark Souls influenced, and probably with a dash of Agent Hunt mode from RE6 and Dragon's Dogma bits mixed in. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? ;)
I don't think it's going to be your typical MMO. Pretty sure it will be Demon's & Dark Souls influenced, and probably with a dash of Agent Hunt mode from RE6 and Dragon's Dogma bits mixed in. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? ;)

I sure hope so, with all my heart.