Capcom's Deep Down

Somebody mentioned on GAF that Deep Down is produced by Capcom smartphone dev team. :D By the look of the first official teaser that was released not so long ago, that maybe be true.
As long as the fire simulation is in I don't care if it's the blackberry team doing the game.

Wouldn't it be better of they just release the fire simulation arena as a $5. Tech demo ;) ?

I hope the smartphone team is a capable one. This is the first red flag for this game. Worrying news. It could be false rumour, the tech demo definitely didn't look like some smartphone game, it looked like a proper Dungeon RPG.
Ugh don't be only a playable video, please be a playable video game!

Maybe, but all the floor games for the PS4 are listed as 'playable, video'. As that includes games we know are playable, then visitors to TGS may well strike lucky!
As long as the fire simulation is in I don't care if it's the blackberry team doing the game.

Actually I hope they ditch the fluid based fire if that means watering down the rest of the graphics that much. The initial demo looked amazing even without the crazy fire. The dragon, lighting, textures, shaders and tessellation were all excellent and I totally wouldn't mind playing a game with sprite based fire or much simpler version of fire simulation.
Actually I hope they ditch the fluid based fire if that means watering down the rest of the graphics that much. The initial demo looked amazing even without the crazy fire. The dragon, lighting, textures, shaders and tessellation were all excellent and I totally wouldn't mind playing a game with sprite based fire or much simpler version of fire simulation.

Too bad the later gameplay trailer (with 1/4 second snippets) looked downright fugly.

We'll see, but yeah. This is one that has a lot to live up too and got us all excited.
Even if the fire simulation ends in, I don't think many more games will make use of that sort of thing. Every console launch sees some games a little unbalanced tech-wise, as its a time of experimentation for many devs. I think there are many other cheaper ways to do fire better than naive sprites before going into full blown fluid simulation. Little big Planet for example, did it's fire through multiple layers of 2d fluid simulation and rendered that as a texture. LBP2 ditched that concept, and went with a particle based sim, which had its compromises, but I think worked better in the end. They still had a grid-based force field to drive those particles, but that was much lower resolution. I think similarly, that could be the most efficient way to go about the problem this gen, so Capcom's research won't end up completely unused this gen.
Wouldn't it be better of they just release the fire simulation arena as a $5. Tech demo ;) ?
That would be acceptable as well :devilish:

Too bad the later gameplay trailer (with 1/4 second snippets) looked downright fugly.
Perhaps due to being horribly compressed?

EDIT: While the game itself may being developed by a third rate team within Capcom, Panta Rhei is still their next-gen engine. Lots of resources are being poured into that, no doubt.
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I just hope it has sword play like Demons souls or completely fantasy with powers and magic. Please don't make a Ryse Capcom. We are looking forward to a dungeon experience with supreme sublime graphics.
Looks like a dungeon/corridor type game. Some of the assets..environment/enemies don't look very good, unlike the tech demo.



Well, the game looks way different in each shoot. However the gameplay we saw it's more similar to the OG trailer. I'm still hoping it to be a graphical beast, specially after knowing SCE engineers are working with Capcom on the development.


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Problem with expecting it to be a graphical beast is it's an online MMO or something, right?

Likely not going to happen.