Capcom's Deep Down


Yoshinori Ono posted picture of Deep Down running on PS4.
So... the stage demo was running on a PS4 for realz ?

Other than Ono I don't think anyone can answer that until E3 or some other presentation...


Remember screenshots of Elderscrolls Oblivion? and how those screeshots looked too good to be true back then.

Take into account the last God of War's graphics and...

Take into account the old GeForce GTX 280 tech demo Medusa which also runs on GeForce 8800 GTX to GTS 250 in terms of image quality.

Sony also sent out dev kits last year but also Dragon's Dogma did have some impressive effects but the best guess is E3 2013...
If this was indeed running on PS4 hardware then it's certainly the best looking nextgen title along with The Order 1886 and Cage's next game. Can't wait for a complete play through.
Yeah, maybe a proper trailer and an actual name will be revealed at TGS. I don't think Deep Down will be the final title.
Playable at the next E3 to me sounds like they should have just kept it under wraps and revealed it much much closer to it being ready. Right now its probably hardly even a game, and more than likely could end up looking nothing like what was shown at the Sony reveal event.

It could even end up being cancelled or vapourware that never sees the light of day. So as far as I'm concerned Deep Down doesn't exist yet.

Very dissappointing.
Man didn't notice the light bar on that DS4 in the new pic, it has to be real guys. I can't believe we'll be playing game of that graphical quality as early as next year.