Capcom's Deep Down

Not in Japan, actually there are a lot of US visual effects veterans working on the project and AFAIK it's in LA.

There's someone from the team posting on the CG Pro mailing list, I'll get his name the next time he mentions it and look up other info.
Perhaps it's a bicoastal production? Those aren't exactly rare nowadays. Hell, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 was one.
This is pretty much like that Lair tech demo running realtime on ps3 back then, the dragon looked nice and so did the rain effects etc. But the final game while still good looking did not deliver on that tech demo quality. Though I wonder if this was running on a devkit with 1.5Gig Vram same as KZSF.
This is pretty much like that Lair tech demo running realtime on ps3 back then, the dragon looked nice and so did the rain effects etc. But the final game while still good looking did not deliver on that tech demo quality. Though I wonder if this was running on a devkit with 1.5Gig Vram same as KZSF.

very likely
The new Metal Gear Ground Zero game does look amazing, although it's not made in Japan as far as I know.
is it a next gen title? the graphics looked too good to be current gen.
What particularly noteworthy things did Konami do last gen besides Metal Gear? We still have that, and it's still great. We also have Platinum games doing stuff that's excellent in both gameplay and tech. Square is a little slower than usual, but let's not forget that it took them half a decade to release FFXII on the PS2 as well. Sega actually made the first decent Sonic game in ages, the Yakuza games are still pretty good, and there's even some new stuff like the surprisingly good Binary Domain.
From software made the two best rpgs of an entire hardware generation, and Capcom of all companies released a ballsy new IP in Dragon's Dogma at the tail end of the hardware generation.

I think the Japanese are doing just fine. That they cannot match the sheer output volume of two major continents shouldn't be all that surprising.

It's just that compared to the sheer dominating output most famed Japanese put out during the golden PSOne and especially PS2 era, it seems like they got tripped up in the transition to HD. Maybe it's because they had to actually deal with developing on multiple consoles this time around (can't ignore the Xbox 360 like the Xbox and N64 before it) or because they spent a tremendous amount of time generating assets (and in Final Fantasy XIII's case, apparently making so much that 1/2 of it was thrown away). Whatever it was, I just hope they don't make the same mistakes when we move to the PS4/720.

Capcom is building a new IP for PS4 because it will allow it to full understand what the console is capable of.

The title’s producer Yoshinori Ono told MCV that the reason the firm chose a new brand, rather than an established IP like Street Fighter or Resident Evil, is so it isn’t constrained by consumer expectations.

"We wanted to be free to utilise the PS4's hardware capabilities and unique services without the constraints of working within an existing IP," he said. Ono-san is best known for the Street Fighter series.

"Of course, the development experience we gain will put us in an even better position to bring our existing series to the console in a way that takes full advantage of its hardware and services."

Ono-san added that he is a big fan of PS4 for being ‘developer focused.’ “That makes it easy to make games, and the online services are easy to integrate, he said.

“The real-time capabilities of the hardware allowed us to produce the Deep Down demonstration you saw at the conference in a relatively short amount of time.”


"I was honoured to be invited," added Ono-san. "At the same time, I was a little hesitant about showing off a game and engine that are still at such early stages of development; neither even has a final name yet."
Good stuff.

I'm glad they won'tbe calling the final game "deep down" though... I cannot even begin to imagine the google results kids will be encountering when looking up that name online.

Good stuff.

I'm glad they won'tbe calling the final game "deep down" though... I cannot even begin to imagine the google results kids will be encountering when looking up that name online.


Just googled it with safe search off, and all I got was screens from the game.
By the way, if a parent is worried about the results a kid can find in google, then they shouldnt be in google.
We already have multiple characters fighting a dragon in a medieval setting and now they are hinting at online features. Still sounds like Dragon's Dogma to me.
We already have multiple characters fighting a dragon in a medieval setting and now they are hinting at online features. Still sounds like Dragon's Dogma to me.

I have been waiting for a Lair 2. e.g., Combine different genra in a setting, from large scale warfare to one-on-one.

I quite like the PSN dragon game. Someday someone will try to mix the actions to create a new formula, hopefully.
“The real-time capabilities of the hardware allowed us to produce the Deep Down demonstration you saw at the conference in a relatively short amount of time.”

Geezus. Capcom wins next gen.

A hopeful side effect of this demo: medieval fantasy bar was raised and gets FROM off their asses for Dark Souls 2/3.
It's just that compared to the sheer dominating output most famed Japanese put out during the golden PSOne and especially PS2 era, it seems like they got tripped up in the transition to HD. Maybe it's because they had to actually deal with developing on multiple consoles this time around (can't ignore the Xbox 360 like the Xbox and N64 before it) or because they spent a tremendous amount of time generating assets (and in Final Fantasy XIII's case, apparently making so much that 1/2 of it was thrown away). Whatever it was, I just hope they don't make the same mistakes when we move to the PS4/720.

I wouldn't say Japan dominated the PS2 era... It was 50-50, especially when you consider stuff like the rise of GTA as a force of nature and stuff like the Jak series, Ratchet & Clank, Halo, etc. All those sold craploads alongside of stuff like MGS, FF, GT, etc.