Capcom's Deep Down

I think it's possible that the scene was rendered in a real time game engine but it clearly wasn't gameplay. More akin to a real time cutscene I'd have thought (based on the quality of the animations and the cinematic camera angles)
Totally agree, when this is missing it bothers me immensely. From the silly Killzone 4 "hanging on one hand" part to all this "Parkour" stuff nowadays where everything seems without gravity and way too easy. I would really like that next gen improves these things, even though after watching the Watchdog clips I highly doubt it.

These are just game design choices, it's not like there's a technological limitation. If you want to talk about unrealistic, most videogame characters can run faster and further than olympians because if they ran like actual human beings it would take you hours to get anywhere.
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Totally agree, when this is missing it bothers me immensely. From the silly Killzone 4 "hanging on one hand" part to all this "Parkour" stuff nowadays where everything seems without gravity and way too easy. I would really like that next gen improves these things, even though after watching the Watchdog clips I highly doubt it.

I understand what you mean, but to me Killzone was actually one of the first shooters that I thought brought a lot of weight to everything.
I understand what you mean, but to me Killzone was actually one of the first shooters that I thought brought a lot of weight to everything.

But gamer backlash made them abandon it. kZ2 was awesome, but internet whiners made them believe otherwise. Companies listen to and cater to the lowest common denominators, as they make the most noise too, thats why these damn changes to become more generic. If u listen to the mob, u will keep making the same shit again n again and get mocked again nagain till u go bankrupt. Make something different and savour the appluase, even if the mob thinks its beyond their comprehension ability, they will join in once it gets big enough to be followed or be left out. Smetimes I wonder if these internwt whiners even have a choice of their own. You go to different websites, forums and video sites and see the some comments being copy pasted by different people as their own. Nobody really cares if the game is good or bad, the mob people just want to shout and be heard. No real purpose behind it.
The sensible crowd is mostly just enjoying the game while the whole uproar goes around. "Change thw ending, we don't like it ", "why is the game character so heavy?","why do I have to think while playing?": The rhetoric is just weird ! People just want o make noise and smile in glee when they get a reply. They think it makes them important in some imaginary world. Its a videogame!
Input lag is different from "heavyness". I could not stand it in KZ1, although that game was a technical mess to begin with
These are just game design choices, it's not like there's a technological limitation. If you want to talk about unrealistic, most videogame characters can run faster and further than olympians because if they ran like actual human beings it would take you hours to get anywhere.

But most game characters can only sprint for a few seconds before having to slow down to a jog, not exactly a great example of fitness ;)

Quake OTOH... Now there is an Olympian ;)
But gamer backlash made them abandon it. kZ2 was awesome, but internet whiners made them believe otherwise. Companies listen to and cater to the lowest common denominators, as they make the most noise too, thats why these damn changes to become more generic. If u listen to the mob, u will keep making the same shit again n again and get mocked again nagain till u go bankrupt. Make something different and savour the appluase, even if the mob thinks its beyond their comprehension ability, they will join in once it gets big enough to be followed or be left out. Smetimes I wonder if these internwt whiners even have a choice of their own. You go to different websites, forums and video sites and see the some comments being copy pasted by different people as their own. Nobody really cares if the game is good or bad, the mob people just want to shout and be heard. No real purpose behind it.
The sensible crowd is mostly just enjoying the game while the whole uproar goes around. "Change thw ending, we don't like it ", "why is the game character so heavy?","why do I have to think while playing?": The rhetoric is just weird ! People just want o make noise and smile in glee when they get a reply. They think it makes them important in some imaginary world. Its a videogame!

Did KZ2 or KZ3 change the weighty movement? I didn't notice it. I know KZ1 was heavier than both in aiming and movement though, but that was before Killzone was more mainstream and discussed I think.

I think most of the changes to Killzone were only to address the aiming input lag and exaggeration of weight, but not the weighty movement.

Unless you meant the weighty movement to mean both of those things, I'm not sure. I like to look at them as separate characteristics.
every little animation detail in movement of the gun when u press L1 was dropped in KZ3 as a lot of ppl considered the whole animation of lifting the gun towards your eye as 'lag'. Actual input lag was rwmoved in KZ2 itself via the 'High Precision Control' patch. In KZ3, u pressed L1 and the gun snapped to the eye. All anims removed.

Same for jumping animations in KZ2. Pressing jump involved camera,hands and gun animations too to give u a feel of actually prepping for a jump. All these little details which made KZ2 special had to be dropped in KZ3 in the name of making it faster.
u you can already see how weightless the movement feels in shadow fall.
I forget, did they ever even pretend that that target render was playable footage or was it just a video?

Nope they didnt say anything of the sorts. They left it open for interpretation if I recall.
But the footage shows a tiny selection screen at the bottom of the left in a few scenes and in some instances it swaps items. Some scenes appear to look like they came out of gameplay too. The trailer of course might have been designed in some parts to look like gameplay for concept purposes
I don't know how anyone can claim that Deep down is not real time footage on a comparable PC with Capcom's new engine.

If you've seen their Resident Evil Output this gen with MT Framework, it should be immediately apparently that on a far more powerful set up, they'd be able to get that level of fidelity in gameplay.

I'd say its not too much of a stretch to see this upgrade when applied to 720 and PS4.
I forget, did they ever even pretend that that target render was playable footage or was it just a video?

They pretty much said something like 'the following video is an impression of our ambition with this new hardware'. But this is a subject pretty much done to death on these forums, and threads that go into them get closed real fast, so let's not go there again.

And yeah, I haven't seen much in the Deep Down presentation that is 'out there', not at all.
They pretty much said something like 'the following video is an impression of our ambition with this new hardware'. But this is a subject pretty much done to death on these forums, and threads that go into them get closed real fast, so let's not go there again.

And yeah, I haven't seen much in the Deep Down presentation that is 'out there', not at all.

I think it was Tretton who went ahead and said 'Yes, that is gameplay.' and sparked the whole issue. there's a video of that interview on Youtube.

On Topic: I hope Dark Souls2 comes to next gen and has such visuals :D
They pretty much said something like 'the following video is an impression of our ambition with this new hardware'.

That is not true, they never did that.
What they have been saying was stuff like "real gameplay" and such - they have been intentionally creating the impression that it was realtime footage and have never really admitted to it. They even had someone remove behind the scenes images from the net, and I think Axis, the studio responsible for the work, could not even talk about it publicly for a long time.

Sony was playing dirty, they needed the buzz against the Xbox, the footage promised a significant technological advantage and they ran with it.

Why do you think it has become a custom for every studio to add a title at the beginning to state that they're showing realtime rendered footage? We've never seen that before the KZ2 incident.

And I'm not sure if I can believe that you truly don't remember all of this.
I know Jack lied for sure, but I can't remember GG doing so:

I joined the boards after all that though.

You know if you listen carefully, you'll notice that he was actually referring to Resistence : Fall of Man when he said it's definitely real as he mentions Ted Price just after that. How a small mistake can mess things up :p
Well then why say Jack Tretton lied? That's completely demeaning the man's character for no reason besides one's own misunderstanding of the situation.
Honestly though, this better be the last off-topic comment. Deep Down and the Pantha Rei engine are the topic here. ;)
Even Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim have not completely satisfied my dungeon crawling itch, so if this is a dungeon crawler/brawler I would be inclined to buy a next-gen system just for it...
Japanese devs going to come back full force next gen I think. Luminous, Fox Engine, whatever Tri Ace has got, and now Panta Rhei...

The East is always cooking up crazy shit in terms of art and game worlds. And now they'll be able to better realize it this time.