Hi, I am not a hardware expert or anything, but I've always had this idea and I want to discuss it with you, great graphics can be achieved on consoles and we can clearly see that in some current gen titles such as Gears of War, Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5...etc, however there are always sacrifices, and that sacrifice being made is usually the framerate, the games I have mentioned before all run at 30fps on consoles and the reason is clear, hardware limitations, is it possible for a GPU manufacturer such as Nvidia or ATI to produce an optional secondary seperate GPU for the console they've developed it's main GPU and link it to that console then use the extra processing power to up the framerate to 60fps so every 30 fps console game would be automatically upscaled to run at 60fps?, or would every game need to be patched seperately to enable such thing?, thanks in advance.