Pause it @0:07, you can make out the the cinematic graphic blend and the actual "real-life" film blend. Damn close, just different lighting and some uncanny eye movement on the cinematic graphic part/half...
COD 2 sparked the visual fps genre craze, followed by Modern Warfare 1.I remember COD originally started as a graphical powerhouse with Modern Warfare
Ghosts was a joke, when you see a video like this it becomes perfectly clear:It looks far better than ghosts did last year, and a clear evolution of the COD engine that powered the last gen games. Not "blow your face off" good, but still a very noticeable and welcome upgrade after years of very minute incremental visual updates. use of simulated global illumination is also present over the simpler real-time lighting model featured on current-generation consoles, and this is backed up by the use of screen-space reflections on glossy surfaces, along with additional shader effects that more realistically represent various materials when they are illuminated by dynamic light sources.
It makes sense though that they put out that bullshot for game informer magazine. Its easier to tell the upgrades to the assets when the IQ is pristine like that
All I can say is...WOW! That's like...Infiltrator techdemo visuals right there...
*PC Snob Moment* Those shots are more than likely PC renders using greater assets and better post effects. Hopefully some better video footage will be coming soon...
Come on. Let's not go crazy.
It looks pretty good, especially considering how stagnant COD visuals have been for a long time. It doesn't look bad. But why go to the super extreme end of the spectrum and say it looks as good as a high end tech demo based on a 680 with an i7 and 32gb of RAM? It really doesn't..
Isn't that what bullshots are to start with? Offline PC renders? You sure as heck would not see Gears of War 3 IQ on 360 with the quality Epic showed off in a lot of its promotional images.
The only patch the Xbox One got was the one that actually hurt the performance in multi-player.
PC wise yes ...but the images "could" be real-time (not offline) as far as the PC is concerned. That amount of AA and overall IQ presented in those pics looks quite doable with a high-end PC (my PCs ).
The only patch the Xbox One got was the one that actually hurt the performance in multi-player.
Though I don't play COD so this may or may not have been fixed already.
Call of Duty: Ghosts runs at 1080p resolution on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Infinity Ward has said.
Well, yeah your definitely right about that. But i doubt they went through the lengths to show off the PC version in terms of it running on a consumer one in real time, especially when they have a deal in place to only show the Xbox versions.