Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Single player look good but bullshotty.

Singleplayer is just cutscenes, nothing in-game. Multi-player doesn't look next-gen. Zoom in on one of the screens (one of the outdoor ones), check the arms of the guy with the golden gun. Looks low on poly count to me.
On those screens, game looks good for a "year 1" release, especially if it manages to hit 1080p60 on PS4.

However, I'm still not convinced game will be good.
high quality screenshot fro gamersyde

weird, it does not look good for me.

From what I could gather on 2 pics (2 vertically pixel counting) on the MP ones and 2 pics (1 vertically, 1 horizontally pixel counted) on the SP ones, they are 4K native images, maybe using some post AA and finally downsampled to 1080p.

Even if some are so clean I couldn't find any clues, we could assume they are all from the same 4K build at the very least.
It's pretty sad that MW2 looked more realistic than this. I guess they're using another evolution of that Quae III-based engine, and they simply don't have good artists anymore.
COD 4 Modern Warfare was the best COD. Just loved the campaign. There were some flaws but the story just blew the doors.
Now that people are mentioning Crysis, I can actually understand the comparison. It's more Crysis deathmatch than it is Titanfall.
My goodness, even at 1080p it looks awfull.. or is this Xbox 360 footage upscaled to 1080p ? Looks like trampoline jumping for beginners (where are the saltos and double corkscrews ??) with a little bit of Crysis and Titanfall. => cancel pre-order

Wow! I am impressed. I like the Titanfall ground combat best. I used the Titan only in 'dog' this looks very good to me!
The single player definitely looks better than BF4 to me, much more happening on screen with better effects. The use of PBR is very welcoming too. I'd be happy if it's 1080p/60 on PS4, will skip if it's any Ps lower tho. MP looks like it could be fun but not overly innovative.
Don't know what to think...but MP gfx sure seem lower than I expected for a next gen only COD. Maybe the 1080p/60fps is too much for next-gen for any beauty to remain in the game.
my 1st time seeing that trailer. nice scene but so many aliasing and the explosion not as over-the-top as WatchDogs and BF series.
SP graphics is much better, MP graphics is always lower especially on consoles, On PC it is much better.

More stunning SP footage:

I wonder multiplayer requiring more cpu memory access then single player, thus increasing contention and increasing cpu memory bandwidth usage, which in turn decreases ddr3 memory bandwidth available to the gpu is a significant culprit in reducing multiplayer image quality to the extent it is. Traditionally there has always been a drop in iq for multiplayer but not to the extent we are seeing on these apu systems.

Killzone's spatial interpolation probably helped save on memory bandwidth besides shader demand.