Call of Duty 3. is that real time!?


Check out that demo. If that's real time then I'm stunned. I thought Cod2 looked good but this is head and shoulders above it.
I'm on it thanks!

I'm like a little kid at Christmas these last two days with all this marketplace stuff and the conferences and other GS feeds. :smile:
I doubt, very much, that the final game will even resemble the lighting/shodowing model used in this trailer. As far as geometry assets go, sure it is possible. Even texture quality might be close. But lighting? I seriosuly doubt it. On another note, it seems the biggest downgrade from all of last year's Sony E3 titles is lighting. Other game assets are close. Don't hold your breath for Killzone to have the amazing lighting and self-shadowing that it had in the E3 2k5 demo, though I suppose pigs fly.
I don't really see what's exciting about this game. It's made by Treyarch, not Infinity Ward, which means it'll probably not be that great. Their previous game, big red 1, averages a 79% at gamerankings.