Vince said:How is this policy any different with the exception being that the 'Bush Doctrine' takes into account the changing times and technological differential? Where as the Monroe Doctrine provided security against imminent threats by keeping the hemesphere off-limits, in todays world of 24hour flights anywhere and NBC weapons there are no such temporal constructs - instead you must eliminate the threat preempitvly.
And what immediate threat again did Saddam pose to us domestically or our interests abroad? 24-hour flights and NBC weapons have what to do with Iraq? I'm a troll and yet you and others constantly fail to address these questions when I repeatedly bring them up. Oh, according to you we're going to germinate the Middle East with democracy (whether they want it or not). Uh huh. And exactly how, even if successful (which I highly, highly doubt), is that going to suppress a minority of fundamentalist radicals from continuing to operate within the Middle East? We've had one fairly recent domestic terrorist attack perpetrated by an American(s). Are we not an educated, democratic society? So I'm sorry if I completely fail to see any resemblance whatsoever to our invasion of Iraq with the Monroe, Truman, or Julian-Claudian Doctrines containment/expansion (nice skipping around though as you wildly introduce ideas from all fields).
This logic is like the Bush ads: Al Qaeda so love the democratic process of transferring power that a vote Kerry is a vote for bin Laden. Because we all know that they're sitting in their little terrorist camps telling new followers about their glory days in the '90s, what it was like before Dubya got in office and put the royal smack down on them all. How he relentlessly hunts them without respite. I'm sure that's exactly what new recruits are told.