Joe DeFuria said:
John Reynolds said:
Of course, no one "knows". I was asking what you
thought. And there's no doubt in my mind that he'd rather not have a President on a stated mission hunting him and Al Qaeda down every day, vs. someone with less conviction.
Maybe it should be pointed out that when Bush came into office, it was with the stated notion that the US should not be involved in other countries affairs, nor should we be in the business of nation building. And then he subsequently went on to pull us out of almost every major agreement made in the last 35 years.
To say that Kerry would somehow have "less conviction" in finding members of Al-Qaeda is absurd. He hasn't done anything to prove or disprove that notion. Frankly it'd not only be national suicide, but political suicide, for him to "let up" or show "less conviction" in going after Al-Qaeda.
There are other ways of going after them than tossing bombs at countries that don't have terrorist ties or WMD.
Joe DeFuria said:
How again does it damage terrorism and those who support it by toppling a government that, according to intelligence so far, did not possess WMD that could've sold to terrorists or directly supported them financially?
So maybe Libya surrendering it's weapons program has nothing to do with Iraq?
Or maybe North Korea or Iran accelerating their weapons program had nothing to do with Iraq either? Either way, Libya is a nice after effect, but it certainly wasn't on the agenda at the time we went into Iraq. We went there to get WMD and to snuff out terrorist ties. Neither of which occurred because neither of which apparently were there.
Joe DeFuria said:
Honestly, in spite of the damage Bush has done to our relationships with certain long-standing allies...
More bullshit rhetoric. What relationships with long-standing allies are damaged...any more "damaged" than they were pre 9-11? Same shit, different day.
Why is it that to bring up our strained alliances around the world is just "more bullshit rhetoric" eh? We tried strong arming Mexico into supporting our position. We went
into the UN process insulting practically every major european nation as "old europe." We strained our relations with our neighbor to the north. Now to be fair, some of these allies of ours may not have helped even if there was 100% rock solid evidence of Saddam's duplicity and non-compliance. But we didn't give them a chance. Asking someone for help with your right hand while slapping them with your left will not engender much support.
And what alliances do we have around the world? We have alliances with nations that can barely send 10 men and $100 to fight in Iraq. I'm sure Al-Qaeda is quaking in their boots when the overwhelming military and monetary force that is Latvia joined us in our fight.
Joe DeFuria said:
Same goes for Bush's recent 9/11 images in his TV ads. Tacky, tacky, tacky.
I was wondering when you or Natoma would bring
that up. Those were some of the most
positive and uplifting political ads I've seen. There was no bashing of any one, or any party. But I guess the left just doesn't want to be reminded exactly what happened, who lead us through it, and who continues to lead us through it.
Joe you need to back off. Many 9/11 families, firefighters, and policemen and women have spoken out against the use of 9/11 imagery for political gain ever since it occurred. Frankly I concur. Unfortunately that has not happened.
The Administration used the specter of 9/11 to push the Patriot Act through Congress. They used the specter of 9/11 to justify tax cuts. They used the specter of 9/11 to justify a war with Iraq that has seen its reasons of justification crumble to dust. And this is just for starters.
anyone has a right to use 9/11 for political gain, and that's a big if imo, it's Rudy Guiliani. He was the one in the trenches leading our nation in the weeks after 9/11. He was the public face of that tragedy, not President Bush. I am most definitely no fan of Guiliani for his strong arming tactics in dealing with vast portions of NY communities during his tenure, but
he was the one who was leading our nation in spirit in the weeks following 9/11. Not Bush.
What has the administration done to "lead" us from 9/11? Stonewalled the 9/11 commission that was created to investigate the failings by the CIA, FBI, and Administration Officials in preventing that tragedy. They sent only 50K troops to middle east in response, of which only 20K were actually on the ground in Afghanistan. Today, we have roughly 12K on the ground, most of which are keeping Kabul safe. The rest have no power in the hinterlands of Afghanistan where the warlords now rule. They let many of Al-Qaeda's leadership get away into the hinterlands of the Pakistan/Afghanistan border by not sending enough troops to the ground. We didn't have enough in Afghanistan, and we certainly didn't have enough in Iraq.
In the leadup to the Iraq war, we forgot about the war against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. They have re-established themselves in Afghanistan, along with the Taliban. Where is the leadership there? We started a war with Iraq when there were no terrorists there, and now it has become a hotbed of terrorism. Where is the leadership there?
We ignored Saudi Arabia's role in the 9/11 attacks, their continued funding of Al-Qaeda in the highest levels of their government, and continue to call them "friend." Where is the leadership?
If you want to call $1.5 Trillion additional debt, unfunded Port and Border Patrols which directly affect our national security, and continued deadly terrorist activities around the world the results of leadership, then so be it. But you won't find too many sane people agreeing with you.