Buzz! The Schools Quiz

Me. The latest Buzz. Okay as a title, although fundamentally flawed gameplay. All the questions answered beyond pointless come the final round, where a few right answers put you out on top no matter how badly you could have done in the rest of the game.

I know it's not ideal but you can set up a custom game which excludes that standard last round. Me and my GF do it sometimes to settle arguments over which restaraunt to go to, which film to see... and so on.

I must admit that the final round (I can't remember what it's called) gives the game a real TV gameshow feel - yes I know that sounds odd as the whole concept is... anyway, it's not important.

Sorry for the OT.
Well I've played this for the first time just now with my wife, and I'm impressed ... at what 7 year olds are supposed to know! Jeez. :D

Anyway, it's cool, it works, and it's a lot of fun for adults thanks to the availability of rounds where speed is pitched against accuracy. Between me and my wife the last round is actually often quite exciting because we last quite long against each other.

All in all I like it a lot. It's basically just Buzz, and it's fun. I haven't yet tried all round types though. I think they made a smart move by making this game so that kids can play it with their parents and their parents can let them win. ;)
As it's targeted at the UK National Curriculum, international appeal is probably quite restricted, short of being a general knowledge quiz.